Commit a9ad56b3 by Joneq


parent 36582d6c
Showing with 8 additions and 3 deletions
......@@ -50,14 +50,16 @@ func main() {
flag.StringVar(&runtype, "runtype", "one", "default config path")
go insertRecord()
svc := service.New()
c := context.Background()
if runtype == "one" {
svc := service.New()
c := context.Background()
companyData,_ = svc.GetCompanyCresitsList(c)
for _,v :=range companyData{
c := context.Background()
insertScoreMsg.ComCreditsId = stringTurnInt64(v["id"])
......@@ -80,16 +82,19 @@ func main() {
func setSumScore() {
com_credits.Id = insertScoreMsg.ComCreditsId
com_credits.StaticCreditScore = CompanyInfo() + AddScore() + HistoryBussiness() + EnterPriseCredit() + PersonalCredit()
c := context.Background()
connect := dao.New()
func insertRecord() {
ctx := context.Background()
for insertScoreMsgRecord := range socreRecordChan{
connect := dao.New()
ctx := context.Background()
//CurrentScore64 := float64(insertScoreMsgRecord.CurrentScore)
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