Commit 318e6d82 by LJM


parent c632f4a1
Showing with 0 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ const routes = [
{path: '/consignmentRecall', name: 'consignmentRecall', meta: {title: '寄售召回'}, component: ConsignmentRecall},
{path: '/consignmentRecallDetail', name: 'consignmentRecallDetail', meta: {title: '寄售召回单详情'}, component: ConsignmentRecallDetail},
{path: '/batchRecall', name: 'batchRecall', meta: {title: '批量召回'}, component: BatchRecall},
{path: '/consignmentRecallDetail', name: 'consignmentRecallDetail', meta: {title: '寄售召回单详情'}, component: ConsignmentRecallDetail},
{path: '/consignmentContract', name: 'consignmentContract', meta: {title: '寄售合同'}, component: ConsignmentContract},
{path: '/inOutStockLog', name: 'inOutStockLog', meta: {title: '进出库日志'}, component: InOutStockLog},
{path: '/reconciledBill', name: 'reconciledBill', meta: {title: '对账单'}, component: ReconciledBill},
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