Commit aa8b2c8a by 施宇


parent f1af298f
......@@ -69,8 +69,59 @@
<div class="chat_item_content">
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<div class="title clr">
<div class="fr btn btn_border"><span
class="icon iconfont iconjuxing23"></span><i>18664936975</i></div>
<h3 class="bold boxsiz">18664936975</h3>
<div class="notice_list boxsiz">
<div class="notice_item_content">
<div class="notice_item left clr">
<img src="" alt=""
class="fl user_logo">
<div class="notice_content">
<div class="template lineBlock boxsiz">
<img src="" alt="">
<div class="template_right">
<div class="template_right_top clr">
<h3 class="bold fl ">
<div class="price bold fr">¥67.9800</div>
<div class="template_right_bottom">
<div class="desc1 clr">
<div class="brand fl">品牌:<i>Texas
<div class="hq fl">货期:<i>
<div class="desc2 clr">
<div class="num fl">数量:<i class="bold">
<div class="time fl">时间:<i>
2019-05-23 15:57 </i></div>
<div>2019-06-25 14:18:09</div>
<div class="notice_item right clr"><img
src="" alt=""
class="fr user_logo">
<div class="notice_content">
<div>2019-06-25 14:18:15</div>
</div> -->
......@@ -85,413 +136,7 @@
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messageHtml(2, htmlStr) +
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userHtml(0, message.from, regContent) + '</div>';
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messageSigleStr + '</div>'
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message.from + '">' +
userHtml(1, message.from, regContent) + '</div>';
var messageStr = '<div class="chat_item" id="' +
message.from + '">' +
messageSigleStr + '</div>'
// listern,添加回调函数;
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onTextMessage: function (message) {
receiveData(1, message)
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receiveData(3, message)
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url: message.url
options.onFileDownloadComplete = function () {
// 图片下载成功;
receiveData(2, message)
console.log('Image download complete!');
options.onFileDownloadError = function () {
// 图片下载失败
// console.log('Image download failed!');
};, options); // 意义待查;
}, //收到图片消息;
onOnline: function () {
// console.log('onLine');
}, //本机网络连接成功;
onOffline: function () {
// console.log('offline');
}, //本机网络掉线;
onError: function (message) {
// console.log('Error', WebIM.utils.stringify(message));
console.log("Error: " + WebIM.utils.stringify(message));
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user: "18271408717",
pwd: "123456",
appKey: WebIM.config.appkey
try {;
} catch (e) {
// alert('open fail' + e.message)
// 私聊发送文本消息,发送表情同发送文本消息,只是会在对方客户端将表情文本进行解析成图片;
var sendPrivateText = function (content) {
var userId = $('.notice_left ').find('.active').attr('userid')
var id = conn.getUniqueId();
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msg: content, // 消息内容;
to: userId, // 接收消息对象;
roomType: false,
success: function (id, serverMsgId) {
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var contentHeight = $('#' + userId).find('.notice_item_content')
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fail: function () {
console.log("Send private text failed");
// 私聊发送图片消息;
var sendPrivateImg = function () {
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console.log('GetFile Error:', e);
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file: file,
to: '18664936975',
roomType: false,
chatType: 'singleChat',
flashUpload: WebIM.flashUpload,
onFileUploadError: function () {
onFileUploadComplete: function () {},
success: function () {
var htmlStr = '<img src ="' + file.url + '" class="edit_img"/>';
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color: #686E73;
border-top: 1px solid #E6ECF2;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px 0px rgba(230, 236, 242, 0.5);
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
padding-left: 59px;
display: none;
line-height: 40px;
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
margin-top: 46px;
.home_content .my_xj .my_xj_list {
max-height: 420px;
max-height: 415px;
overflow: hidden;
.home_content .my_xj .my_xj_list .my_xj_item .item_top .type {
......@@ -237,4 +237,3 @@
.home_content .new_xj .new_xj_list .new_xj_item:hover {
box-shadow: 0px 5px 10px 0px rgba(216, 223, 230, 0.5);
/*# */
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
margin-top: 46px;
.my_xj_list {
max-height: 420px;
max-height: 415px;
overflow: hidden;
.my_xj_item {
.item_top {
$(function () {
var chatObj = {
conn: {},
init: function () {
defaultUser: function () {
var message = {
from: "18664936975",
data: ''
this.receiveData(1, message);
singleChat: function () {
var type = Util.getRequest('test');
if (type == 1) {
var id = '18589050841';
var message = {
from: "18589050841",
data: ''
this.receiveData(1, message);
$(".notice_classify[userid=" + id + "]").click();
connection: function () {
this.conn = new WebIM.connection({
isMultiLoginSessions: WebIM.config.isMultiLoginSessions,
https: typeof WebIM.config.https === 'boolean' ? WebIM.config.https : location.protocol ===
url: WebIM.config.xmppURL,
isAutoLogin: true,
heartBeatWait: WebIM.config.heartBeatWait,
autoReconnectNumMax: WebIM.config.autoReconnectNumMax,
autoReconnectInterval: WebIM.config.autoReconnectInterval
// 初始化上传组件 fileInputId对应页面上的file组件id
WebIM.flashUpload = UploadShim({
fileInputId: 'image'
}, this.conn).flashUpload;
WebIM.Emoji = {
path: dist + '/faces/',
map: {
'[):]': 'ee_1.png',
'[:D]': 'ee_2.png',
'[;)]': 'ee_3.png',
'[:-o]': 'ee_4.png',
'[:p]': 'ee_5.png',
'[(H)]': 'ee_6.png',
'[:@]': 'ee_7.png',
'[:s]': 'ee_8.png',
'[:$]': 'ee_9.png',
'[:(]': 'ee_10.png',
'[:"(]': 'ee_11.png',
'[:|]': 'ee_12.png',
'[(a)]': 'ee_13.png',
'[8o|]': 'ee_14.png',
'[|]': 'ee_15.png',
'[+o(]': 'ee_16.png',
'[o)]': 'ee_17.png',
'[|-)]': 'ee_18.png',
'[*-)]': 'ee_19.png',
'[:-#]': 'ee_20.png',
'[:-*]': 'ee_21.png',
'[^o)]': 'ee_22.png',
'[8-)]': 'ee_23.png',
'[(|)]': 'ee_24.png',
'[(u)]': 'ee_25.png',
'[(S)]': 'ee_26.png',
'[(*)]': 'ee_27.png',
'[(#)]': 'ee_28.png',
'[(R)]': 'ee_29.png',
'[({)]': 'ee_30.png',
'[(})]': 'ee_31.png',
'[(k)]': 'ee_32.png',
'[(F)]': 'ee_33.png',
'[(W)]': 'ee_34.png',
'[(D)]': 'ee_35.png'
ieFun: function () {
var browser = navigator.appName;
var b_version = navigator.appVersion;
var version = b_version.split(";");
var trim_Version = version[1].replace(/[ ]/g, "");
if (browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" &&
(trim_Version == "MSIE6.0" || trim_Version == "MSIE7.0" || trim_Version == "MSIE8.0" || trim_Version ==
"MSIE9.0")) {
curentTime: function () {
var now = new Date();
var year = now.getFullYear(); //年
var month = now.getMonth() + 1; //月
var day = now.getDate(); //日
var hh = now.getHours(); //时
var mm = now.getMinutes(); //分
var ss = now.getSeconds(); //秒
var clock = year + "-";
if (month < 10)
clock += "0";
clock += month + "-";
if (day < 10)
clock += "0";
clock += day + " ";
if (hh < 10)
clock += "0";
clock += hh + ":";
if (mm < 10) clock += '0';
clock += mm + ":";
if (ss < 10) clock += '0';
clock += ss;
return (clock);
userHtml: function (num, user, message) {
if (num == 0) {
return '<img src="' + dist + '/images/test.jpg" alt="" class="user_logo">' +
'<div class="user_right">' +
'<div class="clr">' +
'<h3 class="boxsiz ellipsis">' + user + '</h3>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="message">' + message + '</div>' +
} else {
return '<img src="' + dist + '/images/test.jpg" alt="" class="user_logo">' +
'<div class="user_right">' +
'<div class="clr">' +
'<span class="num fr">' + num + '</span>' +
'<h3 class="boxsiz ellipsis">' + user + '</h3>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="message">' + message + '</div>' +
messageHtml: function (leftOrRight, html) {
if (leftOrRight == 1) { //右边
if (html) {
return '<div class="notice_item right clr">' +
'<img src="' + dist + '/images/test.jpg" alt="" class="fr user_logo">' +
'<div class="notice_content">' +
'<p>' +
html +
'</p>' +
'<div>' + this.curentTime() + '</div>' +
} else {
return ''
} else { //左边
if (html) {
return '<div class = "notice_item left clr" > ' +
'<img src="' + dist + '/images/test.jpg" alt="" class="fl user_logo">' +
'<div class="notice_content">' +
'<p>' +
html +
'</p>' +
'<div>' + this.curentTime() + '</div>' +
} else {
return ''
receiveData: function (type, message) {
//接收到消息后处理数据 1 文字 2 图片 3 表情
var regContent = "";
var htmlStr = "";
var self = this;
if (type == 1) {
regContent =;
htmlStr =;
} else if (type == 2) {
regContent = '[图片]';
htmlStr = '<img src ="' + message.url + '" class="edit_img"/>';
} else {
var data =;
for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
if (data[i].type == 'emoji') {
regContent += '[表情]';
htmlStr += '<img src ="' + data[i].data + '" width=25 height=25/>';
} else {
regContent += data[i].data;
htmlStr += data[i].data;
var len = $('.notice_classify').length;
var messageSigleStr =
'<div class="title clr">' +
'<div class="fr btn btn_border">' +
'<span class="icon iconfont iconjuxing23"></span>' +
'<i>' + message.from + '</i>' +
'</div>' +
'<h3 class="bold boxsiz">' + message.from + '</h3>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="notice_list boxsiz">' +
'<div class="notice_item_content">' +
self.messageHtml(2, htmlStr) +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
if (!len) {
var userStr = '<div class="notice_classify active" userid="' + message.from + '">' +
self.userHtml(0, message.from, regContent) + '</div>';
var messageStr = '<div class="chat_item active" id="' + message.from + '">' +
messageSigleStr + '</div>'
} else {
$('.notice_classify').each(function (index) {
var userId = $(this).attr('userid');
var isNowChat = $('.notice_classify').eq(index).hasClass('active');
if (userId == message.from) {
if (isNowChat) {
$(this).html(self.userHtml(0, message.from, regContent));
$('#' + userId).find('.notice_item_content').append(self.messageHtml(2,
var contentHeight = $('#' + userId).find('.notice_item_content')
$('#' + userId).find('.notice_list').scrollTop(contentHeight);
} else {
var num = Number($(this).find('.num').text());
$(this).html(self.userHtml(num + 1, message.from, regContent));
$('#' + userId).find('.notice_item_content').append(self.messageHtml(2,
return false;
} else {
if (index == len - 1) {
var userStr = '<div class="notice_classify" userid="' +
message.from + '">' +
self.userHtml(1, message.from, regContent) + '</div>';
var messageStr = '<div class="chat_item" id="' +
message.from + '">' +
messageSigleStr + '</div>'
connListen: function () {
var self = this;
// listern,添加回调函数;
onOpened: function (message) {
onTextMessage: function (message) {
self.receiveData(1, message)
}, //收到文本消息;
onEmojiMessage: function (message) {
self.receiveData(3, message)
}, //收到表情消息;
onPictureMessage: function (message) {
var options = {
url: message.url
options.onFileDownloadComplete = function () {
// 图片下载成功;
self.receiveData(2, message)
options.onFileDownloadError = function () {
// 图片下载失败
// console.log('Image download failed!');
};, options); // 意义待查;
}, //收到图片消息;
onOnline: function () {
// console.log('onLine');
}, //本机网络连接成功;
onOffline: function () {
// console.log('offline');
}, //本机网络掉线;
onError: function (message) {
// console.log('Error', WebIM.utils.stringify(message));
console.log("Error: " + WebIM.utils.stringify(message));
}, //失败回调;
login: function () {
// open,登录;
let self = this;
var options = {
apiUrl: WebIM.config.apiURL,
user: "18271408717",
pwd: "123456",
appKey: WebIM.config.appkey
try {;
} catch (e) {
// alert('open fail' + e.message)
sendPrivateText: function (content) {
var self = this;
// 私聊发送文本消息,发送表情同发送文本消息,只是会在对方客户端将表情文本进行解析成图片;
var userId = $('.notice_left ').find('.active').attr('userid');
var id = this.conn.getUniqueId();
var msg = new WebIM.message('txt', id);
var emojiMessage = WebIM.utils.parseEmoji(content); //表情解析工具
msg: content, // 消息内容;
to: userId, // 接收消息对象;
roomType: false,
success: function (id, serverMsgId) {
$('#' + userId).find('.notice_item_content').append(self.messageHtml(1,
var contentHeight = $('#' + userId).find('.notice_item_content')
$('#' + userId).find('.notice_list').scrollTop(contentHeight);
fail: function () {
console.log("Send private text failed");
sendPrivateImg: function () {
// 私聊发送图片消息;
var self = this;
var id = this.conn.getUniqueId();
var msg = new WebIM.message('img', id);
var input = $('#img_upload')[0]; // 选择图片的input;
var file = WebIM.utils.getFileUrl(input); // 将图片转化为二进制文件;
var userId = $('.notice_left').find('.active').attr('userid');
var option = {
apiUrl: WebIM.config.apiURL,
file: file,
to: '18664936975',
roomType: false,
chatType: 'singleChat',
flashUpload: WebIM.flashUpload,
onFileUploadError: function () {
onFileUploadComplete: function () {},
success: function () {
var htmlStr = '<img src ="' + file.url + '" class="edit_img"/>';
$('#' + userId).find('.notice_item_content').append(self.messageHtml(1,
var contentHeight = $('#' + userId).find('.notice_item_content')
$('#' + userId).find('.notice_list').scrollTop(contentHeight);
bindFunction: function () {
var self = this;
$('#chat_textarea').on('keydown', function (e) {
var et = e || window.event;
var keycode = et.charCode || et.keyCode;
var val = $(this).val();
if ((keycode === 13)) {
if (window.event) {
window.event.returnValue = false;
} else {
if (val) {
$('.pic').on('click', function () {
$('.face').on('click', function (event) {
event.stopPropagation ? event.stopPropagation() : event.cancelBubble = true;
$('.face_ul').on('click', 'li', function () {
var text = $(this).find('img').attr('data-text');
var val = $('#chat_textarea').val();
$('#chat_textarea').val(val + text)
$(document).on('click', function () {
$('#img_upload').on('change', function () {
if ($(this).val()) {
} else {
$('.notice_left').on('click', '.notice_classify', function () {
var id = $(this).attr('userid');
$('#' + id).addClass('active').siblings('.chat_item').removeClass('active');
var contentHeight = $('#' + id).find('.notice_item_content').height();
$('#' + id).find('.notice_list').scrollTop(contentHeight);
$('.notice_right ').on('click', '.edit_img', function () {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -43,12 +43,27 @@
mounted: function (opt) {
var isShow = $('.xbj_li').find('dl').css('display');
if(isShow == 'none'){
return this;
handleBind: function (opt) {
var isShow = $(this).find('dl').css('display');
if(isShow == 'none'){
$ })
return this;
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