Commit cca9be14 by 肖康


parent 0bf36af7
......@@ -26,6 +26,18 @@ class AboutController extends Controller
return view('about.privacy');
public function term(Request $request)
return view('about.term');
public function termuser(Request $request)
return view('about.termuser');
public function refund(Request $request)
return view('about.refund');
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<p><b>A</b>s a company with rich experience in this industry, Semour Electronics has been recognized by the major organizations, Semour will continue to optimize and improve our professional service teams ,accel-erate digital service capabilities aim to strengthen the whole supply chain globally. Along this target above, Semour will keep offering wide ranges of electronic supply chain solutions for customers world wide.</p>
<div class="floor3">
<div class="fl3con row rowCenter">
<div class="item item1 boxsiz">
<p>D-U-N-S® Number</p>
<div class="column verCenter rowCenter imgbox">
<img src="{{$public}}/assets/images/about/st1.png" class="st" alt="">
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<div class="text"><i class="icon iconfont icon-lansejiantou ijt"></i></div>
<div class="readbox">
<div class="row rowCenter">
<div class="but">LOCATE PARTS ON SEMOUR STORE</div>
<div class="but but-lk">SUBMIT REAL-TIME RFQ </div>
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<div class="refundpage">
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<p>Refund & Return</p>
<div class="floor2">
<div class="jscon boxsiz">
<p class="b">
Please contact our support team for any issues immediately once you receive your parcels includes but is not limited to below reasons:
</p><p class="b">
Not received the parcel normally
Yes, we guarantee a refund or to resend your order if you haven't received the parcel beyond the regular shipping days, except the case which customer takes the responsibility for the unsuccessful delivery such as providing an incorrect shipping address, can not complete the customs clearance due to customer's reason, etc.
</p><p class="b">
Note: If the following issues occurs:
extreme weather, post office delay, customs clearance, local protest, etc. In this case, we are incapable of guaranteeing on-time delivery, but we'll try our best to support you,thanks.
</p><p class="b">
Some items missing from my shipment
First, check that you've received all the boxes associated with your order. Then fully empty each box you received, sometimes small parts get caught in crevices or in packing material. If you still can't find your item, please email customer service right away. Include a description of the missing quantities and pictures of the whole parcel. We'll forward them to our warehouse to check the monitor records and the packing pictures records. Steps:
1. Send email to support team for authorization.
2. We'll check and verify the issues.
3. Offer solutions to customer case by case.
</p><p class="b">
By returning products to Semour , the Customer certifies that the products were purchased from Semour and there has been no substitution in whole or part of the same product from another supplier, distributor or other such sources of the product. The return should be in the original packaging and in unused condition (except defective). ESD or moisture-sensitive products should not be opened except under controlled conditions.
</p><p class="b">
General Rules:
When a customer requests a return due to 'non-original/fake/quality problems', a valid quality report from a third-party authoritative organization recognized by our company is required for the return and exchange.
</p><p class="tc-r">Last update date: 5 September 2022</p>
<div class="readbox">
<div class="row rowCenter">
<div class="but">LOCATE PARTS ON SEMOUR STORE</div>
<div class="but but-lk">SUBMIT REAL-TIME RFQ </div>
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In these terms and conditions and the Special Conditions (as defined below) (collectively referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”), "SEMOUR" or “we” or “us” means Semour Electronics Co. Limited and the "customer" or “you” means any person, firm, company or body which places an order with us. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the website or our mobile app (as the case may be) (collectively “our online store”). By using the site or any part of it, you agree that you have read these terms and conditions and that you accept and agree to be bound by them.
We shall make every effort to ensure that prices, details and sizes of products at our online store are up-to-date. Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders are subject to our acceptance at our sole discretion and stock availability.
We shall make every effort to ensure product(s) displayed at our online store are in stock. If from time to time any products become out of stock, we reserve the right to offer alternative product(s) of similar functionality or refund.
All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and we reserve the right to reject the order in the event that any of the products or services requested are unavailable.
You are required to register as a user before placing any order through our online store. During the registration:
You must provide us with accurate, complete and up to date registration information;
You must safeguard your username and password;
You authorize us to assume that any person using the online store with your username and password is either you or is authorized to act for you;
We have the absolute discretion to refuse registration of a potential customer and to terminate the registration of any customer for any reason whatsoever.
Please inform us via our website/by email/by phone immediately of any changes to the information that you provided so that we can communicate with you effectively.
In the event that your account is not used for a specified period (currently, 3 years), we will, for your own and our protection, deem your account to be no longer in use, and we will deactivate your account and all your accumulated points and/or e-vouchers will be forfeited (where applicable). You will need to reapply for a new account if you wish to make further purchase at our online store.
Privacy protection
We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals with respect to personal data. We therefore make sure that our policies and practices in relation to the collection, use, retention, transfer and access of personal data comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) under the laws of Hong Kong. Please refer to our Privacy Policy Statement.
Basis of supply: we only serve and deliver products to end consumers. We are not selling our products for re-sell purpose. If we have grounds to believe that you are not purchasing our products as an end user, we reserve the right to decline or cancel your order.
Force majeure: We shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform caused by or resulting from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour difficulties, equipment failures, or any other causes beyond our control.
You shall not assign, transfer or otherwise any of your rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions to any other third party without our prior written consent.
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be construed to be illegal or invalid, they shall be removed from these terms and it shall not affect the legality, validity and enforceability of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
These Terms and Conditions embody the entire agreement between the parties and they supersede all previous negotiations, representations and agreement between the parties.
We have the right, at any time, or from time to time, by giving prior notice to you, to modify or vary or supplement all or any of the provisions under these Terms and Conditions.
If any dispute arises, our determination shall be final. Where these Terms and Conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People's Republic of China and the Customer and we agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts. We may revise the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.
<b>Exchange and refund</b>
Under normal circumstances, we would not accept any request for exchange of products or cancellation of orders.
You are requested to examine the goods immediately for any deficiencies and/or damages of their appearance and whether all accessories are included upon delivery or collection (as the case may be). If it is the case, please contact our Customer Service Department.
If we have agreed you are entitled to an exchange but the products to be exchanged are sold out, we will refund your payment.
Original sales receipt or relevant electronic receipt should be produced to us before product exchange is accepted.
We have the right to refuse to exchange a product on the ground of damage to its appearance or missing accessories once the delivery has been signed for. If any applicable gifts with purchase are damaged, we will replace them as soon as possible.
In the event that you find the size of the ordered product does not fit your requirement,
if it is before delivery, Semour may at its discretion change the product model or product brand for you;
if it is after delivery (and the package is unopened), subject to a payment by you of the price difference between the original and replacement products and a handling fee, being 30% of the original product’s purchase price, Semour may at its discretion arrange a change of product model or product brand for you;
if it is after delivery and the package of the product is opened, no replacement arrangements will be made.
Packing (including the recycling label where applicable), accessories, user guide and blank warranty card should be returned together with the product in good condition for exchange or refund.
The product to be returned should not be damaged, scratched, defaced or contain any trace of water damage.
No exchange would be made for product which has been registered online for warranty service or has undergone any repair.
All gift items must be returned together with the returned products. Otherwise the retail value of the gift item would be deducted from the refund.
In exceptional case where agreed with you, we will refund the amount you paid for the order to your relevant payment account which you applied to settle the payment or other means as agreed with you.
<p class="tc-r">Last update date: 5 September 2022</p>
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<p>Terms of Use</p>
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<p class="b btitle">
Part I: Terms regarding the Use of the Website
<p class="b">
Provision of Service & Data
All services offered on the Website ("Services") shall, unless explicitly stated otherwise, be subject to these terms and conditions. You understand and agree that Semour Electronics assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery or failure of the provision of any Services.
You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Services may involve:
a.transmissions over various networks; and
b.changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices.
Semour Electronics shall, accordingly, in no circumstances, be liable for any failure of any Services in whole or in part or for your inability to gain access in whole or in part to such Services due to the delay or failure of any communication networks or any party providing such access.
<p class="b">
You may be asked to fill in one or more than one of our registration or application forms (on-line or otherwise) before certain Services become available to you. In filling in those forms, you undertake to:
a.provide true, accurate, current and complete personally identifiable information about yourself as required;
b.provide true, accurate, current and complete information about any contents posted or offered by you through any Websites ("Other Information"); and
c.maintain and promptly update your personally identifiable information and Other Information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.
If you provide any Other Information or personally identifiable information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or Semour Electronics has reasonable grounds to suspect that such is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, Semour Electronics has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Services (or any portion thereof).
<p class="b">
If you are under the age of eighteen, a minor or not capable of assuming legal responsibility, you should seek advice from your parents or guardians as to the meaning and consequences of these terms and conditions before using any of the Services. You must not provide us with your personally identifiable information unless you have received the consent from your parents or guardians. Semour Electronics presumes that every User of the Websites has the requisite capacity required for any use of any of the Services and, by using any of the Services, you undertake and warrant to us that you have the requisite capacity. Semour Electronics is not obliged to verify the age or capacity or any Users, but in the event it is discovered that any Users lack the requisite capacity, Semour Electronics reserves the rights as may be available against such Users, or the parents or guardians of such Users, including the right to be indemnified by them against all the loss or damage suffered by us as the result of the said lack of capacity or to cancel their registration and terminate their access to the Website.
<p class="b">
Account PIN & Password
You will receive a password and/or Personal Identification Number ("PIN") upon completing our on-line registration form. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the said passwords and PIN, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under those passwords or PIN. You agree to
a.immediately notify Semour Electronics of any unauthorized use of your passwords or PIN or any other breach of security; or
b.ensure that you exit from your passwords or PIN at the end of each visit to the Websites. Semour Electronics cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this clause 9 or your use of any digital or electronic certificates in connection with the Services.
You acknowledge that the said passwords and PIN are confidential and must not be disclosed to any other person(s) under any circumstances. Any words, action or conduct whether intentional or unintentional, by you breaching that confidentiality shall render you liable to Semour Electronics for all losses and damages thereby caused. You shall take all necessary precautions to maintain the confidentiality of the said passwords and PIN. You hereby agree and acknowledge that the use of the Services by any person whatsoever (whether authorized by you or not) with those passwords and PIN shall constitute and be deemed the use of the Services by you. You shall notify Semour Electronics immediately of any actual or possible unauthorized use of those passwords and PIN and shall confirm the same in writing without delay to Semour Electronics. Until Semour Electronics has received such written confirmation you shall have no claim against Semour Electronics and shall be liable to Semour Electronics for all losses and damages incurred by Semour Electronics in respect of any use of the Services whether authorized by you or not.
You acknowledge and agree that the only duty of Semour Electronics is to verify those passwords and PIN and Semour Electronics shall not be liable in respect of:
a.any loss or damage suffered by you or any other person as a result of any failure to effect or execute instructions through various electronic delivery channels or perform any obligation thereunder where such failure is attributable either directly or indirectly to any circumstances or events outside our control: and
b.any other loss or damage whatsoever suffered by you or by any other person as a result of any instructions through various electronic delivery channels given with the correct password and/or PIN.
<p class="b">
Modifications of Services
Semour Electronics reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services (or any part thereof) with or without notice. You agree that Semour Electronics shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Services.
No Resale of Services
You undertake not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Services, use of the Services, or access to the Services.
<p class="b">
Part II: General Terms
<p class="b">
Assignment and Termination
Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, your rights under these terms and conditions are not assignable by you. Semour Electronics reserves the right to deny access to or the use of the Website by any User at any time without prior notice.
<p class="b">
Law and Severability
The Terms shall be construed in accordance with, and this agreement is governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples' Republic of China ("Hong Kong") and each part of these terms and conditions shall apply to the extent permitted thereby. Any part of these terms and conditions which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction is ineffective as to that jurisdiction only to the extent of the prohibition or unenforceability. That does not invalidate the remaining parts of these terms and conditions nor affect the validity or enforceability of that part in any other jurisdiction. Where these terms and conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.
<p class="b">
Should you have any enquiries concerning our Privacy Policy and seek help for services which are provided by Semour Electronics, please feel free to contact our Customer Services;
<p class="tc-r">Last update date: 5 September 2022</p>
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......@@ -28,4 +28,6 @@ Route::get('/about/company', 'AboutController@company')->name('');
Route::get('/about/certification', 'AboutController@certification')->name('about.certification');
Route::get('/about/quality', 'AboutController@quality')->name('about.quality');
Route::get('/about/privacy', 'AboutController@privacy')->name('about.privacy');
Route::get('/about/term', 'AboutController@term')->name('about.term');
Route::get('/about/termuser', 'AboutController@termuser')->name('about.termuser');
Route::get('/about/refund', 'AboutController@refund')->name('about.refund');
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