Commit 71f7c9fc by 肖康


parent 9cd5319d
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<p><b>S</b>emour Electronics Co., LTD, located in Hong Kong, is one of the subsidiaries of Shenzhen ICHUNT Technology Co., LTD. As a global electronic supply chain solution provider, Semour is committed to many EMS/OEM/ODM manufacturer clients with the comprehensive real-time stock goods and supporting services.
<p><b>W</b>ith rich industry experience, Semour Electronics provides customer-oriented one-stop electronic component services, including spot and related financial, warehousing and logistics services. So far, Semour online store has brought more than 1,000 categories of inventory to nearly 1,000 suppliers around the world. The online store allows customers to search for inventory and prices in real time and enjoy the one-on-one service of our professional sales team.
<p><b>S</b> emour Electronics Co., LTD located in Hong Kong. As a global electronic supply chain solution provider, Semour is committed to many EMS/OEM/ODM manufacturer clients with the comprehensive real-time stock goods and supporting services.
<p><b>T</b>hrough Semour Quality Inspection Center, Semour Electronics can prevent counterfeit components from entering your supply chain. Our well-established supply chain system can respond to any customer inquiry and meet the diverse market environment. Semour Electronics' goal is to increase the productivity of electronic trading services and to continuously bring intervention and innovation to the industry.
<b>W</b> ith rich industry experience, Semour Electronics provides customer-oriented one-stop electronic component services, including spot and related financial, warehousing and logistics services. So far, Semour online store has brought more than 1,000 categories of inventory to nearly 1,000 suppliers around the world. The online store allows customers to search for inventory and prices in real time and enjoy the one-on-one service of our professional sales team.
<p><b>T</b>he parent company of Semour Electronics is Shenzhen ICHUNT Technology CO., LTD, which headquarter located in Shenzhen, China. The company currently has more than 430 employees and the business network has covered most of the major cities of China including Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Wuhan, Dalian, Qingdao. These branches can rapidly respond to the various requirements from the customers worldwide. Now ICHUNT has obtained several rounds of financial investment from well-known venture capital, including Matrix Partners China, Welight Capital, Hua Partners, JD. Capital, Haitong Securities.
<b>T</b> hrough Semour Quality Inspection Center, Semour Electronics can prevent counterfeit components from entering your supply chain. Our well-established supply chain system can respond to any customer inquiry and meet the diverse market environment. Semour Electronics' goal is to increase the productivity of electronic trading services and to continuously bring intervention and innovation to the industry.
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