Commit 0aa203fe by 肖康

parent 2d39b246
@import url("family_Open_Sans_300_400_600_700.css");
@import url("family_Roboto_400_300_500_700.css");
* Bootstrap Colorpicker - Simple and customizable colorpicker component for Twitter Bootstrap.
* @package bootstrap-colorpicker
* @version v3.0.0-wip
* @license MIT
* @link
* @link
.colorpicker-saturation {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-image: url("");
cursor: crosshair;
float: left; }
.colorpicker-saturation .colorpicker-guide {
display: block;
height: 5px;
width: 5px;
border: 1px solid #000;
border-radius: 5px;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
margin: -4px 0 0 -4px; }
.colorpicker-saturation .colorpicker-guide i {
display: block;
height: 5px;
width: 5px;
border: 1px solid #fff;
border-radius: 5px; }
.colorpicker-alpha {
width: 15px;
height: 100px;
float: left;
cursor: row-resize;
margin-left: 4px;
margin-bottom: 4px; }
.colorpicker-hue .colorpicker-guide,
.colorpicker-alpha .colorpicker-guide {
display: block;
height: 1px;
background: #000;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
margin-top: -1px; }
.colorpicker-hue {
background-image: url(""); }
.colorpicker-alpha {
background-image: url("");
display: none; }
.colorpicker-alpha {
background-size: contain; }
.colorpicker {
padding: 4px;
min-width: 130px;
margin-top: 1px;
border-radius: 4px;
z-index: 2500; }
.colorpicker:after {
display: table;
content: "";
line-height: 0; }
.colorpicker:after {
clear: both; }
.colorpicker:before {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
border-left: 7px solid transparent;
border-right: 7px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 7px solid #ccc;
border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
position: absolute;
top: -7px;
left: 6px; }
.colorpicker:after {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
border-left: 6px solid transparent;
border-right: 6px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 6px solid #ffffff;
position: absolute;
top: -6px;
left: 7px; }
.colorpicker div {
position: relative; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-with-alpha {
min-width: 140px; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-with-alpha .colorpicker-alpha {
display: block; }
.colorpicker-color {
height: 15px;
margin-top: 5px;
clear: both;
text-align: center;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: normal; }
.colorpicker-bar-horizontal {
width: 100px;
height: 15px;
float: left;
margin-left: 0px;
margin-bottom: 4px; }
.colorpicker-color {
background-image: url("");
background-position: 0 100%; }
.colorpicker-color div {
height: 100%; }
.colorpicker-palette {
display: none;
height: 10px;
margin-top: 5px;
clear: both; }
.colorpicker-palette .colorpicker-palette-color {
cursor: pointer;
float: left;
height: 10px;
width: 10px; }
.colorpicker-palette .colorpicker-palette-color + .colorpicker-palette-color {
margin-left: 3px; }
.colorpicker-element .input-group-addon i,
.colorpicker-element .add-on i {
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
height: 16px;
vertical-align: text-top;
width: 16px; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-inline {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
float: none;
z-index: auto; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal {
width: 110px;
min-width: 110px;
height: auto; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal .colorpicker-saturation {
margin-bottom: 4px; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal .colorpicker-color {
width: 100px; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal .colorpicker-hue,
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal .colorpicker-alpha {
width: 100px;
height: 15px;
float: left;
cursor: col-resize;
margin-left: 0px;
margin-bottom: 4px; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal .colorpicker-hue .colorpicker-guide,
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal .colorpicker-alpha .colorpicker-guide {
display: block;
height: 15px;
background: #ffffff;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 1px;
border: none;
margin-top: 0px; }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal .colorpicker-hue {
background-image: url(""); }
.colorpicker.colorpicker-horizontal .colorpicker-alpha {
background-image: url(""); }
.colorpicker-right:before {
left: auto;
right: 6px; }
.colorpicker-right:after {
left: auto;
right: 7px; }
.colorpicker-no-arrow:before {
border-right: 0;
border-left: 0; }
.colorpicker-no-arrow:after {
border-right: 0;
border-left: 0; }
.colorpicker-palette.colorpicker-visible {
display: block; }
.colorpicker-palette.colorpicker-hidden {
display: none; }
.colorpicker-inline.colorpicker-visible {
display: inline-block; }
/*# */
......@@ -8311,7 +8545,7 @@ {
.tag-content {
width: 1100px
width: 1000px;
.tag-content input,
......@@ -8377,6 +8611,14 @@ {
border-top: 1px solid #333;
margin-top: 25px
.tag-content .tag-tools .items.line::after{
content:" ";
float: right;
margin-top: -20px;
.tag-content .tag-tools .items.erweima {
width: 45px;
......@@ -8425,7 +8667,7 @@ {
.tag-edit h3{padding:20px 0}
.tag-content .tag-edit .edit-seclect .seclect-group {
margin-right: 50px
margin-right: 15px
.tag-content .tag-edit .fztip {
......@@ -8437,8 +8679,9 @@ {
.edit-box {
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 15px 20px;
margin-top: 20px
padding: 30px;
margin-top: 20px;
box-sizing: initial;
.edit-con {
......@@ -8507,6 +8750,26 @@ {
box-sizing: border-box;
cursor: pointer
content:" ";
float: right;
width:calc( 100% + 30px );
height:calc( 100% + 30px );
border:1px dashed rgba(0,0,0,0);
margin-top: -15px;
margin-right: -15px;
/* .huabuitem.act::after{
content:" ";
float: right;
width:calc( 100% + 10px );
height:calc( 100% + 10px );
border:1px dashed red;
margin-top: -5px;
margin-right: -5px;
} */
.zctem {
display: none
......@@ -8535,7 +8798,7 @@ textarea.act{
.lineit {
border-top: 1px solid #333
border-top: 1px solid #333;
.more-data-gl {
......@@ -8547,3 +8810,5 @@ textarea.act{
transform-origin: left top
.sjglbox input.zdynr{width:180px;}
.sjglgroup{margin-top: 10px;}
* Bootstrap Colorpicker - Simple and customizable colorpicker component for Twitter Bootstrap.
* @package bootstrap-colorpicker
* @version v3.0.0-wip
* @license MIT
* @link
* @link
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory(require("jQuery"));
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define("bootstrap-colorpicker", ["jQuery"], factory);
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports["bootstrap-colorpicker"] = factory(require("jQuery"));
root["bootstrap-colorpicker"] = factory(root["jQuery"]);
})(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_0__) {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_0__;
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _Colorpicker = __webpack_require__(2);
var _Colorpicker2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Colorpicker);
var _jquery = __webpack_require__(0);
var _jquery2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jquery);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var plugin = 'colorpicker';
_jquery2.default[plugin] = _Colorpicker2.default;
_jquery2.default.fn[plugin] = function (option) {
var apiArgs =, 1),
isSingleElement = this.length === 1,
returnValue = null;
var $jq = this.each(function () {
var $this = (0, _jquery2.default)(this),
inst = $,
options = (typeof option === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(option)) === 'object' ? option : {};
if (!inst) {
inst = new _Colorpicker2.default(this, options);
$, inst);
if (typeof option === 'string') {
if (_jquery2.default.isFunction(inst[option])) {
returnValue = inst[option].apply(inst, apiArgs);
} else {
// its a property ?
if (apiArgs.length) {
// set property
inst[option] = apiArgs[0];
returnValue = inst[option];
} else {
returnValue = $this;
return isSingleElement ? returnValue : $jq;
_jquery2.default.fn[plugin].constructor = _Colorpicker2.default;
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* @module
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _Color = __webpack_require__(3);
var _Color2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Color);
var _defaults = __webpack_require__(5);
var _defaults2 = _interopRequireDefault(_defaults);
var _jquery = __webpack_require__(0);
var _jquery2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jquery);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
* Colorpicker widget class
var Colorpicker = function () {
_createClass(Colorpicker, [{
key: 'color',
* color getter
* @type {Color|null}
get: function get() {
* color setter
* @ignore
* @param {Color|null} value
set: function set(value) {'color', value);
* @fires create
* @param {Object|String} element
* @param {Object} options
* @constructor
}], [{
key: 'Color',
* Color class
* @static
* @type {Color}
get: function get() {
return _Color2.default;
function Colorpicker(element, options) {
_classCallCheck(this, Colorpicker);
* @type {*|jQuery}
this.element = (0, _jquery2.default)(element).addClass('colorpicker-element');
* @type {defaults}
this.options = _jquery2.default.extend(true, {}, _defaults2.default,, options);
* @type {*|jQuery}
this.component = this.options.component;
this.component = this.component !== false ? this.element.find(this.component) : false;
if (this.component && this.component.length === 0) {
this.component = false;
* @type {*|jQuery}
this.container = this.options.container === true ? this.element : this.options.container;
this.container = this.container !== false ? (0, _jquery2.default)(this.container) : false;
* @type {*|String}
* @private
this.currentSlider = null;
* @type {{left: number, top: number}}
* @private
this.mousePointer = {
left: 0,
top: 0
// Is the element an input? Should we search inside for any input?
* @type {*|jQuery}
this.input ='input') ? this.element : this.options.input ? this.element.find(this.options.input) : false;
if (this.input && this.input.length === 0) {
this.input = false;
this.color = this.createColor(this.options.color !== false ? this.options.color : this.getValue());
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.disabled = false;
// Setup picker
var $picker = this.picker = (0, _jquery2.default)(this.options.template);
if (this.options.customClass) {
if (this.options.inline) {
$picker.addClass('colorpicker-inline colorpicker-visible');
} else {
if (this.options.horizontal) {
if ((this.options.useAlpha || this.hasColor() && this.color.hasTransparency()) && this.options.useAlpha !== false) {
this.options.useAlpha = true;
if (this.options.align === 'right') {
if (this.options.inline === true) {
if (this.options.colorPalette) {
var colorpicker = this,
paletteContainer = colorpicker.picker.find('.colorpicker-palette'),
isAliased = this.options.useColorPaletteNames === true;
if (paletteContainer.length > 0) {
_jquery2.default.each(this.options.colorPalette, function (name, value) {
var $btn = (0, _jquery2.default)('<i />').addClass('colorpicker-palette-color').css('background-color', value).attr('data-name', name).attr('data-value', value).attr('title', name + ': ' + value);
$btn.on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', function (event) {
colorpicker.setValue(isAliased ? (0, _jquery2.default)(this).data('name') : (0, _jquery2.default)(this).data('value'));
// Prevent closing the colorpicker when clicking on itself
$picker.on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', _jquery2.default.proxy(function (e) {
if ( === e.currentTarget) {
}, this));
// Bind click/tap events on the sliders
$picker.find('.colorpicker-saturation, .colorpicker-hue, .colorpicker-alpha').on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mousedown, this));
$picker.appendTo(this.container ? this.container : (0, _jquery2.default)('body'));
// Bind other events
if (this.input !== false) {
'keyup.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.keyup, this)
'change.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.change, this)
if (this.component === false) {
'focus.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this)
if (this.options.inline === false) {
'focusout.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.hide, this)
if (this.component !== false) {
'click.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this)
if (this.input === false && this.component === false) {
'click.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this)
// for HTML5 input[type='color']
if (this.input !== false && this.component !== false && this.input.attr('type') === 'color') {
'click.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this),
'focus.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this)
this.update(this.options.color !== false);
(0, _jquery2.default)(_jquery2.default.proxy(function () {
* (Colorpicker) When the Colorpicker instance has been created and the DOM is ready.
* @event create
type: 'create',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
}, this));
* Destroys the current instance
* @fires destroy
_createClass(Colorpicker, [{
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
this.element.removeData('colorpicker', 'color').off('.colorpicker');
if (this.input !== false) {'.colorpicker');
if (this.component !== false) {'.colorpicker');
* (Colorpicker) When the instance is destroyed with all events unbound.
* @event destroy
type: 'destroy',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
* Returns true if the current color object is an instance of Color, false otherwise.
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasColor',
value: function hasColor() {
return this.color instanceof _Color2.default;
}, {
key: 'getColorString',
* Formatted color string, translated to the palette alias if available and with the other formatting options applied
* (e.g. useHashPrefix)
* @returns {String}
value: function getColorString() {
var str = this.color.toString(this.format);
if (this.options.useHashPrefix === false) {
str = str.replace(/^#/g, '');
return this.getPaletteColorName(str, this.getPaletteColorName('#' + str, str));
* Formatted color string, suitable for CSS
* @returns {String}
}, {
key: 'getCssColorString',
value: function getCssColorString() {
return this.color.toString(this.format);
* If the widget is not inside a container or inline, rearranges its position relative to its element offset.
* @returns {boolean} Returns false if the widget is inside a container or inline, true otherwise
}, {
key: 'reposition',
value: function reposition() {
if (this.options.inline !== false || this.options.container) {
return false;
var type = this.container && this.container[0] !== window.document.body ? 'position' : 'offset';
var element = this.component || this.element;
var offset = element[type]();
if (this.options.align === 'right') {
offset.left -= this.picker.outerWidth() - element.outerWidth();
top: + element.outerHeight(),
left: offset.left
return true;
* Shows the colorpicker widget if hidden.
* If the input is disabled this call will be ignored.
* @fires showPicker
* @param {Event} [e]
}, {
key: 'show',
value: function show(e) {
if (this.isDisabled()) {
// Don't show the widget if it's disabled (the input)
(0, _jquery2.default)(window).on('resize.colorpicker', _jquery2.default.proxy(this.reposition, this));
if (e && (!this.hasInput() || this.input.attr('type') === 'color')) {
if (e.stopPropagation && e.preventDefault) {
if ((this.component || !this.input) && this.options.inline === false) {
(0, _jquery2.default)(window.document).on({
'mousedown.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.hide, this)
* (Colorpicker) When show() is called and the widget can be shown.
* @event showPicker
type: 'showPicker',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
* Hides the colorpicker widget.
* Hide is prevented when it is triggered by an event whose target element has been clicked/touched.
* @fires hidePicker
* @param {Event} [e]
* @returns {boolean} True if hidden, false if prevented.
}, {
key: 'hide',
value: function hide(e) {
if (typeof e !== 'undefined' && {
// Prevent hide if triggered by an event and an element inside the colorpicker has been clicked/touched
if ((0, _jquery2.default)(e.currentTarget).parents('.colorpicker').length > 0 || (0, _jquery2.default)('.colorpicker').length > 0) {
return false;
(0, _jquery2.default)(window).off('resize.colorpicker', this.reposition);
(0, _jquery2.default)(window.document).off({
'mousedown.colorpicker': this.hide
* (Colorpicker) When hide() is called and the widget can be hidden.
* @event hidePicker
type: 'hidePicker',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
return true;
* If the input element is present, it updates the value with the current color object color string.
* If value is set, this method fires a "change" event on the input element.
* @fires change
}, {
key: 'updateInput',
value: function updateInput() {
if (this.input !== false) {
var val = this.getColorString();
this.input.prop('value', val);
* (Input) Triggered on the input element when a new color is selected.
* @event change
type: 'change',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color,
value: val
* Changes the color adjustment bars using the current color object information.
}, {
key: 'updatePicker',
value: function updatePicker() {
if (!this.hasColor()) {
var vertical = this.options.horizontal === false,
sl = vertical ? this.options.sliders : this.options.slidersHorz;
var saturationGuide = this.picker.find('.colorpicker-saturation .colorpicker-guide'),
hueGuide = this.picker.find('.colorpicker-hue .colorpicker-guide'),
alphaGuide = this.picker.find('.colorpicker-alpha .colorpicker-guide');
var hsva = this.color.hsvaRatio;
if (hueGuide.length) {
hueGuide.css(vertical ? 'top' : 'left', (vertical ? sl.hue.maxTop : sl.hue.maxLeft) * (1 - hsva.h));
if (alphaGuide.length) {
alphaGuide.css(vertical ? 'top' : 'left', (vertical ? sl.alpha.maxTop : sl.alpha.maxLeft) * (1 - hsva.a));
if (saturationGuide.length) {
'top': sl.saturation.maxTop - hsva.v * sl.saturation.maxTop,
'left': hsva.s * sl.saturation.maxLeft
this.picker.find('.colorpicker-saturation').css('backgroundColor', this.color.getHueOnlyCopy().toHexString()); // we only need hue
this.picker.find('.colorpicker-alpha').css('backgroundColor', this.color.toString('hex6')); // we don't need alpha
this.picker.find('.colorpicker-color, .colorpicker-color div').css('backgroundColor', this.color.toRgbString()); // we need all the channels
* If the component element is present, its background color is updated
}, {
key: 'updateComponent',
value: function updateComponent() {
if (!this.hasColor()) {
if (this.component !== false) {
var icn = this.component.find('i').eq(0);
if (icn.length > 0) {
'backgroundColor': this.getCssColorString()
} else {
'backgroundColor': this.getCssColorString()
* Updated the component color, the input value and the widget if a color is present.
* If force is true, it is updated anyway.
* @param {boolean} force
}, {
key: 'update',
value: function update(force) {
if (this.hasColor() && (this.getValue(false) !== false || force === true)) {
// Update only if the current value (from input or data) is not empty
* Returns the color string from the input value or the 'data-color' attribute of the input or element.
* If empty, it returns the defaultValue parameter.
* @param {String|*} [defaultValue]
* @returns {String|*}
}, {
key: 'getValue',
value: function getValue() {
var defaultValue = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;
defaultValue = typeof defaultValue === 'undefined' ? this.options.fallbackColor : defaultValue;
var candidates = [],
val = false;
if (this.hasInput()) {
candidates.push('color')); (item) {
if (item && val === false) {
val = item;
val = val === false ? defaultValue : val;
if (val instanceof _Color2.default) {
return val.toString(this.format);
return val;
* Sets the color manually
* @fires changeColor
* @param {String|Color} val
}, {
key: 'setValue',
value: function setValue(val) {
this.color = this.createColor(val);
* (Colorpicker) When the color is set programmatically with setValue().
* @event changeColor
type: 'changeColor',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color,
value: val
* Creates a new color using the widget instance options (fallbackColor, format).
* @param {*} val
* @returns {Color}
}, {
key: 'createColor',
value: function createColor(val) {
val = val ? val : null;
var fallback = this.options.fallbackColor ? this.options.fallbackColor : this.hasColor() ? this.color.hsva : null;
val = this.getPaletteColor(val, val);
fallback = this.getPaletteColor(fallback, fallback);
var color = new _Color2.default(val, { fallbackColor: fallback, format: this.format });
if (color.hasTransparency() && !this.options.useAlpha) {
// alpha is disabled
return color.getOpaqueCopy();
return color;
* Given a colorName (alias), returns the corresponding color code or defaultValue.
* @param {String} colorName
* @param {*} defaultValue
* @returns {*}
}, {
key: 'getPaletteColor',
value: function getPaletteColor(colorName) {
var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
if (!(typeof colorName === 'string') || !this.options.colorPalette) {
return defaultValue;
if (this.options.colorPalette.hasOwnProperty(colorName)) {
return this.options.colorPalette[colorName];
return defaultValue;
* Given a colorValue, returns the corresponding color name (alias) or defaultValue.
* @param {String} colorValue
* @param {*} defaultValue
* @returns {*}
}, {
key: 'getPaletteColorName',
value: function getPaletteColorName(colorValue) {
var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
if (!(typeof colorValue === 'string') || !this.options.colorPalette) {
return defaultValue;
for (var colorName in this.options.colorPalette) {
if (!this.options.colorPalette.hasOwnProperty(colorName)) {
if (this.options.colorPalette[colorName].toLowerCase() === colorValue.toLowerCase()) {
return colorName;
return defaultValue;
* Returns true if the widget has an associated input element, false otherwise
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasInput',
value: function hasInput() {
return this.input !== false;
* Returns true if this instance is disabled
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'isDisabled',
value: function isDisabled() {
return this.disabled === true;
* Disables the widget and the input if any
* @fires disable
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'disable',
value: function disable() {
if (this.hasInput()) {
this.input.prop('disabled', true);
this.disabled = true;
* (Colorpicker) When the widget has been disabled.
* @event disable
type: 'disable',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
return true;
* Enables the widget and the input if any
* @fires enable
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'enable',
value: function enable() {
if (this.hasInput()) {
this.input.prop('disabled', false);
this.disabled = false;
* (Colorpicker) When the widget has been enabled.
* @event enable
type: 'enable',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
return true;
* Function triggered when clicking in one of the color adjustment bars
* @fires mousemove
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'mousedown',
value: function mousedown(e) {
if (!e.pageX && !e.pageY && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches) {
e.pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
e.pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
var target = (0, _jquery2.default)(;
// detect the slider and set the limits and callbacks
var zone = target.closest('div');
var sl = this.options.horizontal ? this.options.slidersHorz : this.options.sliders;
if (!'.colorpicker')) {
if ('.colorpicker-saturation')) {
this.currentSlider = _jquery2.default.extend({}, sl.saturation);
} else if ('.colorpicker-hue')) {
this.currentSlider = _jquery2.default.extend({}, sl.hue);
} else if ('.colorpicker-alpha')) {
this.currentSlider = _jquery2.default.extend({}, sl.alpha);
} else {
return false;
var offset = zone.offset();
// reference to guide's style = zone.find('.colorpicker-guide')[0].style;
this.currentSlider.left = e.pageX - offset.left; = e.pageY -;
this.mousePointer = {
left: e.pageX,
top: e.pageY
* (window.document) Triggered on mousedown for the document object,
* so the color adjustment guide is moved to the clicked position.
* @event mousemove
(0, _jquery2.default)(window.document).on({
'mousemove.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mousemove, this),
'touchmove.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mousemove, this),
'mouseup.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mouseup, this),
'touchend.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mouseup, this)
return false;
* Function triggered when dragging a guide inside one of the color adjustment bars.
* @fires changeColor
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'mousemove',
value: function mousemove(e) {
if (!this.hasColor()) {
return null;
if (!e.pageX && !e.pageY && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches) {
e.pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
e.pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
var left = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.currentSlider.maxLeft, this.currentSlider.left + ((e.pageX || this.mousePointer.left) - this.mousePointer.left)));
var top = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.currentSlider.maxTop, + ((e.pageY || -; = left + 'px'; = top + 'px';
if (this.currentSlider.callLeft) {
this.color[this.currentSlider.callLeft].call(this.color, left / this.currentSlider.maxLeft);
if (this.currentSlider.callTop) {
this.color[this.currentSlider.callTop].call(this.color, top / this.currentSlider.maxTop);
* (Colorpicker) When the color guides have been dragged.
* @event changeColor
type: 'changeColor',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color,
value: this.getColorString()
return false;
* Function triggered when releasing the click in one of the color adjustment bars.
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'mouseup',
value: function mouseup(e) {
(0, _jquery2.default)(window.document).off({
'mousemove.colorpicker': this.mousemove,
'touchmove.colorpicker': this.mousemove,
'mouseup.colorpicker': this.mouseup,
'touchend.colorpicker': this.mouseup
return false;
* Function triggered when the input has changed, so the colorpicker gets updated.
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'change',
value: function change(e) {
* Function triggered after a keyboard key has been released.
* @fires changeColor
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'keyup',
value: function keyup(e) {
this.color = this.createColor(this.input.val());
if (this.getValue(false) !== false) {
* (Colorpicker) When a keyboard key has been released.
* @event changeColor
type: 'changeColor',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color,
value: this.input.val()
}, {
key: 'format',
get: function get() {
if (this.options.format) {
return this.options.format;
if (this.hasColor() && this.color.hasTransparency() && this.color.format.match(/^hex/)) {
return this.options.enableHex8 ? 'hex8' : 'rgba';
return null;
return Colorpicker;
exports.default = Colorpicker;
/***/ }),
/* 3 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* @module
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _get = function get(object, property, receiver) { if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) { var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; } else { return get(parent, property, receiver); } } else if ("value" in desc) { return desc.value; } else { var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return; } };
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _tinycolor2 = __webpack_require__(4);
var _tinycolor3 = _interopRequireDefault(_tinycolor2);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var defaultFallbackColor = '#000000';
var defaultFallbackFormat = null;
function unwrapColor(color) {
if (color instanceof _tinycolor3.default) {
return {
r: color._r,
g: color._g,
b: color._b,
a: color._a
return color;
* Color manipulation class.
var Color = function (_tinycolor) {
_inherits(Color, _tinycolor);
_createClass(Color, [{
key: 'id',
* Identifier of the color instance.
* @type {int}
* @readonly
get: function get() {
return this._tc_id;
* Format of the parsed color.
* @type {String}
* @readonly
}, {
key: 'format',
get: function get() {
return this._format;
* All options of the current instance.
* @type {{format: String, gradientType: String, fallbackColor: *}}
* @readonly
}, {
key: 'options',
get: function get() {
return {
format: this._format,
gradientType: this._gradientType,
fallbackColor: this._fallbackColor
* @returns {{h, s, v, a}}
}, {
key: 'hsva',
get: function get() {
return this.toHsv();
* @returns {{h, s, v, a}}
}, {
key: 'hsvaRatio',
get: function get() {
var hsv = this.hsva;
return {
h: hsv.h / 360,
s: hsv.s,
v: hsv.v,
a: hsv.a
* foo bar
* @param {Color|*} color
* @param {{fallbackColor, format}} [options]
* @constructor
function Color(color) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : { fallbackColor: defaultFallbackColor, format: null };
_classCallCheck(this, Color);
* @type {Color|*}
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Color.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Color)).call(this, unwrapColor(color), options));
_this._originalInput = color;
* @type {Color|*}
_this._fallbackColor = unwrapColor(options.fallbackColor);
return _this;
* Imports all variables of the given color to this instance, excepting `_tc_id`.
* @param {Color} color
_createClass(Color, [{
key: 'importColor',
value: function importColor(color) {
if (!color instanceof _tinycolor3.default) {
throw new Error('Color.importColor: The color argument is not an instance of tinycolor.');
this._originalInput = color._originalInput;
this._r = color._r;
this._g = color._g;
this._b = color._b;
this._a = color._a;
this._roundA = color._roundA;
this._format = color._format;
this._gradientType = color._gradientType;
this._ok = color._ok;
// omit color._tc_id import
* Imports the _r, _g, _b, _a and _ok variables of the given color to this instance.
* @param {Color} color
}, {
key: 'importRgb',
value: function importRgb(color) {
if (!color instanceof _tinycolor3.default) {
throw new Error('Color.importColor: The color argument is not an instance of tinycolor.');
this._r = color._r;
this._g = color._g;
this._b = color._b;
this._a = color._a;
this._ok = color._ok;
* @param {{h,s,v,a}} hsv
}, {
key: 'importHsv',
value: function importHsv(hsv) {
this.importRgb(new Color(hsv, this.options));
* If the current color is not valid, applies the fallback and,
* in case the fallback is neither valid, applies the default fallback.
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: '_validOrFallback',
value: function _validOrFallback() {
if (!this.isValid()) {
var fallbackOptions = Object.assign({}, this.options);
if (!fallbackOptions.format) {
fallbackOptions.format = defaultFallbackFormat;
// given color is invalid
this.importColor((0, _tinycolor3.default)(this._fallbackColor, fallbackOptions));
if (!this.isValid()) {
// fallback color is invalid
this.importColor((0, _tinycolor3.default)(defaultFallbackColor, fallbackOptions));
return false;
return true;
* @returns {Color}
}, {
key: 'getCopy',
value: function getCopy() {
return new Color(this.hsva, this.options);
* @returns {Color}
}, {
key: 'getHueOnlyCopy',
value: function getHueOnlyCopy() {
return new Color(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { s: 100, v: 100 }), this.options);
* @returns {Color}
}, {
key: 'getOpaqueCopy',
value: function getOpaqueCopy() {
return new Color(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { a: 1 }), this.options);
* @param {number} h Degrees from 0 to 360
}, {
key: 'setHue',
value: function setHue(h) {
this.importHsv(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { h: h }));
* @param {number} s Percent from 0 o 100
}, {
key: 'setSaturation',
value: function setSaturation(s) {
this.importHsv(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { s: s }));
* @param {number} v Percent from 0 o 100
}, {
key: 'setBrightness',
value: function setBrightness(v) {
this.importHsv(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { v: v }));
* @param {number} h Ratio from 0.0 to 1.0
}, {
key: 'setHueRatio',
value: function setHueRatio(h) {
if (h === 0) {
this.setHue((1 - h) * 360);
* @param {number} s Ratio from 0.0 to 1.0
}, {
key: 'setSaturationRatio',
value: function setSaturationRatio(s) {
* @param {number} v Ratio from 0.0 to 1.0
}, {
key: 'setBrightnessRatio',
value: function setBrightnessRatio(v) {
this.setBrightness(1 - v);
* @param {number} a Ratio from 0.0 to 1.0
}, {
key: 'setAlphaRatio',
value: function setAlphaRatio(a) {
this.setAlpha(1 - a);
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'isTransparent',
value: function isTransparent() {
return this._a === 0;
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasTransparency',
value: function hasTransparency() {
return this._a !== 1;
* @param {string|null} [format] One of "rgb", "prgb", "hex"/"hex6", "hex3", "hex8", "hsl", "hsv"/"hsb", "name"
* @returns {String}
}, {
key: 'toString',
value: function toString() {
var format = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;
format = (format ? format : this.format).replace(/a$/g, '').toLowerCase();
var colorStr = _get(Color.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Color.prototype), 'toString', this).call(this, format);
if (format.match(/hex/gi) && !format.match(/hex8/gi)) {
if (this.isTransparent() && this._r === 0 && this._g === 0 && this._b === 0) {
return 'transparent';
if (Color.names.hasOwnProperty(colorStr)) {
return colorStr;
return colorStr;
return Color;
exports.default = Color;
/***/ }),
/* 4 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;// TinyColor v1.4.1
// Brian Grinstead, MIT License
(function(Math) {
var trimLeft = /^\s+/,
trimRight = /\s+$/,
tinyCounter = 0,
mathRound = Math.round,
mathMin = Math.min,
mathMax = Math.max,
mathRandom = Math.random;
function tinycolor (color, opts) {
color = (color) ? color : '';
opts = opts || { };
// If input is already a tinycolor, return itself
if (color instanceof tinycolor) {
return color;
// If we are called as a function, call using new instead
if (!(this instanceof tinycolor)) {
return new tinycolor(color, opts);
var rgb = inputToRGB(color);
this._originalInput = color,
this._r = rgb.r,
this._g = rgb.g,
this._b = rgb.b,
this._a = rgb.a,
this._roundA = mathRound(100*this._a) / 100,
this._format = opts.format || rgb.format;
this._gradientType = opts.gradientType;
// Don't let the range of [0,255] come back in [0,1].
// Potentially lose a little bit of precision here, but will fix issues where
// .5 gets interpreted as half of the total, instead of half of 1
// If it was supposed to be 128, this was already taken care of by `inputToRgb`
if (this._r < 1) { this._r = mathRound(this._r); }
if (this._g < 1) { this._g = mathRound(this._g); }
if (this._b < 1) { this._b = mathRound(this._b); }
this._ok = rgb.ok;
this._tc_id = tinyCounter++;
tinycolor.prototype = {
isDark: function() {
return this.getBrightness() < 128;
isLight: function() {
return !this.isDark();
isValid: function() {
return this._ok;
getOriginalInput: function() {
return this._originalInput;
getFormat: function() {
return this._format;
getAlpha: function() {
return this._a;
getBrightness: function() {
var rgb = this.toRgb();
return (rgb.r * 299 + rgb.g * 587 + rgb.b * 114) / 1000;
getLuminance: function() {
var rgb = this.toRgb();
var RsRGB, GsRGB, BsRGB, R, G, B;
RsRGB = rgb.r/255;
GsRGB = rgb.g/255;
BsRGB = rgb.b/255;
if (RsRGB <= 0.03928) {R = RsRGB / 12.92;} else {R = Math.pow(((RsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);}
if (GsRGB <= 0.03928) {G = GsRGB / 12.92;} else {G = Math.pow(((GsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);}
if (BsRGB <= 0.03928) {B = BsRGB / 12.92;} else {B = Math.pow(((BsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);}
return (0.2126 * R) + (0.7152 * G) + (0.0722 * B);
setAlpha: function(value) {
this._a = boundAlpha(value);
this._roundA = mathRound(100*this._a) / 100;
return this;
toHsv: function() {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(this._r, this._g, this._b);
return { h: hsv.h * 360, s: hsv.s, v: hsv.v, a: this._a };
toHsvString: function() {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(this._r, this._g, this._b);
var h = mathRound(hsv.h * 360), s = mathRound(hsv.s * 100), v = mathRound(hsv.v * 100);
return (this._a == 1) ?
"hsv(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + v + "%)" :
"hsva(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + v + "%, "+ this._roundA + ")";
toHsl: function() {
var hsl = rgbToHsl(this._r, this._g, this._b);
return { h: hsl.h * 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l, a: this._a };
toHslString: function() {
var hsl = rgbToHsl(this._r, this._g, this._b);
var h = mathRound(hsl.h * 360), s = mathRound(hsl.s * 100), l = mathRound(hsl.l * 100);
return (this._a == 1) ?
"hsl(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + l + "%)" :
"hsla(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + l + "%, "+ this._roundA + ")";
toHex: function(allow3Char) {
return rgbToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, allow3Char);
toHexString: function(allow3Char) {
return '#' + this.toHex(allow3Char);
toHex8: function(allow4Char) {
return rgbaToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, this._a, allow4Char);
toHex8String: function(allow4Char) {
return '#' + this.toHex8(allow4Char);
toRgb: function() {
return { r: mathRound(this._r), g: mathRound(this._g), b: mathRound(this._b), a: this._a };
toRgbString: function() {
return (this._a == 1) ?
"rgb(" + mathRound(this._r) + ", " + mathRound(this._g) + ", " + mathRound(this._b) + ")" :
"rgba(" + mathRound(this._r) + ", " + mathRound(this._g) + ", " + mathRound(this._b) + ", " + this._roundA + ")";
toPercentageRgb: function() {
return { r: mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%", g: mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%", b: mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%", a: this._a };
toPercentageRgbString: function() {
return (this._a == 1) ?
"rgb(" + mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%)" :
"rgba(" + mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%, " + this._roundA + ")";
toName: function() {
if (this._a === 0) {
return "transparent";
if (this._a < 1) {
return false;
return hexNames[rgbToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, true)] || false;
toFilter: function(secondColor) {
var hex8String = '#' + rgbaToArgbHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, this._a);
var secondHex8String = hex8String;
var gradientType = this._gradientType ? "GradientType = 1, " : "";
if (secondColor) {
var s = tinycolor(secondColor);
secondHex8String = '#' + rgbaToArgbHex(s._r, s._g, s._b, s._a);
return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient("+gradientType+"startColorstr="+hex8String+",endColorstr="+secondHex8String+")";
toString: function(format) {
var formatSet = !!format;
format = format || this._format;
var formattedString = false;
var hasAlpha = this._a < 1 && this._a >= 0;
var needsAlphaFormat = !formatSet && hasAlpha && (format === "hex" || format === "hex6" || format === "hex3" || format === "hex4" || format === "hex8" || format === "name");
if (needsAlphaFormat) {
// Special case for "transparent", all other non-alpha formats
// will return rgba when there is transparency.
if (format === "name" && this._a === 0) {
return this.toName();
return this.toRgbString();
if (format === "rgb") {
formattedString = this.toRgbString();
if (format === "prgb") {
formattedString = this.toPercentageRgbString();
if (format === "hex" || format === "hex6") {
formattedString = this.toHexString();
if (format === "hex3") {
formattedString = this.toHexString(true);
if (format === "hex4") {
formattedString = this.toHex8String(true);
if (format === "hex8") {
formattedString = this.toHex8String();
if (format === "name") {
formattedString = this.toName();
if (format === "hsl") {
formattedString = this.toHslString();
if (format === "hsv") {
formattedString = this.toHsvString();
return formattedString || this.toHexString();
clone: function() {
return tinycolor(this.toString());
_applyModification: function(fn, args) {
var color = fn.apply(null, [this].concat([];
this._r = color._r;
this._g = color._g;
this._b = color._b;
return this;
lighten: function() {
return this._applyModification(lighten, arguments);
brighten: function() {
return this._applyModification(brighten, arguments);
darken: function() {
return this._applyModification(darken, arguments);
desaturate: function() {
return this._applyModification(desaturate, arguments);
saturate: function() {
return this._applyModification(saturate, arguments);
greyscale: function() {
return this._applyModification(greyscale, arguments);
spin: function() {
return this._applyModification(spin, arguments);
_applyCombination: function(fn, args) {
return fn.apply(null, [this].concat([];
analogous: function() {
return this._applyCombination(analogous, arguments);
complement: function() {
return this._applyCombination(complement, arguments);
monochromatic: function() {
return this._applyCombination(monochromatic, arguments);
splitcomplement: function() {
return this._applyCombination(splitcomplement, arguments);
triad: function() {
return this._applyCombination(triad, arguments);
tetrad: function() {
return this._applyCombination(tetrad, arguments);
// If input is an object, force 1 into "1.0" to handle ratios properly
// String input requires "1.0" as input, so 1 will be treated as 1
tinycolor.fromRatio = function(color, opts) {
if (typeof color == "object") {
var newColor = {};
for (var i in color) {
if (color.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (i === "a") {
newColor[i] = color[i];
else {
newColor[i] = convertToPercentage(color[i]);
color = newColor;
return tinycolor(color, opts);
// Given a string or object, convert that input to RGB
// Possible string inputs:
// "red"
// "#f00" or "f00"
// "#ff0000" or "ff0000"
// "#ff000000" or "ff000000"
// "rgb 255 0 0" or "rgb (255, 0, 0)"
// "rgb 1.0 0 0" or "rgb (1, 0, 0)"
// "rgba (255, 0, 0, 1)" or "rgba 255, 0, 0, 1"
// "rgba (1.0, 0, 0, 1)" or "rgba 1.0, 0, 0, 1"
// "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)" or "hsl 0 100% 50%"
// "hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)" or "hsla 0 100% 50%, 1"
// "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)" or "hsv 0 100% 100%"
function inputToRGB(color) {
var rgb = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
var a = 1;
var s = null;
var v = null;
var l = null;
var ok = false;
var format = false;
if (typeof color == "string") {
color = stringInputToObject(color);
if (typeof color == "object") {
if (isValidCSSUnit(color.r) && isValidCSSUnit(color.g) && isValidCSSUnit(color.b)) {
rgb = rgbToRgb(color.r, color.g, color.b);
ok = true;
format = String(color.r).substr(-1) === "%" ? "prgb" : "rgb";
else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.v)) {
s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
v = convertToPercentage(color.v);
rgb = hsvToRgb(color.h, s, v);
ok = true;
format = "hsv";
else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.l)) {
s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
l = convertToPercentage(color.l);
rgb = hslToRgb(color.h, s, l);
ok = true;
format = "hsl";
if (color.hasOwnProperty("a")) {
a = color.a;
a = boundAlpha(a);
return {
ok: ok,
format: color.format || format,
r: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.r, 0)),
g: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.g, 0)),
b: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.b, 0)),
a: a
// Conversion Functions
// --------------------
// `rgbToHsl`, `rgbToHsv`, `hslToRgb`, `hsvToRgb` modified from:
// <>
// `rgbToRgb`
// Handle bounds / percentage checking to conform to CSS color spec
// <>
// *Assumes:* r, g, b in [0, 255] or [0, 1]
// *Returns:* { r, g, b } in [0, 255]
function rgbToRgb(r, g, b){
return {
r: bound01(r, 255) * 255,
g: bound01(g, 255) * 255,
b: bound01(b, 255) * 255
// `rgbToHsl`
// Converts an RGB color value to HSL.
// *Assumes:* r, g, and b are contained in [0, 255] or [0, 1]
// *Returns:* { h, s, l } in [0,1]
function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) {
r = bound01(r, 255);
g = bound01(g, 255);
b = bound01(b, 255);
var max = mathMax(r, g, b), min = mathMin(r, g, b);
var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if(max == min) {
h = s = 0; // achromatic
else {
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch(max) {
case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
h /= 6;
return { h: h, s: s, l: l };
// `hslToRgb`
// Converts an HSL color value to RGB.
// *Assumes:* h is contained in [0, 1] or [0, 360] and s and l are contained [0, 1] or [0, 100]
// *Returns:* { r, g, b } in the set [0, 255]
function hslToRgb(h, s, l) {
var r, g, b;
h = bound01(h, 360);
s = bound01(s, 100);
l = bound01(l, 100);
function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
if(t < 0) t += 1;
if(t > 1) t -= 1;
if(t < 1/6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if(t < 1/2) return q;
if(t < 2/3) return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6;
return p;
if(s === 0) {
r = g = b = l; // achromatic
else {
var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
var p = 2 * l - q;
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3);
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3);
return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
// `rgbToHsv`
// Converts an RGB color value to HSV
// *Assumes:* r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] or [0, 1]
// *Returns:* { h, s, v } in [0,1]
function rgbToHsv(r, g, b) {
r = bound01(r, 255);
g = bound01(g, 255);
b = bound01(b, 255);
var max = mathMax(r, g, b), min = mathMin(r, g, b);
var h, s, v = max;
var d = max - min;
s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
if(max == min) {
h = 0; // achromatic
else {
switch(max) {
case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
h /= 6;
return { h: h, s: s, v: v };
// `hsvToRgb`
// Converts an HSV color value to RGB.
// *Assumes:* h is contained in [0, 1] or [0, 360] and s and v are contained in [0, 1] or [0, 100]
// *Returns:* { r, g, b } in the set [0, 255]
function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) {
h = bound01(h, 360) * 6;
s = bound01(s, 100);
v = bound01(v, 100);
var i = Math.floor(h),
f = h - i,
p = v * (1 - s),
q = v * (1 - f * s),
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s),
mod = i % 6,
r = [v, q, p, p, t, v][mod],
g = [t, v, v, q, p, p][mod],
b = [p, p, t, v, v, q][mod];
return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
// `rgbToHex`
// Converts an RGB color to hex
// Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255]
// Returns a 3 or 6 character hex
function rgbToHex(r, g, b, allow3Char) {
var hex = [
// Return a 3 character hex if possible
if (allow3Char && hex[0].charAt(0) == hex[0].charAt(1) && hex[1].charAt(0) == hex[1].charAt(1) && hex[2].charAt(0) == hex[2].charAt(1)) {
return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0);
return hex.join("");
// `rgbaToHex`
// Converts an RGBA color plus alpha transparency to hex
// Assumes r, g, b are contained in the set [0, 255] and
// a in [0, 1]. Returns a 4 or 8 character rgba hex
function rgbaToHex(r, g, b, a, allow4Char) {
var hex = [
// Return a 4 character hex if possible
if (allow4Char && hex[0].charAt(0) == hex[0].charAt(1) && hex[1].charAt(0) == hex[1].charAt(1) && hex[2].charAt(0) == hex[2].charAt(1) && hex[3].charAt(0) == hex[3].charAt(1)) {
return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0) + hex[3].charAt(0);
return hex.join("");
// `rgbaToArgbHex`
// Converts an RGBA color to an ARGB Hex8 string
// Rarely used, but required for "toFilter()"
function rgbaToArgbHex(r, g, b, a) {
var hex = [
return hex.join("");
// `equals`
// Can be called with any tinycolor input
tinycolor.equals = function (color1, color2) {
if (!color1 || !color2) { return false; }
return tinycolor(color1).toRgbString() == tinycolor(color2).toRgbString();
tinycolor.random = function() {
return tinycolor.fromRatio({
r: mathRandom(),
g: mathRandom(),
b: mathRandom()
// Modification Functions
// ----------------------
// Thanks to less.js for some of the basics here
// <>
function desaturate(color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.s -= amount / 100;
hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
return tinycolor(hsl);
function saturate(color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.s += amount / 100;
hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
return tinycolor(hsl);
function greyscale(color) {
return tinycolor(color).desaturate(100);
function lighten (color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.l += amount / 100;
hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
return tinycolor(hsl);
function brighten(color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var rgb = tinycolor(color).toRgb();
rgb.r = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.r - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100))));
rgb.g = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.g - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100))));
rgb.b = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.b - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100))));
return tinycolor(rgb);
function darken (color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.l -= amount / 100;
hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
return tinycolor(hsl);
// Spin takes a positive or negative amount within [-360, 360] indicating the change of hue.
// Values outside of this range will be wrapped into this range.
function spin(color, amount) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var hue = (hsl.h + amount) % 360;
hsl.h = hue < 0 ? 360 + hue : hue;
return tinycolor(hsl);
// Combination Functions
// ---------------------
// Thanks to jQuery xColor for some of the ideas behind these
// <>
function complement(color) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.h = (hsl.h + 180) % 360;
return tinycolor(hsl);
function triad(color) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var h = hsl.h;
return [
tinycolor({ h: (h + 120) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
tinycolor({ h: (h + 240) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l })
function tetrad(color) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var h = hsl.h;
return [
tinycolor({ h: (h + 90) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
tinycolor({ h: (h + 180) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
tinycolor({ h: (h + 270) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l })
function splitcomplement(color) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var h = hsl.h;
return [
tinycolor({ h: (h + 72) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l}),
tinycolor({ h: (h + 216) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l})
function analogous(color, results, slices) {
results = results || 6;
slices = slices || 30;
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var part = 360 / slices;
var ret = [tinycolor(color)];
for (hsl.h = ((hsl.h - (part * results >> 1)) + 720) % 360; --results; ) {
hsl.h = (hsl.h + part) % 360;
return ret;
function monochromatic(color, results) {
results = results || 6;
var hsv = tinycolor(color).toHsv();
var h = hsv.h, s = hsv.s, v = hsv.v;
var ret = [];
var modification = 1 / results;
while (results--) {
ret.push(tinycolor({ h: h, s: s, v: v}));
v = (v + modification) % 1;
return ret;
// Utility Functions
// ---------------------
tinycolor.mix = function(color1, color2, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 50);
var rgb1 = tinycolor(color1).toRgb();
var rgb2 = tinycolor(color2).toRgb();
var p = amount / 100;
var rgba = {
r: ((rgb2.r - rgb1.r) * p) + rgb1.r,
g: ((rgb2.g - rgb1.g) * p) + rgb1.g,
b: ((rgb2.b - rgb1.b) * p) + rgb1.b,
a: ((rgb2.a - rgb1.a) * p) + rgb1.a
return tinycolor(rgba);
// Readability Functions
// ---------------------
// < (WCAG Version 2)
// `contrast`
// Analyze the 2 colors and returns the color contrast defined by (WCAG Version 2)
tinycolor.readability = function(color1, color2) {
var c1 = tinycolor(color1);
var c2 = tinycolor(color2);
return (Math.max(c1.getLuminance(),c2.getLuminance())+0.05) / (Math.min(c1.getLuminance(),c2.getLuminance())+0.05);
// `isReadable`
// Ensure that foreground and background color combinations meet WCAG2 guidelines.
// The third argument is an optional Object.
// the 'level' property states 'AA' or 'AAA' - if missing or invalid, it defaults to 'AA';
// the 'size' property states 'large' or 'small' - if missing or invalid, it defaults to 'small'.
// If the entire object is absent, isReadable defaults to {level:"AA",size:"small"}.
// *Example*
// tinycolor.isReadable("#000", "#111") => false
// tinycolor.isReadable("#000", "#111",{level:"AA",size:"large"}) => false
tinycolor.isReadable = function(color1, color2, wcag2) {
var readability = tinycolor.readability(color1, color2);
var wcag2Parms, out;
out = false;
wcag2Parms = validateWCAG2Parms(wcag2);
switch (wcag2Parms.level + wcag2Parms.size) {
case "AAsmall":
case "AAAlarge":
out = readability >= 4.5;
case "AAlarge":
out = readability >= 3;
case "AAAsmall":
out = readability >= 7;
return out;
// `mostReadable`
// Given a base color and a list of possible foreground or background
// colors for that base, returns the most readable color.
// Optionally returns Black or White if the most readable color is unreadable.
// *Example*
// tinycolor.mostReadable(tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(); // "#112255"
// tinycolor.mostReadable(tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:true}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff"
// tinycolor.mostReadable("#a8015a", ["#faf3f3"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"large"}).toHexString(); // "#faf3f3"
// tinycolor.mostReadable("#a8015a", ["#faf3f3"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"small"}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff"
tinycolor.mostReadable = function(baseColor, colorList, args) {
var bestColor = null;
var bestScore = 0;
var readability;
var includeFallbackColors, level, size ;
args = args || {};
includeFallbackColors = args.includeFallbackColors ;
level = args.level;
size = args.size;
for (var i= 0; i < colorList.length ; i++) {
readability = tinycolor.readability(baseColor, colorList[i]);
if (readability > bestScore) {
bestScore = readability;
bestColor = tinycolor(colorList[i]);
if (tinycolor.isReadable(baseColor, bestColor, {"level":level,"size":size}) || !includeFallbackColors) {
return bestColor;
else {
return tinycolor.mostReadable(baseColor,["#fff", "#000"],args);
// Big List of Colors
// ------------------
// <>
var names = tinycolor.names = {
aliceblue: "f0f8ff",
antiquewhite: "faebd7",
aqua: "0ff",
aquamarine: "7fffd4",
azure: "f0ffff",
beige: "f5f5dc",
bisque: "ffe4c4",
black: "000",
blanchedalmond: "ffebcd",
blue: "00f",
blueviolet: "8a2be2",
brown: "a52a2a",
burlywood: "deb887",
burntsienna: "ea7e5d",
cadetblue: "5f9ea0",
chartreuse: "7fff00",
chocolate: "d2691e",
coral: "ff7f50",
cornflowerblue: "6495ed",
cornsilk: "fff8dc",
crimson: "dc143c",
cyan: "0ff",
darkblue: "00008b",
darkcyan: "008b8b",
darkgoldenrod: "b8860b",
darkgray: "a9a9a9",
darkgreen: "006400",
darkgrey: "a9a9a9",
darkkhaki: "bdb76b",
darkmagenta: "8b008b",
darkolivegreen: "556b2f",
darkorange: "ff8c00",
darkorchid: "9932cc",
darkred: "8b0000",
darksalmon: "e9967a",
darkseagreen: "8fbc8f",
darkslateblue: "483d8b",
darkslategray: "2f4f4f",
darkslategrey: "2f4f4f",
darkturquoise: "00ced1",
darkviolet: "9400d3",
deeppink: "ff1493",
deepskyblue: "00bfff",
dimgray: "696969",
dimgrey: "696969",
dodgerblue: "1e90ff",
firebrick: "b22222",
floralwhite: "fffaf0",
forestgreen: "228b22",
fuchsia: "f0f",
gainsboro: "dcdcdc",
ghostwhite: "f8f8ff",
gold: "ffd700",
goldenrod: "daa520",
gray: "808080",
green: "008000",
greenyellow: "adff2f",
grey: "808080",
honeydew: "f0fff0",
hotpink: "ff69b4",
indianred: "cd5c5c",
indigo: "4b0082",
ivory: "fffff0",
khaki: "f0e68c",
lavender: "e6e6fa",
lavenderblush: "fff0f5",
lawngreen: "7cfc00",
lemonchiffon: "fffacd",
lightblue: "add8e6",
lightcoral: "f08080",
lightcyan: "e0ffff",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "fafad2",
lightgray: "d3d3d3",
lightgreen: "90ee90",
lightgrey: "d3d3d3",
lightpink: "ffb6c1",
lightsalmon: "ffa07a",
lightseagreen: "20b2aa",
lightskyblue: "87cefa",
lightslategray: "789",
lightslategrey: "789",
lightsteelblue: "b0c4de",
lightyellow: "ffffe0",
lime: "0f0",
limegreen: "32cd32",
linen: "faf0e6",
magenta: "f0f",
maroon: "800000",
mediumaquamarine: "66cdaa",
mediumblue: "0000cd",
mediumorchid: "ba55d3",
mediumpurple: "9370db",
mediumseagreen: "3cb371",
mediumslateblue: "7b68ee",
mediumspringgreen: "00fa9a",
mediumturquoise: "48d1cc",
mediumvioletred: "c71585",
midnightblue: "191970",
mintcream: "f5fffa",
mistyrose: "ffe4e1",
moccasin: "ffe4b5",
navajowhite: "ffdead",
navy: "000080",
oldlace: "fdf5e6",
olive: "808000",
olivedrab: "6b8e23",
orange: "ffa500",
orangered: "ff4500",
orchid: "da70d6",
palegoldenrod: "eee8aa",
palegreen: "98fb98",
paleturquoise: "afeeee",
palevioletred: "db7093",
papayawhip: "ffefd5",
peachpuff: "ffdab9",
peru: "cd853f",
pink: "ffc0cb",
plum: "dda0dd",
powderblue: "b0e0e6",
purple: "800080",
rebeccapurple: "663399",
red: "f00",
rosybrown: "bc8f8f",
royalblue: "4169e1",
saddlebrown: "8b4513",
salmon: "fa8072",
sandybrown: "f4a460",
seagreen: "2e8b57",
seashell: "fff5ee",
sienna: "a0522d",
silver: "c0c0c0",
skyblue: "87ceeb",
slateblue: "6a5acd",
slategray: "708090",
slategrey: "708090",
snow: "fffafa",
springgreen: "00ff7f",
steelblue: "4682b4",
tan: "d2b48c",
teal: "008080",
thistle: "d8bfd8",
tomato: "ff6347",
turquoise: "40e0d0",
violet: "ee82ee",
wheat: "f5deb3",
white: "fff",
whitesmoke: "f5f5f5",
yellow: "ff0",
yellowgreen: "9acd32"
// Make it easy to access colors via `hexNames[hex]`
var hexNames = tinycolor.hexNames = flip(names);
// Utilities
// ---------
// `{ 'name1': 'val1' }` becomes `{ 'val1': 'name1' }`
function flip(o) {
var flipped = { };
for (var i in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
flipped[o[i]] = i;
return flipped;
// Return a valid alpha value [0,1] with all invalid values being set to 1
function boundAlpha(a) {
a = parseFloat(a);
if (isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 1) {
a = 1;
return a;
// Take input from [0, n] and return it as [0, 1]
function bound01(n, max) {
if (isOnePointZero(n)) { n = "100%"; }
var processPercent = isPercentage(n);
n = mathMin(max, mathMax(0, parseFloat(n)));
// Automatically convert percentage into number
if (processPercent) {
n = parseInt(n * max, 10) / 100;
// Handle floating point rounding errors
if ((Math.abs(n - max) < 0.000001)) {
return 1;
// Convert into [0, 1] range if it isn't already
return (n % max) / parseFloat(max);
// Force a number between 0 and 1
function clamp01(val) {
return mathMin(1, mathMax(0, val));
// Parse a base-16 hex value into a base-10 integer
function parseIntFromHex(val) {
return parseInt(val, 16);
// Need to handle 1.0 as 100%, since once it is a number, there is no difference between it and 1
// <>
function isOnePointZero(n) {
return typeof n == "string" && n.indexOf('.') != -1 && parseFloat(n) === 1;
// Check to see if string passed in is a percentage
function isPercentage(n) {
return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf('%') != -1;
// Force a hex value to have 2 characters
function pad2(c) {
return c.length == 1 ? '0' + c : '' + c;
// Replace a decimal with it's percentage value
function convertToPercentage(n) {
if (n <= 1) {
n = (n * 100) + "%";
return n;
// Converts a decimal to a hex value
function convertDecimalToHex(d) {
return Math.round(parseFloat(d) * 255).toString(16);
// Converts a hex value to a decimal
function convertHexToDecimal(h) {
return (parseIntFromHex(h) / 255);
var matchers = (function() {
// <>
var CSS_INTEGER = "[-\\+]?\\d+%?";
// <>
var CSS_NUMBER = "[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?";
// Allow positive/negative integer/number. Don't capture the either/or, just the entire outcome.
var CSS_UNIT = "(?:" + CSS_NUMBER + ")|(?:" + CSS_INTEGER + ")";
// Actual matching.
// Parentheses and commas are optional, but not required.
// Whitespace can take the place of commas or opening paren
var PERMISSIVE_MATCH3 = "[\\s|\\(]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")\\s*\\)?";
var PERMISSIVE_MATCH4 = "[\\s|\\(]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")\\s*\\)?";
return {
rgb: new RegExp("rgb" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
rgba: new RegExp("rgba" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hsl: new RegExp("hsl" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
hsla: new RegExp("hsla" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hsv: new RegExp("hsv" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
hsva: new RegExp("hsva" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hex3: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex6: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/,
hex4: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex8: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/
// `isValidCSSUnit`
// Take in a single string / number and check to see if it looks like a CSS unit
// (see `matchers` above for definition).
function isValidCSSUnit(color) {
return !!matchers.CSS_UNIT.exec(color);
// `stringInputToObject`
// Permissive string parsing. Take in a number of formats, and output an object
// based on detected format. Returns `{ r, g, b }` or `{ h, s, l }` or `{ h, s, v}`
function stringInputToObject(color) {
color = color.replace(trimLeft,'').replace(trimRight, '').toLowerCase();
var named = false;
if (names[color]) {
color = names[color];
named = true;
else if (color == 'transparent') {
return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, format: "name" };
// Try to match string input using regular expressions.
// Keep most of the number bounding out of this function - don't worry about [0,1] or [0,100] or [0,360]
// Just return an object and let the conversion functions handle that.
// This way the result will be the same whether the tinycolor is initialized with string or object.
var match;
if ((match = matchers.rgb.exec(color))) {
return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3] };
if ((match = matchers.rgba.exec(color))) {
return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3], a: match[4] };
if ((match = matchers.hsl.exec(color))) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3] };
if ((match = matchers.hsla.exec(color))) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3], a: match[4] };
if ((match = matchers.hsv.exec(color))) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3] };
if ((match = matchers.hsva.exec(color))) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3], a: match[4] };
if ((match = matchers.hex8.exec(color))) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]),
a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
if ((match = matchers.hex6.exec(color))) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex"
if ((match = matchers.hex4.exec(color))) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + '' + match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + '' + match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + '' + match[3]),
a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4] + '' + match[4]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
if ((match = matchers.hex3.exec(color))) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + '' + match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + '' + match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + '' + match[3]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex"
return false;
function validateWCAG2Parms(parms) {
// return valid WCAG2 parms for isReadable.
// If input parms are invalid, return {"level":"AA", "size":"small"}
var level, size;
parms = parms || {"level":"AA", "size":"small"};
level = (parms.level || "AA").toUpperCase();
size = (parms.size || "small").toLowerCase();
if (level !== "AA" && level !== "AAA") {
level = "AA";
if (size !== "small" && size !== "large") {
size = "small";
return {"level":level, "size":size};
// Node: Export function
if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
module.exports = tinycolor;
// AMD/requirejs: Define the module
else if (true) {
!(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = function () {return tinycolor;}.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module),
__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));
// Browser: Expose to window
else {
window.tinycolor = tinycolor;
/***/ }),
/* 5 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* @module
* Colorpicker default options
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = {
* Forces a color, ignoring the one from the elements value or data-color attribute.
* @type {(String|Color|boolean)}
* @default false
color: false,
* Forces an specific color format. If false, it will be automatically detected.
* Note that the ending 'a' of the format meaning "alpha" has currently no effect, meaning that rgb is the same as
* rgba excepting if the alpha channel is disabled (see useAlpha).
* @type {('rgb'|'rgba'|'prgb'|'prgba'|'hex'|'hex3'|'hex6'|'hex8'|'hsl'|'hsla'|'hsv'|'hsva'|'name'|boolean)}
* @default false
format: false,
* Horizontal mode layout.
* If true, the hue and alpha channel bars will be rendered horizontally, above the saturation selector.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
horizontal: false,
* Forces to show the colorpicker as an inline element
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
inline: false,
* Children input CSS selector
* @type {String}
* @default 'input'
input: 'input',
* Colorpicker container CSS selector. If given, the colorpicker will be placed inside this container.
* If true, the colorpicker element itself will be used as the container.
* @type {String|boolean}
* @default false
container: false, // container selector
* Children color component CSS selector.
* If it exists, the child <i> element background will be changed on color change.
* @type {String|boolean}
* @default '.add-on, .input-group-addon'
component: '.add-on, .input-group-addon',
* Fallback color to use when the given color is invalid.
* If false, the latest valid color will be used as a fallback.
* @type {String|Color|boolean}
* @default false
fallbackColor: false,
* If true a hash will be prepended to hexadecimal colors.
* If false, the hash will be removed.
* This only affects the input values.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
useHashPrefix: true,
* If true or false the alpha adjustment bar will be displayed no matter what.
* If false it will be always hidden and alpha channel won't be allowed programmatically for this instance,
* so the selected or typed color will be always opaque.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
useAlpha: true,
* This only applies when the color format is hexadecimal.
* If true, the alpha channel will be allowed for hexadecimal formatted colors, making them having 4 or 8 chars
* (RGBA or RRGGBBAA). This format is not yet supported in all modern browsers, so it is disabled by default.
* If false, rgba will be used whenever there is an alpha change different than 1 and the color format is
* automatic.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
enableHex8: false,
* Vertical sliders configuration
* @type {Object}
sliders: {
saturation: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: 'setSaturationRatio',
callTop: 'setBrightnessRatio'
hue: {
maxLeft: 0,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: false,
callTop: 'setHueRatio'
alpha: {
maxLeft: 0,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: false,
callTop: 'setAlphaRatio'
* Horizontal sliders configuration
* @type {Object}
slidersHorz: {
saturation: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: 'setSaturationRatio',
callTop: 'setBrightnessRatio'
hue: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 0,
callLeft: 'setHueRatio',
callTop: false
alpha: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 0,
callLeft: 'setAlphaRatio',
callTop: false
* Colorpicker widget template
* @type {String}
* @example
* <!-- This is the default template: -->
* <div class="colorpicker dropdown-menu">
* <div class="colorpicker-saturation"><i class="colorpicker-guide"><i></i></i></div>
* <div class="colorpicker-hue"><i class="colorpicker-guide"></i></div>
* <div class="colorpicker-alpha"><i class="colorpicker-guide"></i></div>
* <div class="colorpicker-color"><div /></div>
* <div class="colorpicker-palette"></div>
* </div>
template: '<div class="colorpicker dropdown-menu">\n <div class="colorpicker-saturation"><i class="colorpicker-guide"><i></i></i></div>\n <div class="colorpicker-hue"><i class="colorpicker-guide"></i></div>\n <div class="colorpicker-alpha"><i class="colorpicker-guide"></i></div>\n <div class="colorpicker-color"><div /></div>\n <div class="colorpicker-palette"></div>\n </div>',
* Colorpicker popup alignment.
* For now only right is supported.
* @type {('right')}
* @default 'right'
*/ // TODO: add 'left' and 'auto' support.
align: 'right',
* Custom class to be added to the colorpicker element
* @type {String}
customClass: null,
* Preset list of colors to be added to the colorpicker widget as clickable color selectors.
* The value should be an object containing key-value pairs defining a color alias and its CSS color representation.
* For this to work, a '.colorpicker-palette' element needs to be defined inside the colorpicker template.
* @type {Object}
* @default null
* @example
* {
* 'black': '#000000',
* 'white': '#ffffff',
* 'red': '#FF0000',
* 'default': '#777777',
* 'primary': '#337ab7',
* 'success': '#5cb85c',
* 'info': '#5bc0de',
* 'warning': '#f0ad4e',
* 'danger': '#d9534f'
* }
colorPalette: null,
* If true, the when a color swatch is selected the name (alias) will be used as input value,
* otherwise the swatch real color value will be used.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
useColorPaletteNames: true
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
\ No newline at end of file
* Bootstrap Colorpicker - Simple and customizable colorpicker component for Twitter Bootstrap.
* @package bootstrap-colorpicker
* @version v3.0.0-wip
* @license MIT
* @link
* @link
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory(require("jQuery"));
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define("bootstrap-colorpicker", ["jQuery"], factory);
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports["bootstrap-colorpicker"] = factory(require("jQuery"));
root["bootstrap-colorpicker"] = factory(root["jQuery"]);
})(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_0__) {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_0__;
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _Colorpicker = __webpack_require__(2);
var _Colorpicker2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Colorpicker);
var _jquery = __webpack_require__(0);
var _jquery2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jquery);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var plugin = 'colorpicker';
_jquery2.default[plugin] = _Colorpicker2.default;
_jquery2.default.fn[plugin] = function (option) {
var apiArgs =, 1),
isSingleElement = this.length === 1,
returnValue = null;
var $jq = this.each(function () {
var $this = (0, _jquery2.default)(this),
inst = $,
options = (typeof option === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(option)) === 'object' ? option : {};
if (!inst) {
inst = new _Colorpicker2.default(this, options);
$, inst);
if (typeof option === 'string') {
if (_jquery2.default.isFunction(inst[option])) {
returnValue = inst[option].apply(inst, apiArgs);
} else {
// its a property ?
if (apiArgs.length) {
// set property
inst[option] = apiArgs[0];
returnValue = inst[option];
} else {
returnValue = $this;
return isSingleElement ? returnValue : $jq;
_jquery2.default.fn[plugin].constructor = _Colorpicker2.default;
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* @module
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _Color = __webpack_require__(3);
var _Color2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Color);
var _defaults = __webpack_require__(5);
var _defaults2 = _interopRequireDefault(_defaults);
var _jquery = __webpack_require__(0);
var _jquery2 = _interopRequireDefault(_jquery);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
* Colorpicker widget class
var Colorpicker = function () {
_createClass(Colorpicker, [{
key: 'color',
* color getter
* @type {Color|null}
get: function get() {
* color setter
* @ignore
* @param {Color|null} value
set: function set(value) {'color', value);
* @fires create
* @param {Object|String} element
* @param {Object} options
* @constructor
}], [{
key: 'Color',
* Color class
* @static
* @type {Color}
get: function get() {
return _Color2.default;
function Colorpicker(element, options) {
_classCallCheck(this, Colorpicker);
* @type {*|jQuery}
this.element = (0, _jquery2.default)(element).addClass('colorpicker-element');
* @type {defaults}
this.options = _jquery2.default.extend(true, {}, _defaults2.default,, options);
* @type {*|jQuery}
this.component = this.options.component;
this.component = this.component !== false ? this.element.find(this.component) : false;
if (this.component && this.component.length === 0) {
this.component = false;
* @type {*|jQuery}
this.container = this.options.container === true ? this.element : this.options.container;
this.container = this.container !== false ? (0, _jquery2.default)(this.container) : false;
* @type {*|String}
* @private
this.currentSlider = null;
* @type {{left: number, top: number}}
* @private
this.mousePointer = {
left: 0,
top: 0
// Is the element an input? Should we search inside for any input?
* @type {*|jQuery}
this.input ='input') ? this.element : this.options.input ? this.element.find(this.options.input) : false;
if (this.input && this.input.length === 0) {
this.input = false;
this.color = this.createColor(this.options.color !== false ? this.options.color : this.getValue());
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.disabled = false;
// Setup picker
var $picker = this.picker = (0, _jquery2.default)(this.options.template);
if (this.options.customClass) {
if (this.options.inline) {
$picker.addClass('colorpicker-inline colorpicker-visible');
} else {
if (this.options.horizontal) {
if ((this.options.useAlpha || this.hasColor() && this.color.hasTransparency()) && this.options.useAlpha !== false) {
this.options.useAlpha = true;
if (this.options.align === 'right') {
if (this.options.inline === true) {
if (this.options.colorPalette) {
var colorpicker = this,
paletteContainer = colorpicker.picker.find('.colorpicker-palette'),
isAliased = this.options.useColorPaletteNames === true;
if (paletteContainer.length > 0) {
_jquery2.default.each(this.options.colorPalette, function (name, value) {
var $btn = (0, _jquery2.default)('<i />').addClass('colorpicker-palette-color').css('background-color', value).attr('data-name', name).attr('data-value', value).attr('title', name + ': ' + value);
$btn.on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', function (event) {
colorpicker.setValue(isAliased ? (0, _jquery2.default)(this).data('name') : (0, _jquery2.default)(this).data('value'));
// Prevent closing the colorpicker when clicking on itself
$picker.on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', _jquery2.default.proxy(function (e) {
if ( === e.currentTarget) {
}, this));
// Bind click/tap events on the sliders
$picker.find('.colorpicker-saturation, .colorpicker-hue, .colorpicker-alpha').on('mousedown.colorpicker touchstart.colorpicker', _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mousedown, this));
$picker.appendTo(this.container ? this.container : (0, _jquery2.default)('body'));
// Bind other events
if (this.input !== false) {
'keyup.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.keyup, this)
'change.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.change, this)
if (this.component === false) {
'focus.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this)
if (this.options.inline === false) {
'focusout.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.hide, this)
if (this.component !== false) {
'click.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this)
if (this.input === false && this.component === false) {
'click.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this)
// for HTML5 input[type='color']
if (this.input !== false && this.component !== false && this.input.attr('type') === 'color') {
'click.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this),
'focus.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(, this)
this.update(this.options.color !== false);
(0, _jquery2.default)(_jquery2.default.proxy(function () {
* (Colorpicker) When the Colorpicker instance has been created and the DOM is ready.
* @event create
type: 'create',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
}, this));
* Destroys the current instance
* @fires destroy
_createClass(Colorpicker, [{
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
this.element.removeData('colorpicker', 'color').off('.colorpicker');
if (this.input !== false) {'.colorpicker');
if (this.component !== false) {'.colorpicker');
* (Colorpicker) When the instance is destroyed with all events unbound.
* @event destroy
type: 'destroy',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
* Returns true if the current color object is an instance of Color, false otherwise.
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasColor',
value: function hasColor() {
return this.color instanceof _Color2.default;
}, {
key: 'getColorString',
* Formatted color string, translated to the palette alias if available and with the other formatting options applied
* (e.g. useHashPrefix)
* @returns {String}
value: function getColorString() {
var str = this.color.toString(this.format);
if (this.options.useHashPrefix === false) {
str = str.replace(/^#/g, '');
return this.getPaletteColorName(str, this.getPaletteColorName('#' + str, str));
* Formatted color string, suitable for CSS
* @returns {String}
}, {
key: 'getCssColorString',
value: function getCssColorString() {
return this.color.toString(this.format);
* If the widget is not inside a container or inline, rearranges its position relative to its element offset.
* @returns {boolean} Returns false if the widget is inside a container or inline, true otherwise
}, {
key: 'reposition',
value: function reposition() {
if (this.options.inline !== false || this.options.container) {
return false;
var type = this.container && this.container[0] !== window.document.body ? 'position' : 'offset';
var element = this.component || this.element;
var offset = element[type]();
if (this.options.align === 'right') {
offset.left -= this.picker.outerWidth() - element.outerWidth();
top: + element.outerHeight(),
left: offset.left
return true;
* Shows the colorpicker widget if hidden.
* If the input is disabled this call will be ignored.
* @fires showPicker
* @param {Event} [e]
}, {
key: 'show',
value: function show(e) {
if (this.isDisabled()) {
// Don't show the widget if it's disabled (the input)
(0, _jquery2.default)(window).on('resize.colorpicker', _jquery2.default.proxy(this.reposition, this));
if (e && (!this.hasInput() || this.input.attr('type') === 'color')) {
if (e.stopPropagation && e.preventDefault) {
if ((this.component || !this.input) && this.options.inline === false) {
(0, _jquery2.default)(window.document).on({
'mousedown.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.hide, this)
* (Colorpicker) When show() is called and the widget can be shown.
* @event showPicker
type: 'showPicker',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
* Hides the colorpicker widget.
* Hide is prevented when it is triggered by an event whose target element has been clicked/touched.
* @fires hidePicker
* @param {Event} [e]
* @returns {boolean} True if hidden, false if prevented.
}, {
key: 'hide',
value: function hide(e) {
if (typeof e !== 'undefined' && {
// Prevent hide if triggered by an event and an element inside the colorpicker has been clicked/touched
if ((0, _jquery2.default)(e.currentTarget).parents('.colorpicker').length > 0 || (0, _jquery2.default)('.colorpicker').length > 0) {
return false;
(0, _jquery2.default)(window).off('resize.colorpicker', this.reposition);
(0, _jquery2.default)(window.document).off({
'mousedown.colorpicker': this.hide
* (Colorpicker) When hide() is called and the widget can be hidden.
* @event hidePicker
type: 'hidePicker',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
return true;
* If the input element is present, it updates the value with the current color object color string.
* If value is set, this method fires a "change" event on the input element.
* @fires change
}, {
key: 'updateInput',
value: function updateInput() {
if (this.input !== false) {
var val = this.getColorString();
this.input.prop('value', val);
* (Input) Triggered on the input element when a new color is selected.
* @event change
type: 'change',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color,
value: val
* Changes the color adjustment bars using the current color object information.
}, {
key: 'updatePicker',
value: function updatePicker() {
if (!this.hasColor()) {
var vertical = this.options.horizontal === false,
sl = vertical ? this.options.sliders : this.options.slidersHorz;
var saturationGuide = this.picker.find('.colorpicker-saturation .colorpicker-guide'),
hueGuide = this.picker.find('.colorpicker-hue .colorpicker-guide'),
alphaGuide = this.picker.find('.colorpicker-alpha .colorpicker-guide');
var hsva = this.color.hsvaRatio;
if (hueGuide.length) {
hueGuide.css(vertical ? 'top' : 'left', (vertical ? sl.hue.maxTop : sl.hue.maxLeft) * (1 - hsva.h));
if (alphaGuide.length) {
alphaGuide.css(vertical ? 'top' : 'left', (vertical ? sl.alpha.maxTop : sl.alpha.maxLeft) * (1 - hsva.a));
if (saturationGuide.length) {
'top': sl.saturation.maxTop - hsva.v * sl.saturation.maxTop,
'left': hsva.s * sl.saturation.maxLeft
this.picker.find('.colorpicker-saturation').css('backgroundColor', this.color.getHueOnlyCopy().toHexString()); // we only need hue
this.picker.find('.colorpicker-alpha').css('backgroundColor', this.color.toString('hex6')); // we don't need alpha
this.picker.find('.colorpicker-color, .colorpicker-color div').css('backgroundColor', this.color.toRgbString()); // we need all the channels
* If the component element is present, its background color is updated
}, {
key: 'updateComponent',
value: function updateComponent() {
if (!this.hasColor()) {
if (this.component !== false) {
var icn = this.component.find('i').eq(0);
if (icn.length > 0) {
'backgroundColor': this.getCssColorString()
} else {
'backgroundColor': this.getCssColorString()
* Updated the component color, the input value and the widget if a color is present.
* If force is true, it is updated anyway.
* @param {boolean} force
}, {
key: 'update',
value: function update(force) {
if (this.hasColor() && (this.getValue(false) !== false || force === true)) {
// Update only if the current value (from input or data) is not empty
* Returns the color string from the input value or the 'data-color' attribute of the input or element.
* If empty, it returns the defaultValue parameter.
* @param {String|*} [defaultValue]
* @returns {String|*}
}, {
key: 'getValue',
value: function getValue() {
var defaultValue = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;
defaultValue = typeof defaultValue === 'undefined' ? this.options.fallbackColor : defaultValue;
var candidates = [],
val = false;
if (this.hasInput()) {
candidates.push('color')); (item) {
if (item && val === false) {
val = item;
val = val === false ? defaultValue : val;
if (val instanceof _Color2.default) {
return val.toString(this.format);
return val;
* Sets the color manually
* @fires changeColor
* @param {String|Color} val
}, {
key: 'setValue',
value: function setValue(val) {
this.color = this.createColor(val);
* (Colorpicker) When the color is set programmatically with setValue().
* @event changeColor
type: 'changeColor',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color,
value: val
* Creates a new color using the widget instance options (fallbackColor, format).
* @param {*} val
* @returns {Color}
}, {
key: 'createColor',
value: function createColor(val) {
val = val ? val : null;
var fallback = this.options.fallbackColor ? this.options.fallbackColor : this.hasColor() ? this.color.hsva : null;
val = this.getPaletteColor(val, val);
fallback = this.getPaletteColor(fallback, fallback);
var color = new _Color2.default(val, { fallbackColor: fallback, format: this.format });
if (color.hasTransparency() && !this.options.useAlpha) {
// alpha is disabled
return color.getOpaqueCopy();
return color;
* Given a colorName (alias), returns the corresponding color code or defaultValue.
* @param {String} colorName
* @param {*} defaultValue
* @returns {*}
}, {
key: 'getPaletteColor',
value: function getPaletteColor(colorName) {
var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
if (!(typeof colorName === 'string') || !this.options.colorPalette) {
return defaultValue;
if (this.options.colorPalette.hasOwnProperty(colorName)) {
return this.options.colorPalette[colorName];
return defaultValue;
* Given a colorValue, returns the corresponding color name (alias) or defaultValue.
* @param {String} colorValue
* @param {*} defaultValue
* @returns {*}
}, {
key: 'getPaletteColorName',
value: function getPaletteColorName(colorValue) {
var defaultValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
if (!(typeof colorValue === 'string') || !this.options.colorPalette) {
return defaultValue;
for (var colorName in this.options.colorPalette) {
if (!this.options.colorPalette.hasOwnProperty(colorName)) {
if (this.options.colorPalette[colorName].toLowerCase() === colorValue.toLowerCase()) {
return colorName;
return defaultValue;
* Returns true if the widget has an associated input element, false otherwise
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasInput',
value: function hasInput() {
return this.input !== false;
* Returns true if this instance is disabled
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'isDisabled',
value: function isDisabled() {
return this.disabled === true;
* Disables the widget and the input if any
* @fires disable
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'disable',
value: function disable() {
if (this.hasInput()) {
this.input.prop('disabled', true);
this.disabled = true;
* (Colorpicker) When the widget has been disabled.
* @event disable
type: 'disable',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
return true;
* Enables the widget and the input if any
* @fires enable
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'enable',
value: function enable() {
if (this.hasInput()) {
this.input.prop('disabled', false);
this.disabled = false;
* (Colorpicker) When the widget has been enabled.
* @event enable
type: 'enable',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color
return true;
* Function triggered when clicking in one of the color adjustment bars
* @fires mousemove
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'mousedown',
value: function mousedown(e) {
if (!e.pageX && !e.pageY && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches) {
e.pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
e.pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
var target = (0, _jquery2.default)(;
// detect the slider and set the limits and callbacks
var zone = target.closest('div');
var sl = this.options.horizontal ? this.options.slidersHorz : this.options.sliders;
if (!'.colorpicker')) {
if ('.colorpicker-saturation')) {
this.currentSlider = _jquery2.default.extend({}, sl.saturation);
} else if ('.colorpicker-hue')) {
this.currentSlider = _jquery2.default.extend({}, sl.hue);
} else if ('.colorpicker-alpha')) {
this.currentSlider = _jquery2.default.extend({}, sl.alpha);
} else {
return false;
var offset = zone.offset();
// reference to guide's style = zone.find('.colorpicker-guide')[0].style;
this.currentSlider.left = e.pageX - offset.left; = e.pageY -;
this.mousePointer = {
left: e.pageX,
top: e.pageY
* (window.document) Triggered on mousedown for the document object,
* so the color adjustment guide is moved to the clicked position.
* @event mousemove
(0, _jquery2.default)(window.document).on({
'mousemove.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mousemove, this),
'touchmove.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mousemove, this),
'mouseup.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mouseup, this),
'touchend.colorpicker': _jquery2.default.proxy(this.mouseup, this)
return false;
* Function triggered when dragging a guide inside one of the color adjustment bars.
* @fires changeColor
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'mousemove',
value: function mousemove(e) {
if (!this.hasColor()) {
return null;
if (!e.pageX && !e.pageY && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches) {
e.pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
e.pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
var left = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.currentSlider.maxLeft, this.currentSlider.left + ((e.pageX || this.mousePointer.left) - this.mousePointer.left)));
var top = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.currentSlider.maxTop, + ((e.pageY || -; = left + 'px'; = top + 'px';
if (this.currentSlider.callLeft) {
this.color[this.currentSlider.callLeft].call(this.color, left / this.currentSlider.maxLeft);
if (this.currentSlider.callTop) {
this.color[this.currentSlider.callTop].call(this.color, top / this.currentSlider.maxTop);
* (Colorpicker) When the color guides have been dragged.
* @event changeColor
type: 'changeColor',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color,
value: this.getColorString()
return false;
* Function triggered when releasing the click in one of the color adjustment bars.
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'mouseup',
value: function mouseup(e) {
(0, _jquery2.default)(window.document).off({
'mousemove.colorpicker': this.mousemove,
'touchmove.colorpicker': this.mousemove,
'mouseup.colorpicker': this.mouseup,
'touchend.colorpicker': this.mouseup
return false;
* Function triggered when the input has changed, so the colorpicker gets updated.
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'change',
value: function change(e) {
* Function triggered after a keyboard key has been released.
* @fires changeColor
* @param {Event} e
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'keyup',
value: function keyup(e) {
this.color = this.createColor(this.input.val());
if (this.getValue(false) !== false) {
* (Colorpicker) When a keyboard key has been released.
* @event changeColor
type: 'changeColor',
colorpicker: this,
color: this.color,
value: this.input.val()
}, {
key: 'format',
get: function get() {
if (this.options.format) {
return this.options.format;
if (this.hasColor() && this.color.hasTransparency() && this.color.format.match(/^hex/)) {
return this.options.enableHex8 ? 'hex8' : 'rgba';
return null;
return Colorpicker;
exports.default = Colorpicker;
/***/ }),
/* 3 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* @module
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _get = function get(object, property, receiver) { if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) { var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; } else { return get(parent, property, receiver); } } else if ("value" in desc) { return desc.value; } else { var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return; } };
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _tinycolor2 = __webpack_require__(4);
var _tinycolor3 = _interopRequireDefault(_tinycolor2);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var defaultFallbackColor = '#000000';
var defaultFallbackFormat = null;
function unwrapColor(color) {
if (color instanceof _tinycolor3.default) {
return {
r: color._r,
g: color._g,
b: color._b,
a: color._a
return color;
* Color manipulation class.
var Color = function (_tinycolor) {
_inherits(Color, _tinycolor);
_createClass(Color, [{
key: 'id',
* Identifier of the color instance.
* @type {int}
* @readonly
get: function get() {
return this._tc_id;
* Format of the parsed color.
* @type {String}
* @readonly
}, {
key: 'format',
get: function get() {
return this._format;
* All options of the current instance.
* @type {{format: String, gradientType: String, fallbackColor: *}}
* @readonly
}, {
key: 'options',
get: function get() {
return {
format: this._format,
gradientType: this._gradientType,
fallbackColor: this._fallbackColor
* @returns {{h, s, v, a}}
}, {
key: 'hsva',
get: function get() {
return this.toHsv();
* @returns {{h, s, v, a}}
}, {
key: 'hsvaRatio',
get: function get() {
var hsv = this.hsva;
return {
h: hsv.h / 360,
s: hsv.s,
v: hsv.v,
a: hsv.a
* foo bar
* @param {Color|*} color
* @param {{fallbackColor, format}} [options]
* @constructor
function Color(color) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : { fallbackColor: defaultFallbackColor, format: null };
_classCallCheck(this, Color);
* @type {Color|*}
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Color.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Color)).call(this, unwrapColor(color), options));
_this._originalInput = color;
* @type {Color|*}
_this._fallbackColor = unwrapColor(options.fallbackColor);
return _this;
* Imports all variables of the given color to this instance, excepting `_tc_id`.
* @param {Color} color
_createClass(Color, [{
key: 'importColor',
value: function importColor(color) {
if (!color instanceof _tinycolor3.default) {
throw new Error('Color.importColor: The color argument is not an instance of tinycolor.');
this._originalInput = color._originalInput;
this._r = color._r;
this._g = color._g;
this._b = color._b;
this._a = color._a;
this._roundA = color._roundA;
this._format = color._format;
this._gradientType = color._gradientType;
this._ok = color._ok;
// omit color._tc_id import
* Imports the _r, _g, _b, _a and _ok variables of the given color to this instance.
* @param {Color} color
}, {
key: 'importRgb',
value: function importRgb(color) {
if (!color instanceof _tinycolor3.default) {
throw new Error('Color.importColor: The color argument is not an instance of tinycolor.');
this._r = color._r;
this._g = color._g;
this._b = color._b;
this._a = color._a;
this._ok = color._ok;
* @param {{h,s,v,a}} hsv
}, {
key: 'importHsv',
value: function importHsv(hsv) {
this.importRgb(new Color(hsv, this.options));
* If the current color is not valid, applies the fallback and,
* in case the fallback is neither valid, applies the default fallback.
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: '_validOrFallback',
value: function _validOrFallback() {
if (!this.isValid()) {
var fallbackOptions = Object.assign({}, this.options);
if (!fallbackOptions.format) {
fallbackOptions.format = defaultFallbackFormat;
// given color is invalid
this.importColor((0, _tinycolor3.default)(this._fallbackColor, fallbackOptions));
if (!this.isValid()) {
// fallback color is invalid
this.importColor((0, _tinycolor3.default)(defaultFallbackColor, fallbackOptions));
return false;
return true;
* @returns {Color}
}, {
key: 'getCopy',
value: function getCopy() {
return new Color(this.hsva, this.options);
* @returns {Color}
}, {
key: 'getHueOnlyCopy',
value: function getHueOnlyCopy() {
return new Color(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { s: 100, v: 100 }), this.options);
* @returns {Color}
}, {
key: 'getOpaqueCopy',
value: function getOpaqueCopy() {
return new Color(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { a: 1 }), this.options);
* @param {number} h Degrees from 0 to 360
}, {
key: 'setHue',
value: function setHue(h) {
this.importHsv(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { h: h }));
* @param {number} s Percent from 0 o 100
}, {
key: 'setSaturation',
value: function setSaturation(s) {
this.importHsv(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { s: s }));
* @param {number} v Percent from 0 o 100
}, {
key: 'setBrightness',
value: function setBrightness(v) {
this.importHsv(Object.assign({}, this.hsva, { v: v }));
* @param {number} h Ratio from 0.0 to 1.0
}, {
key: 'setHueRatio',
value: function setHueRatio(h) {
if (h === 0) {
this.setHue((1 - h) * 360);
* @param {number} s Ratio from 0.0 to 1.0
}, {
key: 'setSaturationRatio',
value: function setSaturationRatio(s) {
* @param {number} v Ratio from 0.0 to 1.0
}, {
key: 'setBrightnessRatio',
value: function setBrightnessRatio(v) {
this.setBrightness(1 - v);
* @param {number} a Ratio from 0.0 to 1.0
}, {
key: 'setAlphaRatio',
value: function setAlphaRatio(a) {
this.setAlpha(1 - a);
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'isTransparent',
value: function isTransparent() {
return this._a === 0;
* @returns {boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasTransparency',
value: function hasTransparency() {
return this._a !== 1;
* @param {string|null} [format] One of "rgb", "prgb", "hex"/"hex6", "hex3", "hex8", "hsl", "hsv"/"hsb", "name"
* @returns {String}
}, {
key: 'toString',
value: function toString() {
var format = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;
format = (format ? format : this.format).replace(/a$/g, '').toLowerCase();
var colorStr = _get(Color.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Color.prototype), 'toString', this).call(this, format);
if (format.match(/hex/gi) && !format.match(/hex8/gi)) {
if (this.isTransparent() && this._r === 0 && this._g === 0 && this._b === 0) {
return 'transparent';
if (Color.names.hasOwnProperty(colorStr)) {
return colorStr;
return colorStr;
return Color;
exports.default = Color;
/***/ }),
/* 4 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;// TinyColor v1.4.1
// Brian Grinstead, MIT License
(function(Math) {
var trimLeft = /^\s+/,
trimRight = /\s+$/,
tinyCounter = 0,
mathRound = Math.round,
mathMin = Math.min,
mathMax = Math.max,
mathRandom = Math.random;
function tinycolor (color, opts) {
color = (color) ? color : '';
opts = opts || { };
// If input is already a tinycolor, return itself
if (color instanceof tinycolor) {
return color;
// If we are called as a function, call using new instead
if (!(this instanceof tinycolor)) {
return new tinycolor(color, opts);
var rgb = inputToRGB(color);
this._originalInput = color,
this._r = rgb.r,
this._g = rgb.g,
this._b = rgb.b,
this._a = rgb.a,
this._roundA = mathRound(100*this._a) / 100,
this._format = opts.format || rgb.format;
this._gradientType = opts.gradientType;
// Don't let the range of [0,255] come back in [0,1].
// Potentially lose a little bit of precision here, but will fix issues where
// .5 gets interpreted as half of the total, instead of half of 1
// If it was supposed to be 128, this was already taken care of by `inputToRgb`
if (this._r < 1) { this._r = mathRound(this._r); }
if (this._g < 1) { this._g = mathRound(this._g); }
if (this._b < 1) { this._b = mathRound(this._b); }
this._ok = rgb.ok;
this._tc_id = tinyCounter++;
tinycolor.prototype = {
isDark: function() {
return this.getBrightness() < 128;
isLight: function() {
return !this.isDark();
isValid: function() {
return this._ok;
getOriginalInput: function() {
return this._originalInput;
getFormat: function() {
return this._format;
getAlpha: function() {
return this._a;
getBrightness: function() {
var rgb = this.toRgb();
return (rgb.r * 299 + rgb.g * 587 + rgb.b * 114) / 1000;
getLuminance: function() {
var rgb = this.toRgb();
var RsRGB, GsRGB, BsRGB, R, G, B;
RsRGB = rgb.r/255;
GsRGB = rgb.g/255;
BsRGB = rgb.b/255;
if (RsRGB <= 0.03928) {R = RsRGB / 12.92;} else {R = Math.pow(((RsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);}
if (GsRGB <= 0.03928) {G = GsRGB / 12.92;} else {G = Math.pow(((GsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);}
if (BsRGB <= 0.03928) {B = BsRGB / 12.92;} else {B = Math.pow(((BsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);}
return (0.2126 * R) + (0.7152 * G) + (0.0722 * B);
setAlpha: function(value) {
this._a = boundAlpha(value);
this._roundA = mathRound(100*this._a) / 100;
return this;
toHsv: function() {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(this._r, this._g, this._b);
return { h: hsv.h * 360, s: hsv.s, v: hsv.v, a: this._a };
toHsvString: function() {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(this._r, this._g, this._b);
var h = mathRound(hsv.h * 360), s = mathRound(hsv.s * 100), v = mathRound(hsv.v * 100);
return (this._a == 1) ?
"hsv(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + v + "%)" :
"hsva(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + v + "%, "+ this._roundA + ")";
toHsl: function() {
var hsl = rgbToHsl(this._r, this._g, this._b);
return { h: hsl.h * 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l, a: this._a };
toHslString: function() {
var hsl = rgbToHsl(this._r, this._g, this._b);
var h = mathRound(hsl.h * 360), s = mathRound(hsl.s * 100), l = mathRound(hsl.l * 100);
return (this._a == 1) ?
"hsl(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + l + "%)" :
"hsla(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + l + "%, "+ this._roundA + ")";
toHex: function(allow3Char) {
return rgbToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, allow3Char);
toHexString: function(allow3Char) {
return '#' + this.toHex(allow3Char);
toHex8: function(allow4Char) {
return rgbaToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, this._a, allow4Char);
toHex8String: function(allow4Char) {
return '#' + this.toHex8(allow4Char);
toRgb: function() {
return { r: mathRound(this._r), g: mathRound(this._g), b: mathRound(this._b), a: this._a };
toRgbString: function() {
return (this._a == 1) ?
"rgb(" + mathRound(this._r) + ", " + mathRound(this._g) + ", " + mathRound(this._b) + ")" :
"rgba(" + mathRound(this._r) + ", " + mathRound(this._g) + ", " + mathRound(this._b) + ", " + this._roundA + ")";
toPercentageRgb: function() {
return { r: mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%", g: mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%", b: mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%", a: this._a };
toPercentageRgbString: function() {
return (this._a == 1) ?
"rgb(" + mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%)" :
"rgba(" + mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%, " + this._roundA + ")";
toName: function() {
if (this._a === 0) {
return "transparent";
if (this._a < 1) {
return false;
return hexNames[rgbToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, true)] || false;
toFilter: function(secondColor) {
var hex8String = '#' + rgbaToArgbHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, this._a);
var secondHex8String = hex8String;
var gradientType = this._gradientType ? "GradientType = 1, " : "";
if (secondColor) {
var s = tinycolor(secondColor);
secondHex8String = '#' + rgbaToArgbHex(s._r, s._g, s._b, s._a);
return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient("+gradientType+"startColorstr="+hex8String+",endColorstr="+secondHex8String+")";
toString: function(format) {
var formatSet = !!format;
format = format || this._format;
var formattedString = false;
var hasAlpha = this._a < 1 && this._a >= 0;
var needsAlphaFormat = !formatSet && hasAlpha && (format === "hex" || format === "hex6" || format === "hex3" || format === "hex4" || format === "hex8" || format === "name");
if (needsAlphaFormat) {
// Special case for "transparent", all other non-alpha formats
// will return rgba when there is transparency.
if (format === "name" && this._a === 0) {
return this.toName();
return this.toRgbString();
if (format === "rgb") {
formattedString = this.toRgbString();
if (format === "prgb") {
formattedString = this.toPercentageRgbString();
if (format === "hex" || format === "hex6") {
formattedString = this.toHexString();
if (format === "hex3") {
formattedString = this.toHexString(true);
if (format === "hex4") {
formattedString = this.toHex8String(true);
if (format === "hex8") {
formattedString = this.toHex8String();
if (format === "name") {
formattedString = this.toName();
if (format === "hsl") {
formattedString = this.toHslString();
if (format === "hsv") {
formattedString = this.toHsvString();
return formattedString || this.toHexString();
clone: function() {
return tinycolor(this.toString());
_applyModification: function(fn, args) {
var color = fn.apply(null, [this].concat([];
this._r = color._r;
this._g = color._g;
this._b = color._b;
return this;
lighten: function() {
return this._applyModification(lighten, arguments);
brighten: function() {
return this._applyModification(brighten, arguments);
darken: function() {
return this._applyModification(darken, arguments);
desaturate: function() {
return this._applyModification(desaturate, arguments);
saturate: function() {
return this._applyModification(saturate, arguments);
greyscale: function() {
return this._applyModification(greyscale, arguments);
spin: function() {
return this._applyModification(spin, arguments);
_applyCombination: function(fn, args) {
return fn.apply(null, [this].concat([];
analogous: function() {
return this._applyCombination(analogous, arguments);
complement: function() {
return this._applyCombination(complement, arguments);
monochromatic: function() {
return this._applyCombination(monochromatic, arguments);
splitcomplement: function() {
return this._applyCombination(splitcomplement, arguments);
triad: function() {
return this._applyCombination(triad, arguments);
tetrad: function() {
return this._applyCombination(tetrad, arguments);
// If input is an object, force 1 into "1.0" to handle ratios properly
// String input requires "1.0" as input, so 1 will be treated as 1
tinycolor.fromRatio = function(color, opts) {
if (typeof color == "object") {
var newColor = {};
for (var i in color) {
if (color.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (i === "a") {
newColor[i] = color[i];
else {
newColor[i] = convertToPercentage(color[i]);
color = newColor;
return tinycolor(color, opts);
// Given a string or object, convert that input to RGB
// Possible string inputs:
// "red"
// "#f00" or "f00"
// "#ff0000" or "ff0000"
// "#ff000000" or "ff000000"
// "rgb 255 0 0" or "rgb (255, 0, 0)"
// "rgb 1.0 0 0" or "rgb (1, 0, 0)"
// "rgba (255, 0, 0, 1)" or "rgba 255, 0, 0, 1"
// "rgba (1.0, 0, 0, 1)" or "rgba 1.0, 0, 0, 1"
// "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)" or "hsl 0 100% 50%"
// "hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)" or "hsla 0 100% 50%, 1"
// "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)" or "hsv 0 100% 100%"
function inputToRGB(color) {
var rgb = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
var a = 1;
var s = null;
var v = null;
var l = null;
var ok = false;
var format = false;
if (typeof color == "string") {
color = stringInputToObject(color);
if (typeof color == "object") {
if (isValidCSSUnit(color.r) && isValidCSSUnit(color.g) && isValidCSSUnit(color.b)) {
rgb = rgbToRgb(color.r, color.g, color.b);
ok = true;
format = String(color.r).substr(-1) === "%" ? "prgb" : "rgb";
else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.v)) {
s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
v = convertToPercentage(color.v);
rgb = hsvToRgb(color.h, s, v);
ok = true;
format = "hsv";
else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.l)) {
s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
l = convertToPercentage(color.l);
rgb = hslToRgb(color.h, s, l);
ok = true;
format = "hsl";
if (color.hasOwnProperty("a")) {
a = color.a;
a = boundAlpha(a);
return {
ok: ok,
format: color.format || format,
r: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.r, 0)),
g: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.g, 0)),
b: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.b, 0)),
a: a
// Conversion Functions
// --------------------
// `rgbToHsl`, `rgbToHsv`, `hslToRgb`, `hsvToRgb` modified from:
// <>
// `rgbToRgb`
// Handle bounds / percentage checking to conform to CSS color spec
// <>
// *Assumes:* r, g, b in [0, 255] or [0, 1]
// *Returns:* { r, g, b } in [0, 255]
function rgbToRgb(r, g, b){
return {
r: bound01(r, 255) * 255,
g: bound01(g, 255) * 255,
b: bound01(b, 255) * 255
// `rgbToHsl`
// Converts an RGB color value to HSL.
// *Assumes:* r, g, and b are contained in [0, 255] or [0, 1]
// *Returns:* { h, s, l } in [0,1]
function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) {
r = bound01(r, 255);
g = bound01(g, 255);
b = bound01(b, 255);
var max = mathMax(r, g, b), min = mathMin(r, g, b);
var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if(max == min) {
h = s = 0; // achromatic
else {
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch(max) {
case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
h /= 6;
return { h: h, s: s, l: l };
// `hslToRgb`
// Converts an HSL color value to RGB.
// *Assumes:* h is contained in [0, 1] or [0, 360] and s and l are contained [0, 1] or [0, 100]
// *Returns:* { r, g, b } in the set [0, 255]
function hslToRgb(h, s, l) {
var r, g, b;
h = bound01(h, 360);
s = bound01(s, 100);
l = bound01(l, 100);
function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
if(t < 0) t += 1;
if(t > 1) t -= 1;
if(t < 1/6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if(t < 1/2) return q;
if(t < 2/3) return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6;
return p;
if(s === 0) {
r = g = b = l; // achromatic
else {
var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
var p = 2 * l - q;
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3);
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3);
return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
// `rgbToHsv`
// Converts an RGB color value to HSV
// *Assumes:* r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] or [0, 1]
// *Returns:* { h, s, v } in [0,1]
function rgbToHsv(r, g, b) {
r = bound01(r, 255);
g = bound01(g, 255);
b = bound01(b, 255);
var max = mathMax(r, g, b), min = mathMin(r, g, b);
var h, s, v = max;
var d = max - min;
s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
if(max == min) {
h = 0; // achromatic
else {
switch(max) {
case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
h /= 6;
return { h: h, s: s, v: v };
// `hsvToRgb`
// Converts an HSV color value to RGB.
// *Assumes:* h is contained in [0, 1] or [0, 360] and s and v are contained in [0, 1] or [0, 100]
// *Returns:* { r, g, b } in the set [0, 255]
function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) {
h = bound01(h, 360) * 6;
s = bound01(s, 100);
v = bound01(v, 100);
var i = Math.floor(h),
f = h - i,
p = v * (1 - s),
q = v * (1 - f * s),
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s),
mod = i % 6,
r = [v, q, p, p, t, v][mod],
g = [t, v, v, q, p, p][mod],
b = [p, p, t, v, v, q][mod];
return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
// `rgbToHex`
// Converts an RGB color to hex
// Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255]
// Returns a 3 or 6 character hex
function rgbToHex(r, g, b, allow3Char) {
var hex = [
// Return a 3 character hex if possible
if (allow3Char && hex[0].charAt(0) == hex[0].charAt(1) && hex[1].charAt(0) == hex[1].charAt(1) && hex[2].charAt(0) == hex[2].charAt(1)) {
return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0);
return hex.join("");
// `rgbaToHex`
// Converts an RGBA color plus alpha transparency to hex
// Assumes r, g, b are contained in the set [0, 255] and
// a in [0, 1]. Returns a 4 or 8 character rgba hex
function rgbaToHex(r, g, b, a, allow4Char) {
var hex = [
// Return a 4 character hex if possible
if (allow4Char && hex[0].charAt(0) == hex[0].charAt(1) && hex[1].charAt(0) == hex[1].charAt(1) && hex[2].charAt(0) == hex[2].charAt(1) && hex[3].charAt(0) == hex[3].charAt(1)) {
return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0) + hex[3].charAt(0);
return hex.join("");
// `rgbaToArgbHex`
// Converts an RGBA color to an ARGB Hex8 string
// Rarely used, but required for "toFilter()"
function rgbaToArgbHex(r, g, b, a) {
var hex = [
return hex.join("");
// `equals`
// Can be called with any tinycolor input
tinycolor.equals = function (color1, color2) {
if (!color1 || !color2) { return false; }
return tinycolor(color1).toRgbString() == tinycolor(color2).toRgbString();
tinycolor.random = function() {
return tinycolor.fromRatio({
r: mathRandom(),
g: mathRandom(),
b: mathRandom()
// Modification Functions
// ----------------------
// Thanks to less.js for some of the basics here
// <>
function desaturate(color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.s -= amount / 100;
hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
return tinycolor(hsl);
function saturate(color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.s += amount / 100;
hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
return tinycolor(hsl);
function greyscale(color) {
return tinycolor(color).desaturate(100);
function lighten (color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.l += amount / 100;
hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
return tinycolor(hsl);
function brighten(color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var rgb = tinycolor(color).toRgb();
rgb.r = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.r - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100))));
rgb.g = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.g - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100))));
rgb.b = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.b - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100))));
return tinycolor(rgb);
function darken (color, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10);
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.l -= amount / 100;
hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
return tinycolor(hsl);
// Spin takes a positive or negative amount within [-360, 360] indicating the change of hue.
// Values outside of this range will be wrapped into this range.
function spin(color, amount) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var hue = (hsl.h + amount) % 360;
hsl.h = hue < 0 ? 360 + hue : hue;
return tinycolor(hsl);
// Combination Functions
// ---------------------
// Thanks to jQuery xColor for some of the ideas behind these
// <>
function complement(color) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
hsl.h = (hsl.h + 180) % 360;
return tinycolor(hsl);
function triad(color) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var h = hsl.h;
return [
tinycolor({ h: (h + 120) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
tinycolor({ h: (h + 240) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l })
function tetrad(color) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var h = hsl.h;
return [
tinycolor({ h: (h + 90) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
tinycolor({ h: (h + 180) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
tinycolor({ h: (h + 270) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l })
function splitcomplement(color) {
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var h = hsl.h;
return [
tinycolor({ h: (h + 72) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l}),
tinycolor({ h: (h + 216) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l})
function analogous(color, results, slices) {
results = results || 6;
slices = slices || 30;
var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl();
var part = 360 / slices;
var ret = [tinycolor(color)];
for (hsl.h = ((hsl.h - (part * results >> 1)) + 720) % 360; --results; ) {
hsl.h = (hsl.h + part) % 360;
return ret;
function monochromatic(color, results) {
results = results || 6;
var hsv = tinycolor(color).toHsv();
var h = hsv.h, s = hsv.s, v = hsv.v;
var ret = [];
var modification = 1 / results;
while (results--) {
ret.push(tinycolor({ h: h, s: s, v: v}));
v = (v + modification) % 1;
return ret;
// Utility Functions
// ---------------------
tinycolor.mix = function(color1, color2, amount) {
amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 50);
var rgb1 = tinycolor(color1).toRgb();
var rgb2 = tinycolor(color2).toRgb();
var p = amount / 100;
var rgba = {
r: ((rgb2.r - rgb1.r) * p) + rgb1.r,
g: ((rgb2.g - rgb1.g) * p) + rgb1.g,
b: ((rgb2.b - rgb1.b) * p) + rgb1.b,
a: ((rgb2.a - rgb1.a) * p) + rgb1.a
return tinycolor(rgba);
// Readability Functions
// ---------------------
// < (WCAG Version 2)
// `contrast`
// Analyze the 2 colors and returns the color contrast defined by (WCAG Version 2)
tinycolor.readability = function(color1, color2) {
var c1 = tinycolor(color1);
var c2 = tinycolor(color2);
return (Math.max(c1.getLuminance(),c2.getLuminance())+0.05) / (Math.min(c1.getLuminance(),c2.getLuminance())+0.05);
// `isReadable`
// Ensure that foreground and background color combinations meet WCAG2 guidelines.
// The third argument is an optional Object.
// the 'level' property states 'AA' or 'AAA' - if missing or invalid, it defaults to 'AA';
// the 'size' property states 'large' or 'small' - if missing or invalid, it defaults to 'small'.
// If the entire object is absent, isReadable defaults to {level:"AA",size:"small"}.
// *Example*
// tinycolor.isReadable("#000", "#111") => false
// tinycolor.isReadable("#000", "#111",{level:"AA",size:"large"}) => false
tinycolor.isReadable = function(color1, color2, wcag2) {
var readability = tinycolor.readability(color1, color2);
var wcag2Parms, out;
out = false;
wcag2Parms = validateWCAG2Parms(wcag2);
switch (wcag2Parms.level + wcag2Parms.size) {
case "AAsmall":
case "AAAlarge":
out = readability >= 4.5;
case "AAlarge":
out = readability >= 3;
case "AAAsmall":
out = readability >= 7;
return out;
// `mostReadable`
// Given a base color and a list of possible foreground or background
// colors for that base, returns the most readable color.
// Optionally returns Black or White if the most readable color is unreadable.
// *Example*
// tinycolor.mostReadable(tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(); // "#112255"
// tinycolor.mostReadable(tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:true}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff"
// tinycolor.mostReadable("#a8015a", ["#faf3f3"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"large"}).toHexString(); // "#faf3f3"
// tinycolor.mostReadable("#a8015a", ["#faf3f3"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"small"}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff"
tinycolor.mostReadable = function(baseColor, colorList, args) {
var bestColor = null;
var bestScore = 0;
var readability;
var includeFallbackColors, level, size ;
args = args || {};
includeFallbackColors = args.includeFallbackColors ;
level = args.level;
size = args.size;
for (var i= 0; i < colorList.length ; i++) {
readability = tinycolor.readability(baseColor, colorList[i]);
if (readability > bestScore) {
bestScore = readability;
bestColor = tinycolor(colorList[i]);
if (tinycolor.isReadable(baseColor, bestColor, {"level":level,"size":size}) || !includeFallbackColors) {
return bestColor;
else {
return tinycolor.mostReadable(baseColor,["#fff", "#000"],args);
// Big List of Colors
// ------------------
// <>
var names = tinycolor.names = {
aliceblue: "f0f8ff",
antiquewhite: "faebd7",
aqua: "0ff",
aquamarine: "7fffd4",
azure: "f0ffff",
beige: "f5f5dc",
bisque: "ffe4c4",
black: "000",
blanchedalmond: "ffebcd",
blue: "00f",
blueviolet: "8a2be2",
brown: "a52a2a",
burlywood: "deb887",
burntsienna: "ea7e5d",
cadetblue: "5f9ea0",
chartreuse: "7fff00",
chocolate: "d2691e",
coral: "ff7f50",
cornflowerblue: "6495ed",
cornsilk: "fff8dc",
crimson: "dc143c",
cyan: "0ff",
darkblue: "00008b",
darkcyan: "008b8b",
darkgoldenrod: "b8860b",
darkgray: "a9a9a9",
darkgreen: "006400",
darkgrey: "a9a9a9",
darkkhaki: "bdb76b",
darkmagenta: "8b008b",
darkolivegreen: "556b2f",
darkorange: "ff8c00",
darkorchid: "9932cc",
darkred: "8b0000",
darksalmon: "e9967a",
darkseagreen: "8fbc8f",
darkslateblue: "483d8b",
darkslategray: "2f4f4f",
darkslategrey: "2f4f4f",
darkturquoise: "00ced1",
darkviolet: "9400d3",
deeppink: "ff1493",
deepskyblue: "00bfff",
dimgray: "696969",
dimgrey: "696969",
dodgerblue: "1e90ff",
firebrick: "b22222",
floralwhite: "fffaf0",
forestgreen: "228b22",
fuchsia: "f0f",
gainsboro: "dcdcdc",
ghostwhite: "f8f8ff",
gold: "ffd700",
goldenrod: "daa520",
gray: "808080",
green: "008000",
greenyellow: "adff2f",
grey: "808080",
honeydew: "f0fff0",
hotpink: "ff69b4",
indianred: "cd5c5c",
indigo: "4b0082",
ivory: "fffff0",
khaki: "f0e68c",
lavender: "e6e6fa",
lavenderblush: "fff0f5",
lawngreen: "7cfc00",
lemonchiffon: "fffacd",
lightblue: "add8e6",
lightcoral: "f08080",
lightcyan: "e0ffff",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "fafad2",
lightgray: "d3d3d3",
lightgreen: "90ee90",
lightgrey: "d3d3d3",
lightpink: "ffb6c1",
lightsalmon: "ffa07a",
lightseagreen: "20b2aa",
lightskyblue: "87cefa",
lightslategray: "789",
lightslategrey: "789",
lightsteelblue: "b0c4de",
lightyellow: "ffffe0",
lime: "0f0",
limegreen: "32cd32",
linen: "faf0e6",
magenta: "f0f",
maroon: "800000",
mediumaquamarine: "66cdaa",
mediumblue: "0000cd",
mediumorchid: "ba55d3",
mediumpurple: "9370db",
mediumseagreen: "3cb371",
mediumslateblue: "7b68ee",
mediumspringgreen: "00fa9a",
mediumturquoise: "48d1cc",
mediumvioletred: "c71585",
midnightblue: "191970",
mintcream: "f5fffa",
mistyrose: "ffe4e1",
moccasin: "ffe4b5",
navajowhite: "ffdead",
navy: "000080",
oldlace: "fdf5e6",
olive: "808000",
olivedrab: "6b8e23",
orange: "ffa500",
orangered: "ff4500",
orchid: "da70d6",
palegoldenrod: "eee8aa",
palegreen: "98fb98",
paleturquoise: "afeeee",
palevioletred: "db7093",
papayawhip: "ffefd5",
peachpuff: "ffdab9",
peru: "cd853f",
pink: "ffc0cb",
plum: "dda0dd",
powderblue: "b0e0e6",
purple: "800080",
rebeccapurple: "663399",
red: "f00",
rosybrown: "bc8f8f",
royalblue: "4169e1",
saddlebrown: "8b4513",
salmon: "fa8072",
sandybrown: "f4a460",
seagreen: "2e8b57",
seashell: "fff5ee",
sienna: "a0522d",
silver: "c0c0c0",
skyblue: "87ceeb",
slateblue: "6a5acd",
slategray: "708090",
slategrey: "708090",
snow: "fffafa",
springgreen: "00ff7f",
steelblue: "4682b4",
tan: "d2b48c",
teal: "008080",
thistle: "d8bfd8",
tomato: "ff6347",
turquoise: "40e0d0",
violet: "ee82ee",
wheat: "f5deb3",
white: "fff",
whitesmoke: "f5f5f5",
yellow: "ff0",
yellowgreen: "9acd32"
// Make it easy to access colors via `hexNames[hex]`
var hexNames = tinycolor.hexNames = flip(names);
// Utilities
// ---------
// `{ 'name1': 'val1' }` becomes `{ 'val1': 'name1' }`
function flip(o) {
var flipped = { };
for (var i in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
flipped[o[i]] = i;
return flipped;
// Return a valid alpha value [0,1] with all invalid values being set to 1
function boundAlpha(a) {
a = parseFloat(a);
if (isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 1) {
a = 1;
return a;
// Take input from [0, n] and return it as [0, 1]
function bound01(n, max) {
if (isOnePointZero(n)) { n = "100%"; }
var processPercent = isPercentage(n);
n = mathMin(max, mathMax(0, parseFloat(n)));
// Automatically convert percentage into number
if (processPercent) {
n = parseInt(n * max, 10) / 100;
// Handle floating point rounding errors
if ((Math.abs(n - max) < 0.000001)) {
return 1;
// Convert into [0, 1] range if it isn't already
return (n % max) / parseFloat(max);
// Force a number between 0 and 1
function clamp01(val) {
return mathMin(1, mathMax(0, val));
// Parse a base-16 hex value into a base-10 integer
function parseIntFromHex(val) {
return parseInt(val, 16);
// Need to handle 1.0 as 100%, since once it is a number, there is no difference between it and 1
// <>
function isOnePointZero(n) {
return typeof n == "string" && n.indexOf('.') != -1 && parseFloat(n) === 1;
// Check to see if string passed in is a percentage
function isPercentage(n) {
return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf('%') != -1;
// Force a hex value to have 2 characters
function pad2(c) {
return c.length == 1 ? '0' + c : '' + c;
// Replace a decimal with it's percentage value
function convertToPercentage(n) {
if (n <= 1) {
n = (n * 100) + "%";
return n;
// Converts a decimal to a hex value
function convertDecimalToHex(d) {
return Math.round(parseFloat(d) * 255).toString(16);
// Converts a hex value to a decimal
function convertHexToDecimal(h) {
return (parseIntFromHex(h) / 255);
var matchers = (function() {
// <>
var CSS_INTEGER = "[-\\+]?\\d+%?";
// <>
var CSS_NUMBER = "[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?";
// Allow positive/negative integer/number. Don't capture the either/or, just the entire outcome.
var CSS_UNIT = "(?:" + CSS_NUMBER + ")|(?:" + CSS_INTEGER + ")";
// Actual matching.
// Parentheses and commas are optional, but not required.
// Whitespace can take the place of commas or opening paren
var PERMISSIVE_MATCH3 = "[\\s|\\(]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")\\s*\\)?";
var PERMISSIVE_MATCH4 = "[\\s|\\(]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")\\s*\\)?";
return {
rgb: new RegExp("rgb" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
rgba: new RegExp("rgba" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hsl: new RegExp("hsl" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
hsla: new RegExp("hsla" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hsv: new RegExp("hsv" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
hsva: new RegExp("hsva" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hex3: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex6: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/,
hex4: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex8: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/
// `isValidCSSUnit`
// Take in a single string / number and check to see if it looks like a CSS unit
// (see `matchers` above for definition).
function isValidCSSUnit(color) {
return !!matchers.CSS_UNIT.exec(color);
// `stringInputToObject`
// Permissive string parsing. Take in a number of formats, and output an object
// based on detected format. Returns `{ r, g, b }` or `{ h, s, l }` or `{ h, s, v}`
function stringInputToObject(color) {
color = color.replace(trimLeft,'').replace(trimRight, '').toLowerCase();
var named = false;
if (names[color]) {
color = names[color];
named = true;
else if (color == 'transparent') {
return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, format: "name" };
// Try to match string input using regular expressions.
// Keep most of the number bounding out of this function - don't worry about [0,1] or [0,100] or [0,360]
// Just return an object and let the conversion functions handle that.
// This way the result will be the same whether the tinycolor is initialized with string or object.
var match;
if ((match = matchers.rgb.exec(color))) {
return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3] };
if ((match = matchers.rgba.exec(color))) {
return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3], a: match[4] };
if ((match = matchers.hsl.exec(color))) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3] };
if ((match = matchers.hsla.exec(color))) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3], a: match[4] };
if ((match = matchers.hsv.exec(color))) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3] };
if ((match = matchers.hsva.exec(color))) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3], a: match[4] };
if ((match = matchers.hex8.exec(color))) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]),
a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
if ((match = matchers.hex6.exec(color))) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex"
if ((match = matchers.hex4.exec(color))) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + '' + match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + '' + match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + '' + match[3]),
a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4] + '' + match[4]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
if ((match = matchers.hex3.exec(color))) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + '' + match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + '' + match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + '' + match[3]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex"
return false;
function validateWCAG2Parms(parms) {
// return valid WCAG2 parms for isReadable.
// If input parms are invalid, return {"level":"AA", "size":"small"}
var level, size;
parms = parms || {"level":"AA", "size":"small"};
level = (parms.level || "AA").toUpperCase();
size = (parms.size || "small").toLowerCase();
if (level !== "AA" && level !== "AAA") {
level = "AA";
if (size !== "small" && size !== "large") {
size = "small";
return {"level":level, "size":size};
// Node: Export function
if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
module.exports = tinycolor;
// AMD/requirejs: Define the module
else if (true) {
!(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = function () {return tinycolor;}.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module),
__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));
// Browser: Expose to window
else {
window.tinycolor = tinycolor;
/***/ }),
/* 5 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* @module
* Colorpicker default options
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = {
* Forces a color, ignoring the one from the elements value or data-color attribute.
* @type {(String|Color|boolean)}
* @default false
color: false,
* Forces an specific color format. If false, it will be automatically detected.
* Note that the ending 'a' of the format meaning "alpha" has currently no effect, meaning that rgb is the same as
* rgba excepting if the alpha channel is disabled (see useAlpha).
* @type {('rgb'|'rgba'|'prgb'|'prgba'|'hex'|'hex3'|'hex6'|'hex8'|'hsl'|'hsla'|'hsv'|'hsva'|'name'|boolean)}
* @default false
format: false,
* Horizontal mode layout.
* If true, the hue and alpha channel bars will be rendered horizontally, above the saturation selector.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
horizontal: false,
* Forces to show the colorpicker as an inline element
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
inline: false,
* Children input CSS selector
* @type {String}
* @default 'input'
input: 'input',
* Colorpicker container CSS selector. If given, the colorpicker will be placed inside this container.
* If true, the colorpicker element itself will be used as the container.
* @type {String|boolean}
* @default false
container: false, // container selector
* Children color component CSS selector.
* If it exists, the child <i> element background will be changed on color change.
* @type {String|boolean}
* @default '.add-on, .input-group-addon'
component: '.add-on, .input-group-addon',
* Fallback color to use when the given color is invalid.
* If false, the latest valid color will be used as a fallback.
* @type {String|Color|boolean}
* @default false
fallbackColor: false,
* If true a hash will be prepended to hexadecimal colors.
* If false, the hash will be removed.
* This only affects the input values.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
useHashPrefix: true,
* If true or false the alpha adjustment bar will be displayed no matter what.
* If false it will be always hidden and alpha channel won't be allowed programmatically for this instance,
* so the selected or typed color will be always opaque.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
useAlpha: true,
* This only applies when the color format is hexadecimal.
* If true, the alpha channel will be allowed for hexadecimal formatted colors, making them having 4 or 8 chars
* (RGBA or RRGGBBAA). This format is not yet supported in all modern browsers, so it is disabled by default.
* If false, rgba will be used whenever there is an alpha change different than 1 and the color format is
* automatic.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
enableHex8: false,
* Vertical sliders configuration
* @type {Object}
sliders: {
saturation: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: 'setSaturationRatio',
callTop: 'setBrightnessRatio'
hue: {
maxLeft: 0,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: false,
callTop: 'setHueRatio'
alpha: {
maxLeft: 0,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: false,
callTop: 'setAlphaRatio'
* Horizontal sliders configuration
* @type {Object}
slidersHorz: {
saturation: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 100,
callLeft: 'setSaturationRatio',
callTop: 'setBrightnessRatio'
hue: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 0,
callLeft: 'setHueRatio',
callTop: false
alpha: {
maxLeft: 100,
maxTop: 0,
callLeft: 'setAlphaRatio',
callTop: false
* Colorpicker widget template
* @type {String}
* @example
* <!-- This is the default template: -->
* <div class="colorpicker dropdown-menu">
* <div class="colorpicker-saturation"><i class="colorpicker-guide"><i></i></i></div>
* <div class="colorpicker-hue"><i class="colorpicker-guide"></i></div>
* <div class="colorpicker-alpha"><i class="colorpicker-guide"></i></div>
* <div class="colorpicker-color"><div /></div>
* <div class="colorpicker-palette"></div>
* </div>
template: '<div class="colorpicker dropdown-menu">\n <div class="colorpicker-saturation"><i class="colorpicker-guide"><i></i></i></div>\n <div class="colorpicker-hue"><i class="colorpicker-guide"></i></div>\n <div class="colorpicker-alpha"><i class="colorpicker-guide"></i></div>\n <div class="colorpicker-color"><div /></div>\n <div class="colorpicker-palette"></div>\n </div>',
* Colorpicker popup alignment.
* For now only right is supported.
* @type {('right')}
* @default 'right'
*/ // TODO: add 'left' and 'auto' support.
align: 'right',
* Custom class to be added to the colorpicker element
* @type {String}
customClass: null,
* Preset list of colors to be added to the colorpicker widget as clickable color selectors.
* The value should be an object containing key-value pairs defining a color alias and its CSS color representation.
* For this to work, a '.colorpicker-palette' element needs to be defined inside the colorpicker template.
* @type {Object}
* @default null
* @example
* {
* 'black': '#000000',
* 'white': '#ffffff',
* 'red': '#FF0000',
* 'default': '#777777',
* 'primary': '#337ab7',
* 'success': '#5cb85c',
* 'info': '#5bc0de',
* 'warning': '#f0ad4e',
* 'danger': '#d9534f'
* }
colorPalette: null,
* If true, the when a color swatch is selected the name (alias) will be used as input value,
* otherwise the swatch real color value will be used.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
useColorPaletteNames: true
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ var tag={
$("body").attr("onselectstart","return false");
// 基本实例化:
var gezilist=$(".tag-size").val().split("*");
var gnum=(Number(gezilist[0])/20)*(Number(gezilist[1])/20);
var html="";
for(var i=0;i<gnum;i++){
......@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ var tag={
var ele=$(".huabuitem.act");
......@@ -70,17 +72,49 @@ var tag={
$(".tools.act .ztys").val(ele.attr("ztys"));//字体颜色
$(".tools.act .zhg").val(ele.attr("zhg"));//字行高
$(".tools.act .imagesurl").val(ele.attr("imagesurl"));//图片路径
$(".tools.act .sjgl1").val(ele.attr("sjgl1"));
$(".tools.act .sjgl2").val(ele.attr("sjgl2"));
$(".tools.act .sjgl3").val(ele.attr("sjgl3"));
for(var i=0;i<$(".tools.act .sjglgroup").length;i++){
var current_=(i+1);
$(".tools.act .sjgl").val("");
$(".tools.act .sjgl").next().val("").show();
$(".tools.act .sjgl").parents(".sjglgroup").find("span").find("select").val("/");
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).val(ele.attr("sjgl"+current_).split("||zdyxkpoiop")[0]);
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).val(ele.attr("sjgl"+current_).slice(1).split("||zdyxkpoiop")[0]);
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).parents(".sjglgroup").find("span").find("select").val(ele.attr("sjgl"+current_)[0])
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).next().val("").hide();
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).val("");
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).next().val(ele.attr("sjgl"+current_));
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).next().val(ele.attr("sjgl"+current_).slice(1));
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).parents(".sjglgroup").find("span").find("select").val(ele.attr("sjgl"+current_)[0])
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).next().show();
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).val("");
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).next().val("").show();
$(".tools.act .sjgl"+current_).parents(".sjglgroup").find("span").find("select").val("/")
$(".edit-seclect select").change(function(){
$(".edit-seclect select,.tag-bgm").change(function(){
$(".edit-seclect select,.edit-seclect input").bind('input propertychange', function() {
......@@ -107,6 +141,10 @@ var tag={
......@@ -263,14 +301,30 @@ var tag={
ele.css({"background":"url("+val_+") 0% 0% / 100% 100% no-repeat"})
case "sjgl1":
case "sjgl2":
case "sjgl3":
case "sjgl":
var parent_=self.parents(".group-value");
var datatypes="";
for(var i=0;i<parent_.find(".sjglgroup").length;i++){
var elp=parent_.find(".sjgl"+(i+1));
var qz_="";
qz_=elp.parents(".sjglgroup").find("span select").val();
......@@ -281,6 +335,15 @@ var tag={
$(".sjglbox select").bind('input propertychange', function() {
var val_=$(this).val();
var obj={
......@@ -288,16 +351,29 @@ var tag={
$(".edit-con .gezi").remove();
$(".edit-con .huabuitem").removeClass("act");
url : '/ajax/add_template',
type: 'post',
data: obj,
success: function(resp) {
if (resp.err_code == 0) {
error: function(err) {
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
<div class="items logo1" name="logo1it" style="background: url( no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;"><div class="zctem logo1it" type="6" w="91" h="45" name="logo1it" imagesurl="" style="background: url( no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;"></div><span>logo1</span></div>
<div class="items logo2" name="logo2it" style="background: url( no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;"><div class="zctem logo2it" type="6" w="64" h="25" name="logo2it" imagesurl="" style="background: url( no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;"></div><span>logo1</span></div>
<div class="items logo3" name="logo3it" style="background: url( no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;"><div class="zctem logo3it" type="6" w="88" h="34" name="logo3it" imagesurl="" style="background: url( no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;"></div><span>logo1</span></div>
<div class="tag-edit clr">
......@@ -27,10 +28,8 @@
<div class="seclect-group fl">
<select class="tag-bgm">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="#f2f2f2">灰色</option>
<input type="text" class="tag-bgm" value="#ffffff"/>
<div class="seclect-group fl">
......@@ -54,6 +53,9 @@
<div class="fztip">每个辅助格子20px*20px,从左上角开始,横向为X轴,纵向为Y轴</div>
<div class="fztip" style="color:red;">双击删除编辑区域内标签工具</div>
<div class="fztip" ><span style="color:red;">颜色选着器,复制此处颜色可用 </span><input type="text" id="colorpicker" /></div>
<div class="edit-box fl">
<div class="edit-con init-border" ></div>
......@@ -166,9 +168,10 @@
<span class="fl">图层层级</span><input type="number" class="tccj fl" placeholder="输入数值,越大越高"/>
<div class="group-value clr">
<div class="sjglgroup clr">
<span class="fl">数据关联</span>
<div class="sjglbox fl">
<select class="sjgl1 fl">
<select class="sjgl sjgl1 fl">
<option value="">自定义</option>
<option value="sku_code">SKU编码</option>
<option value="goods_type">型号名称</option>
......@@ -179,9 +182,11 @@
<option value="customer_type">客户型号</option>
<option value="customer_com">客户公司</option>
<input type="text" class="zdynr" placeholder="输入自定义内容" />
<input type="text" class="sjgl zdynr" placeholder="输入自定义内容" />
......@@ -234,9 +239,10 @@
<span class="fl">图层层级</span><input type="number" class="tccj fl" placeholder="输入数值,越大越高"/>
<div class="group-value clr">
<div class="more-data-gl clr">
<div class="sjglgroup clr">
<span class="fl">数据关联</span>
<select class="sjgl1 fl">
<div class="sjglbox fl">
<select class="sjgl sjgl1 fl">
<option value="">自定义</option>
<option value="sku_code">SKU编码</option>
<option value="goods_type">型号名称</option>
......@@ -247,10 +253,26 @@
<option value="customer_type">客户型号</option>
<option value="customer_com">客户公司</option>
<div class="more-data-gl clr">
<span class="fl">数据关联</span>
<select class="sjgl2 fl">
<input type="text" class="sjgl zdynr" placeholder="输入自定义内容" />
<div class="sjglgroup clr">
<span class="fl">
<select style="width:60px;" class="sjgl">
<option value="/">/</option>
<option value="\">\</option>
<option value="-">-</option>
<option value="+">+</option>
<option value="%">%</option>
<option value="&amp;">&amp;</option>
<option value="*">*</option>
<option value="#">#</option>
<option value=";"></option>
<option value=":"></option>
<div class="sjglbox fl">
<select class="sjgl sjgl2 fl">
<option value="">自定义</option>
<option value="sku_code">SKU编码</option>
<option value="goods_type">型号名称</option>
......@@ -261,10 +283,26 @@
<option value="customer_type">客户型号</option>
<option value="customer_com">客户公司</option>
<div class="more-data-gl clr">
<span class="fl">数据关联</span>
<select class="sjgl3 fl">
<input type="text" class="sjgl zdynr" placeholder="输入自定义内容" />
<div class="sjglgroup clr">
<span class="fl">
<select style="width:60px;" class="sjgl">
<option value="/">/</option>
<option value="\">\</option>
<option value="-">-</option>
<option value="+">+</option>
<option value="%">%</option>
<option value="&amp;">&amp;</option>
<option value="*">*</option>
<option value="#">#</option>
<option value=";"></option>
<option value=":"></option>
<div class="sjglbox fl">
<select class="sjgl sjgl3 fl">
<option value="">自定义</option>
<option value="sku_code">SKU编码</option>
<option value="goods_type">型号名称</option>
......@@ -275,8 +313,39 @@
<option value="customer_type">客户型号</option>
<option value="customer_com">客户公司</option>
<input type="text" class="sjgl zdynr" placeholder="输入自定义内容" />
<div class="sjglgroup clr">
<span class="fl">
<select style="width:60px;" class="sjgl">
<option value="/">/</option>
<option value="\">\</option>
<option value="-">-</option>
<option value="+">+</option>
<option value="%">%</option>
<option value="&amp;">&amp;</option>
<option value="*">*</option>
<option value="#">#</option>
<option value=";"></option>
<option value=":"></option>
<div class="sjglbox fl">
<select class="sjgl sjgl4 fl">
<option value="">自定义</option>
<option value="sku_code">SKU编码</option>
<option value="goods_type">型号名称</option>
<option value="goods_brand">型号品牌</option>
<option value="goods_number">型号数量</option>
<option value="sale_order_sn">销售单号</option>
<option value="customer_code">客户编码</option>
<option value="customer_type">客户型号</option>
<option value="customer_com">客户公司</option>
<input type="text" class="sjgl zdynr" placeholder="输入自定义内容" />
......@@ -301,7 +370,7 @@
<button class="submitx layui-btn">提交</button>
<script src="../../../js/colorselect.js"></script>
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