<?php /* * This file is part of the league/commonmark package. * * (c) Colin O'Dell <colinodell@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace League\CommonMark\Extension\Mention; use League\CommonMark\ConfigurableEnvironmentInterface; use League\CommonMark\Exception\InvalidOptionException; use League\CommonMark\Extension\ExtensionInterface; use League\CommonMark\Extension\Mention\Generator\MentionGeneratorInterface; final class MentionExtension implements ExtensionInterface { public function register(ConfigurableEnvironmentInterface $environment) { $mentions = $environment->getConfig('mentions', []); foreach ($mentions as $name => $mention) { if (\array_key_exists('symbol', $mention)) { @\trigger_error('The "mentions/*/symbol" configuration option is deprecated in league/commonmark 1.6; rename "symbol" to "prefix" for compatibility with 2.0', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $mention['prefix'] = $mention['symbol']; } if (\array_key_exists('pattern', $mention)) { // v2.0 does not allow full regex patterns passed into the configuration if (!self::isAValidPartialRegex($mention['pattern'])) { throw new InvalidOptionException(\sprintf('Option "mentions/%s/pattern" must not include starting/ending delimiters (like "/")', $name)); } $mention['pattern'] = '/' . $mention['pattern'] . '/i'; } elseif (\array_key_exists('regex', $mention)) { @\trigger_error('The "mentions/*/regex" configuration option is deprecated in league/commonmark 1.6; rename "regex" to "pattern" for compatibility with 2.0', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $mention['pattern'] = $mention['regex']; } foreach (['prefix', 'pattern', 'generator'] as $key) { if (empty($mention[$key])) { throw new \RuntimeException("Missing \"$key\" from MentionParser configuration"); } } if ($mention['generator'] instanceof MentionGeneratorInterface) { $environment->addInlineParser(new MentionParser($mention['prefix'], $mention['pattern'], $mention['generator'])); } elseif (is_string($mention['generator'])) { $environment->addInlineParser(MentionParser::createWithStringTemplate($mention['prefix'], $mention['pattern'], $mention['generator'])); } elseif (is_callable($mention['generator'])) { $environment->addInlineParser(MentionParser::createWithCallback($mention['prefix'], $mention['pattern'], $mention['generator'])); } else { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The "generator" provided for the MentionParser configuration must be a string template, callable, or an object that implements %s.', MentionGeneratorInterface::class)); } } } private static function isAValidPartialRegex(string $regex): bool { $regex = '/' . $regex . '/i'; return @\preg_match($regex, '') !== false; } }