Commit 1145a6dc by 岳巧源

add aduit

parent 027dac6a
Showing with 15 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -28,5 +28,18 @@ def get_audit():
ans = request_to_jd_vc(method_name, token, app_key, app_secret, param)
print(json.dumps(ans, ensure_ascii=False))
# 获取商品信息
def get_goods_info():
method_name = ""
token = "845ce8478b074103b9e78a769d5fa4831y2u"
app_key = "CA52430E90209F51D8F5D7B615DDE9AD"
app_secret = "c92691b2379c48de87e699c4c2f7fb32"
ware_id = "100143613954"
param = {
"wareId": ware_id,
ans = request_to_jd_vc(method_name, token, app_key, app_secret, param)
print(json.dumps(ans, ensure_ascii=False))
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