Commit 8fc5f833 by 施宇


parent d1bf3152
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<!-- 询报价展示 -->
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<text class="num-bj" wx:if="{{item.count}}">{{item.count}}个报价</text>
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<text class="num-bj" wx:if="{{item.count}}">{{item.count}}个报价</text>
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<text class="address ellipsis">备注:{{item.desc}}</text>
<text class="time">{{item.time}}</text>
......@@ -28,50 +28,49 @@
<!-- 搜索页的商品展示 -->
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<text class="company ellipsis">{{}}</text>
<text class="time">{{item.time}}</text>
<view class="item-middle row verCenter bothSide item-middle2">
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<text class="price">¥{{item.price}}</text>
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<!-- 搜索页面询价展示 -->
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<!-- 搜索页面询价展示 -->
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<text class="mark xun" wx:if="{{xb==1}}">询价</text>
<text class="mark bao" wx:else>报价</text>
<text class="company ellipsis">{{}}</text>
<text class="time">{{item.time}}</text>
<text class="time">{{item.time}}</text>
<view class="item-middle row verCenter bothSide item-middle2">
<text class="name ellipsis">{{}}</text>
<block wx:if="{{item.count}}">
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<text class="no-bj">等待报价</text>
<view class="item-middle row verCenter bothSide item-middle2 nowrap">
<text class="name ellipsis">{{}}</text>
<block wx:if="{{xb==1}}">
<text class="num-bj" wx:if="{{item.count}}">{{item.count}}个报价</text>
<text class="no-bj" wx:else>等待报价</text>
<text class="price" wx:else>¥{{item.price}}</text>
<view class="item-middle row verCenter">
<view class="item-middle row verCenter nowrap">
<text class="brand ellipsis"><text>品牌:</text>{{item.brand}}</text>
<text class="num"><text>数量:</text>{{item.num}}PCS</text>
<view class="item-footer row">
<view class="item-footer row nowrap">
<text class="address ellipsis">备注:{{item.desc}}</text>
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
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......@@ -20,15 +19,6 @@
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// pages/detail/xj/index.js
let arr = [
name: "STM32F407ZGT6",
price: "100.012",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
time: "05-10 10:15",
company: "朗新科技股份有限公司"
name: "STM32F407ZGT6",
price: "100.012",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
time: "05-10 10:15",
company: "深圳邦马特科技有限公司"
* 页面的初始数据
data: {
priceList: undefined,
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad: function (options) {
let seft = this;
title: '加载中',
setTimeout(() => {
seft.setData({ priceList: arr })
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"priceItem": "/components/priceItem/priceItem"
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<view class="xj-detail-view">
<view class="t-desc">
<view class="top row bothSide verCenter">
<view class="company row verCenter">
<text class="bao">报价</text>
<text class="name bold">深圳市德卡科技股份有限公司深圳</text>
<text class="icon iconfont iconiconxiantiaoshouji6"></text>
<view class="bottom row">
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<text class="icon iconfont iconiconxiantiaoshouji11"></text>
<view class="bj-desc">
<view class="title row bothSide verCenter nowrap px-hr-bottom">
<text class="name bold ellipsis">STM32F407ZGT6STM32</text>
<text class="price bold">¥100.0120</text>
<view class="desc">
<view class="brand row">
<text class="t-com">品牌:</text>
<text class="c-com">Texas Instruments</text>
<view class="fz row">
<text class="t-com">封装:</text>
<text class="c-com">LQFP-64</text>
<view class="num row">
<text class="t-com">数量:</text>
<text class="c-com bold">100,000 PCS</text>
<view class="hq row">
<text class="t-com">货期:</text>
<text class="c-com">现货</text>
<view class="bz row">
<text class="t-com">备注:</text>
<text class="c-com">有货的请尽快回复,比较急着要货</text>
<view class="bjsj row">
<text class="t-com">报价时间:</text>
<text class="c-com">2019-05-10 10:15</text>
<view class="zxgt btn-com btn-com-y">
<text class="icon iconfont iconiconxiantiaoshouji11"></text>
<text class="gt-t">在线沟通</text>
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
// pages/list/bj/index.js
let arr = [
name: "STM32F407ZGT6",
price: "100.012",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
time: "05-10 10:15",
company: "朗新科技股份有限公司"
name: "STM32F407ZGT6",
price: "100.012",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
time: "05-10 10:15",
company: "深圳邦马特科技有限公司"
* 页面的初始数据
data: {
priceList: undefined,
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad: function (options) {
let seft = this;
title: '加载中',
setTimeout(() => {
seft.setData({ priceList: arr })
}, 2000)
* 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
onReady: function () {
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow: function () {
* 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
onHide: function () {
* 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
onUnload: function () {
* 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
onPullDownRefresh: function () {
* 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
onReachBottom: function () {
* 用户点击右上角分享
onShareAppMessage: function () {
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\ No newline at end of file
<view class="bj-view">
<view class="bj-title row bothSide verCenter">
<view class="company row verCenter">
<text class="xun">询价</text>
<text class="name bold">中麒(北京)科技有限公司</text>
<text class="icon iconfont iconiconxiantiaoshouji6"></text>
<view class="xb-com-content">
<view class="title row bothSide verCenter nowrap px-hr-bottom">
<text class="name bold ellipsis">STM32F407ZGT6STM32F407ZGT6STM32F407ZGT6</text>
<text class="time ">05-10 10:15</text>
<view class="desc row">
<view class="left">
<view class="brand row">
<text class="t-com">品牌:</text>
<text class="c-com">Texas Instruments</text>
<view class="fz row">
<text class="t-com">封装:</text>
<text class="c-com">LQFP-64</text>
<view class="hq row">
<text class="t-com">货期:</text>
<text class="c-com">现货</text>
<view class="num row">
<text class="t-com">数量:</text>
<text class="c-com bold">100,000 PCS</text>
<view class="price row">
<text class="t-com">接受价:</text>
<text class="c-com">无</text>
<view class="bz row">
<text class="t-com">备注:</text>
<text class="c-com">有货的请尽快回复,比较急着要货</text>
<cover-image class="right" src="/res/images/imgs/iclogo.png"></cover-image>
<view class="bj-data">
<view class="xb-com-t row bothSide verCenter px-hr-bottom ">
<text class="mybj bold beforeLine">我的报价</text>
<view class="sdbj">
已收到 <text class="num">5</text> 条报价
<view class="bj-list">
<view wx:if="{{priceList&&priceList.length==0}}" class="nodata">
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// pages/list/xj/index.js
let arr = [
name: "STM32F407ZGT6",
price: "100.012",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
time: "05-10 10:15",
company: "朗新科技股份有限公司"
name: "STM32F407ZGT6",
price: "100.012",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
time: "05-10 10:15",
company: "深圳邦马特科技有限公司"
* 页面的初始数据
data: {
priceList: undefined,
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad: function (options) {
let seft = this;
title: '加载中',
setTimeout(() => {
seft.setData({ priceList: arr })
}, 2000)
* 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
onReady: function () {
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow: function () {
* 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
onHide: function () {
* 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
onUnload: function () {
* 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
onPullDownRefresh: function () {
* 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
onReachBottom: function () {
* 用户点击右上角分享
onShareAppMessage: function () {
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"priceItem": "/components/priceItem/priceItem"
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<view class="xj-view">
<view class="xj-title"></view>
<view class="xb-com-content">
<view class="title row bothSide verCenter nowrap px-hr-bottom">
<text class="name bold ellipsis">STM32F407ZGT6STM32F407ZGT6STM32F407ZGT6</text>
<text class="time ">05-10 10:15</text>
<view class="desc row">
<view class="left">
<view class="brand row">
<text class="t-com">品牌:</text>
<text class="c-com">Texas Instruments</text>
<view class="fz row">
<text class="t-com">封装:</text>
<text class="c-com">LQFP-64</text>
<view class="hq row">
<text class="t-com">货期:</text>
<text class="c-com">现货</text>
<view class="num row">
<text class="t-com">数量:</text>
<text class="c-com bold">100,000 PCS</text>
<view class="price row">
<text class="t-com">接受价:</text>
<text class="c-com">无</text>
<view class="bz row">
<text class="t-com">备注:</text>
<text class="c-com">有货的请尽快回复,比较急着要货</text>
<cover-image class="right" src="/res/images/imgs/iclogo.png"></cover-image>
<view class="bj-data">
<view class="xb-com-t row bothSide verCenter px-hr-bottom ">
<text class="num bold beforeLine">收到的报价 <text>2</text></text>
<view class="jgpx">
<text class="icon iconfont iconiconxiantiaoshouji10"></text>
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<text class="title">热门搜索</text>
<text class="title beforeLine">热门搜索</text>
<view class="rm_ls_content row">
<view class="search-item">LM358</view>
<view class="search-item">TJA1027</view>
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
<view class="ls_search">
<view class="title_view row bothSide verCenter">
<text class="title">搜索历史</text>
<icon class="icon iconfont iconiconxiantiaoshouji7"></icon>
<text class="title beforeLine">搜索历史</text>
<text class="icon iconfont iconiconxiantiaoshouji7"></text>
<view class="rm_ls_content row">
<view class="search-item">LM358</view>
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
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......@@ -33,15 +33,7 @@
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......@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ let arr = [
let arr1 = [{
company: "深圳邦马特科技有限公司",
company: "深圳邦马特科技有限公司深圳邦马特科技有限公司深圳邦马特科技有限公司",
time: "05-10 10:15",
name: "STM32F407ZGT6",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexasInstrumentsTexasInstrumentsTexasInstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,00000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
}, {
company: "深圳邦马特科技有限公司",
time: "05-10 10:15",
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<view class="searchresult-tab row">
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
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let arr = [
type: 2,
name: "STM32F407ZGT6",
name: "STM32F407ZGT6STM32F407ZGT6",
price: "100.012",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexas",
brand: "Texas InstrumentsTexasInstrumentsTexas",
num: "100,000",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
desc: "深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货深圳地区原装现货",
time: "05-10 10:15"
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