<?php namespace Milon\Barcode; //============================================================+ // File name : tcpdf_barcodes_2d.php // Version : 1.0.015 // Begin : 2009-04-07 // Last Update : 2014-05-20 // Author : Nicola Asuni - Tecnick.com LTD - www.tecnick.com - info@tecnick.com // License : GNU-LGPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Nicola Asuni - Tecnick.com LTD // // This file is part of TCPDF software library. // // TCPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // TCPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with TCPDF. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // See LICENSE.TXT file for more information. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Description : PHP class to creates array representations for // 2D barcodes to be used with TCPDF. // //============================================================+ /** * @file * PHP class to creates array representations for 2D barcodes to be used with TCPDF. * @package com.tecnick.tcpdf * @author Nicola Asuni * @version 1.0.015 */ /** * @class TCPDF2DBarcode * PHP class to creates array representations for 2D barcodes to be used with TCPDF (http://www.tcpdf.org). * @package com.tecnick.tcpdf * @version 1.0.015 * @author Nicola Asuni */ use Milon\Barcode\QRcode; use Milon\Barcode\Datamatrix; use Milon\Barcode\PDF417; use Illuminate\Support\Str; /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * Description of DNS2D * * @author dinesh */ class DNS2D { /** * Array representation of barcode. * @protected */ protected $barcode_array = false; /** * path to save png in getBarcodePNGPath * @var <type> */ protected $store_path; /** * Return a SVG string representation of barcode. * <li>$arrcode['code'] code to be printed on text label</li> * <li>$arrcode['num_rows'] required number of rows</li> * <li>$arrcode['num_cols'] required number of columns</li> * <li>$arrcode['bcode'][$r][$c] value of the cell is $r row and $c column (0 = transparent, 1 = black)</li></ul> * @param $code (string) code to print * @param $type (string) type of barcode: <ul><li>DATAMATRIX : Datamatrix (ISO/IEC 16022)</li><li>PDF417 : PDF417 (ISO/IEC 15438:2006)</li><li>PDF417,a,e,t,s,f,o0,o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6 : PDF417 with parameters: a = aspect ratio (width/height); e = error correction level (0-8); t = total number of macro segments; s = macro segment index (0-99998); f = file ID; o0 = File Name (text); o1 = Segment Count (numeric); o2 = Time Stamp (numeric); o3 = Sender (text); o4 = Addressee (text); o5 = File Size (numeric); o6 = Checksum (numeric). NOTES: Parameters t, s and f are required for a Macro Control Block, all other parametrs are optional. To use a comma character ',' on text options, replace it with the character 255: "\xff".</li><li>QRCODE : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,L : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,M : QRcode Medium error correction</li><li>QRCODE,Q : QRcode Better error correction</li><li>QRCODE,H : QR-CODE Best error correction</li><li>RAW: raw mode - comma-separad list of array rows</li><li>RAW2: raw mode - array rows are surrounded by square parenthesis.</li><li>TEST : Test matrix</li></ul> * @param $w (int) Width of a single rectangle element in user units. * @param $h (int) Height of a single rectangle element in user units. * @param $color (string) Foreground color (in SVG format) for bar elements (background is transparent). * @return string SVG code. * @public */ public function getBarcodeSVG($code, $type, $w = 3, $h = 3, $color = 'black') { if (!$this->store_path) { $this->setStorPath(\Config::get("barcode.store_path")); } //set barcode code and type $this->setBarcode($code, $type); // replace table for special characters $repstr = array("\0" => '', '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>'); $svg = '<' . '?' . 'xml version="1.0" standalone="no"' . '?' . '>' . "\n"; $svg .= '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">' . "\n"; $svg .= '<svg width="' . round(($this->barcode_array['num_cols'] * $w), 3) . '" height="' . round(($this->barcode_array['num_rows'] * $h), 3) . '" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">' . "\n"; $svg .= "\t" . '<desc>' . strtr($this->barcode_array['code'], $repstr) . '</desc>' . "\n"; $svg .= "\t" . '<g id="elements" fill="' . $color . '" stroke="none">' . "\n"; // print barcode elements $y = 0; // for each row for ($r = 0; $r < $this->barcode_array['num_rows']; ++$r) { $x = 0; // for each column for ($c = 0; $c < $this->barcode_array['num_cols']; ++$c) { if ($this->barcode_array['bcode'][$r][$c] == 1) { // draw a single barcode cell $svg .= "\t\t" . '<rect x="' . $x . '" y="' . $y . '" width="' . $w . '" height="' . $h . '" />' . "\n"; } $x += $w; } $y += $h; } $svg .= "\t" . '</g>' . "\n"; $svg .= '</svg>' . "\n"; return $svg; } /** * Return an HTML representation of barcode. * <li>$arrcode['code'] code to be printed on text label</li> * <li>$arrcode['num_rows'] required number of rows</li> * <li>$arrcode['num_cols'] required number of columns</li> * <li>$arrcode['bcode'][$r][$c] value of the cell is $r row and $c column (0 = transparent, 1 = black)</li></ul> * @param $code (string) code to print * @param $type (string) type of barcode: <ul><li>DATAMATRIX : Datamatrix (ISO/IEC 16022)</li><li>PDF417 : PDF417 (ISO/IEC 15438:2006)</li><li>PDF417,a,e,t,s,f,o0,o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6 : PDF417 with parameters: a = aspect ratio (width/height); e = error correction level (0-8); t = total number of macro segments; s = macro segment index (0-99998); f = file ID; o0 = File Name (text); o1 = Segment Count (numeric); o2 = Time Stamp (numeric); o3 = Sender (text); o4 = Addressee (text); o5 = File Size (numeric); o6 = Checksum (numeric). NOTES: Parameters t, s and f are required for a Macro Control Block, all other parametrs are optional. To use a comma character ',' on text options, replace it with the character 255: "\xff".</li><li>QRCODE : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,L : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,M : QRcode Medium error correction</li><li>QRCODE,Q : QRcode Better error correction</li><li>QRCODE,H : QR-CODE Best error correction</li><li>RAW: raw mode - comma-separad list of array rows</li><li>RAW2: raw mode - array rows are surrounded by square parenthesis.</li><li>TEST : Test matrix</li></ul> * @param $w (int) Width of a single rectangle element in pixels. * @param $h (int) Height of a single rectangle element in pixels. * @param $color (string) Foreground color for bar elements (background is transparent). * @return string HTML code. * @public */ public function getBarcodeHTML($code, $type, $w = 10, $h = 10, $color = 'black') { if (!$this->store_path) { $this->setStorPath(\Config::get("barcode.store_path")); } //set barcode code and type $this->setBarcode($code, $type); dump($this->barcode_array); $html = '<div style="font-size:0;position:relative;width:' . ($w * $this->barcode_array['num_cols']) . 'px;height:' . ($h * $this->barcode_array['num_rows']) . 'px;">' . "\n"; // print barcode elements $y = 0; // for each row for ($r = 0; $r < $this->barcode_array['num_rows']; ++$r) { $x = 0; // for each column for ($c = 0; $c < $this->barcode_array['num_cols']; ++$c) { if ($this->barcode_array['bcode'][$r][$c] == 1) { // draw a single barcode cell $html .= '<div style="background-color:' . $color . ';width:' . $w . 'px;height:' . $h . 'px;position:absolute;left:' . $x . 'px;top:' . $y . 'px;"> </div>' . "\n"; } $x += $w; } $y += $h; } $html .= '</div>' . "\n"; return $html; } /** * Return a PNG image representation of barcode (requires GD or Imagick library). * <li>$arrcode['code'] code to be printed on text label</li> * <li>$arrcode['num_rows'] required number of rows</li> * <li>$arrcode['num_cols'] required number of columns</li> * <li>$arrcode['bcode'][$r][$c] value of the cell is $r row and $c column (0 = transparent, 1 = black)</li></ul> * @param $code (string) code to print * @param $type (string) type of barcode: <ul><li>DATAMATRIX : Datamatrix (ISO/IEC 16022)</li><li>PDF417 : PDF417 (ISO/IEC 15438:2006)</li><li>PDF417,a,e,t,s,f,o0,o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6 : PDF417 with parameters: a = aspect ratio (width/height); e = error correction level (0-8); t = total number of macro segments; s = macro segment index (0-99998); f = file ID; o0 = File Name (text); o1 = Segment Count (numeric); o2 = Time Stamp (numeric); o3 = Sender (text); o4 = Addressee (text); o5 = File Size (numeric); o6 = Checksum (numeric). NOTES: Parameters t, s and f are required for a Macro Control Block, all other parametrs are optional. To use a comma character ',' on text options, replace it with the character 255: "\xff".</li><li>QRCODE : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,L : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,M : QRcode Medium error correction</li><li>QRCODE,Q : QRcode Better error correction</li><li>QRCODE,H : QR-CODE Best error correction</li><li>RAW: raw mode - comma-separad list of array rows</li><li>RAW2: raw mode - array rows are surrounded by square parenthesis.</li><li>TEST : Test matrix</li></ul> * @param $w (int) Width of a single rectangle element in pixels. * @param $h (int) Height of a single rectangle element in pixels. * @param $color (array) RGB (0-255) foreground color for bar elements (background is transparent). * @return path or false in case of error. * @public */ public function getBarcodePNG($code, $type, $w = 3, $h = 3, $color = array(0, 0, 0)) { if (!$this->store_path) { $this->setStorPath(\Config::get("barcode.store_path")); } //set barcode code and type $this->setBarcode($code, $type); // calculate image size $width = ($this->barcode_array['num_cols'] * $w); $height = ($this->barcode_array['num_rows'] * $h); if (function_exists('imagecreate')) { // GD library $imagick = false; $png = imagecreate($width, $height); $bgcol = imagecolorallocate($png, 255, 255, 255); imagecolortransparent($png, $bgcol); $fgcol = imagecolorallocate($png, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]); } elseif (extension_loaded('imagick')) { $imagick = true; $bgcol = new \imagickpixel('rgb(255,255,255'); $fgcol = new \imagickpixel('rgb(' . $color[0] . ',' . $color[1] . ',' . $color[2] . ')'); $png = new \Imagick(); $png->newImage($width, $height, 'none', 'png'); $bar = new \imagickdraw(); $bar->setfillcolor($fgcol); } else { return false; } // print barcode elements $y = 0; // for each row for ($r = 0; $r < $this->barcode_array['num_rows']; ++$r) { $x = 0; // for each column for ($c = 0; $c < $this->barcode_array['num_cols']; ++$c) { if ($this->barcode_array['bcode'][$r][$c] == 1) { // draw a single barcode cell if ($imagick) { $bar->rectangle($x, $y, ($x + $w), ($y + $h)); } else { imagefilledrectangle($png, $x, $y, ($x + $w), ($y + $h), $fgcol); } } $x += $w; } $y += $h; } ob_start(); // get image out put if ($imagick) { $png->drawimage($bar); echo $png; } else { imagepng($png); imagedestroy($png); } $image = ob_get_clean(); $image = base64_encode($image); //$image = 'data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode($image); return $image; } /** * Return a .png file path which create in server * @param $code (string) code to print * @param $type (string) type of barcode: <ul><li>C39 : CODE 39 - ANSI MH10.8M-1983 - USD-3 - 3 of 9.</li><li>C39+ : CODE 39 with checksum</li><li>C39E : CODE 39 EXTENDED</li><li>C39E+ : CODE 39 EXTENDED + CHECKSUM</li><li>C93 : CODE 93 - USS-93</li><li>S25 : Standard 2 of 5</li><li>S25+ : Standard 2 of 5 + CHECKSUM</li><li>I25 : Interleaved 2 of 5</li><li>I25+ : Interleaved 2 of 5 + CHECKSUM</li><li>C128 : CODE 128</li><li>C128A : CODE 128 A</li><li>C128B : CODE 128 B</li><li>C128C : CODE 128 C</li><li>EAN2 : 2-Digits UPC-Based Extention</li><li>EAN5 : 5-Digits UPC-Based Extention</li><li>EAN8 : EAN 8</li><li>EAN13 : EAN 13</li><li>UPCA : UPC-A</li><li>UPCE : UPC-E</li><li>MSI : MSI (Variation of Plessey code)</li><li>MSI+ : MSI + CHECKSUM (modulo 11)</li><li>POSTNET : POSTNET</li><li>PLANET : PLANET</li><li>RMS4CC : RMS4CC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) - CBC (Customer Bar Code)</li><li>KIX : KIX (Klant index - Customer index)</li><li>IMB: Intelligent Mail Barcode - Onecode - USPS-B-3200</li><li>CODABAR : CODABAR</li><li>CODE11 : CODE 11</li><li>PHARMA : PHARMACODE</li><li>PHARMA2T : PHARMACODE TWO-TRACKS</li></ul> * @param $w (int) Width of a single bar element in pixels. * @param $h (int) Height of a single bar element in pixels. * @param $color (array) RGB (0-255) foreground color for bar elements (background is transparent). * @return url or false in case of error. * @public */ public function getBarcodePNGUri($code, $type, $w = 3, $h = 3, $color = array(0, 0, 0)) { return url($this->getBarcodePNGPath($code, $type, $w, $h, $color)); } /** * Return a .png file path which create in server * <li>$arrcode['code'] code to be printed on text label</li> * <li>$arrcode['num_rows'] required number of rows</li> * <li>$arrcode['num_cols'] required number of columns</li> * <li>$arrcode['bcode'][$r][$c] value of the cell is $r row and $c column (0 = transparent, 1 = black)</li></ul> * @param $code (string) code to print * @param $type (string) type of barcode: <ul><li>DATAMATRIX : Datamatrix (ISO/IEC 16022)</li><li>PDF417 : PDF417 (ISO/IEC 15438:2006)</li><li>PDF417,a,e,t,s,f,o0,o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6 : PDF417 with parameters: a = aspect ratio (width/height); e = error correction level (0-8); t = total number of macro segments; s = macro segment index (0-99998); f = file ID; o0 = File Name (text); o1 = Segment Count (numeric); o2 = Time Stamp (numeric); o3 = Sender (text); o4 = Addressee (text); o5 = File Size (numeric); o6 = Checksum (numeric). NOTES: Parameters t, s and f are required for a Macro Control Block, all other parametrs are optional. To use a comma character ',' on text options, replace it with the character 255: "\xff".</li><li>QRCODE : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,L : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,M : QRcode Medium error correction</li><li>QRCODE,Q : QRcode Better error correction</li><li>QRCODE,H : QR-CODE Best error correction</li><li>RAW: raw mode - comma-separad list of array rows</li><li>RAW2: raw mode - array rows are surrounded by square parenthesis.</li><li>TEST : Test matrix</li></ul> * @param $w (int) Width of a single rectangle element in pixels. * @param $h (int) Height of a single rectangle element in pixels. * @param $color (array) RGB (0-255) foreground color for bar elements (background is transparent). * @return path of image whice created * @public */ public function getBarcodePNGPath($code, $type, $w = 3, $h = 3, $color = array(0, 0, 0)) { if (!$this->store_path) { $this->setStorPath(\Config::get("barcode.store_path")); } //set barcode code and type $this->setBarcode($code, $type); // calculate image size $width = ($this->barcode_array['num_cols'] * $w); $height = ($this->barcode_array['num_rows'] * $h); if (function_exists('imagecreate')) { // GD library $imagick = false; $png = imagecreate($width, $height); $bgcol = imagecolorallocate($png, 255, 255, 255); imagecolortransparent($png, $bgcol); $fgcol = imagecolorallocate($png, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]); } elseif (extension_loaded('imagick')) { $imagick = true; $bgcol = new imagickpixel('rgb(255,255,255'); $fgcol = new imagickpixel('rgb(' . $color[0] . ',' . $color[1] . ',' . $color[2] . ')'); $png = new Imagick(); $png->newImage($width, $height, 'none', 'png'); $bar = new imagickdraw(); $bar->setfillcolor($fgcol); } else { return false; } // print barcode elements $y = 0; // for each row for ($r = 0; $r < $this->barcode_array['num_rows']; ++$r) { $x = 0; // for each column for ($c = 0; $c < $this->barcode_array['num_cols']; ++$c) { if ($this->barcode_array['bcode'][$r][$c] == 1) { // draw a single barcode cell if ($imagick) { $bar->rectangle($x, $y, ($x + $w), ($y + $h)); } else { imagefilledrectangle($png, $x, $y, ($x + $w), ($y + $h), $fgcol); } } $x += $w; } $y += $h; } $file_name= Str::slug($code); $save_file = $this->checkfile($this->store_path . $file_name . ".png"); if ($imagick) { $png->drawimage($bar); //echo $png; } if (ImagePng($png, $save_file)) { imagedestroy($png); return str_replace(public_path(), '', $save_file); } else { imagedestroy($png); return $code; } } /** * Set the barcode. * @param $code (string) code to print * @param $type (string) type of barcode: <ul><li>DATAMATRIX : Datamatrix (ISO/IEC 16022)</li><li>PDF417 : PDF417 (ISO/IEC 15438:2006)</li><li>PDF417,a,e,t,s,f,o0,o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6 : PDF417 with parameters: a = aspect ratio (width/height); e = error correction level (0-8); t = total number of macro segments; s = macro segment index (0-99998); f = file ID; o0 = File Name (text); o1 = Segment Count (numeric); o2 = Time Stamp (numeric); o3 = Sender (text); o4 = Addressee (text); o5 = File Size (numeric); o6 = Checksum (numeric). NOTES: Parameters t, s and f are required for a Macro Control Block, all other parametrs are optional. To use a comma character ',' on text options, replace it with the character 255: "\xff".</li><li>QRCODE : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,L : QRcode Low error correction</li><li>QRCODE,M : QRcode Medium error correction</li><li>QRCODE,Q : QRcode Better error correction</li><li>QRCODE,H : QR-CODE Best error correction</li><li>RAW: raw mode - comma-separad list of array rows</li><li>RAW2: raw mode - array rows are surrounded by square parenthesis.</li><li>TEST : Test matrix</li></ul> * @return array */ protected function setBarcode($code, $type) { $mode = explode(',', $type); $qrtype = strtoupper($mode[0]); switch ($qrtype) { case 'DATAMATRIX': { // DATAMATRIX (ISO/IEC 16022) $barcode = new Datamatrix($code); $this->barcode_array = $barcode->getBarcodeArray(); $this->barcode_array['code'] = $code; break; } case 'PDF417': { // PDF417 (ISO/IEC 15438:2006) if (!isset($mode[1]) OR ($mode[1] === '')) { $aspectratio = 2; // default aspect ratio (width / height) } else { $aspectratio = floatval($mode[1]); } if (!isset($mode[2]) OR ($mode[2] === '')) { $ecl = -1; // default error correction level (auto) } else { $ecl = intval($mode[2]); } // set macro block $macro = array(); if (isset($mode[3]) AND ($mode[3] !== '') AND isset($mode[4]) AND ($mode[4] !== '') AND isset($mode[5]) AND ($mode[5] !== '')) { $macro['segment_total'] = intval($mode[3]); $macro['segment_index'] = intval($mode[4]); $macro['file_id'] = strtr($mode[5], "\xff", ','); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; ++$i) { $o = $i + 6; if (isset($mode[$o]) AND ($mode[$o] !== '')) { // add option $macro['option_' . $i] = strtr($mode[$o], "\xff", ','); } } } $barcode = new PDF417($code, $ecl, $aspectratio, $macro); $this->barcode_array = $barcode->getBarcodeArray(); $this->barcode_array['code'] = $code; break; } case 'QRCODE': { // QR-CODE if (!isset($mode[1]) OR (!in_array($mode[1], array('L', 'M', 'Q', 'H')))) { $mode[1] = 'L'; // Ddefault: Low error correction } $barcode = new QRcode($code, strtoupper($mode[1])); $this->barcode_array = $barcode->getBarcodeArray(); $this->barcode_array['code'] = $code; break; } default: { $this->barcode_array = false; } } } /** * * @param type $path * @return type */ protected function checkfile($path) { if (file_exists($path)) { unlink($path); } return $path; } public function setStorPath($path) { $this->store_path = $path; return $this; } }