Commit 89874f80 by 岳巧源

handle unit after update

parent e55be983
......@@ -221,6 +221,42 @@ def update_vc_attr(conf: dict):
print(insert_sql % (class_id, attr_id, attr_name, unit, enum_value, input_type, is_required, status, platform, create_time))
def handle_vc_unit(conf: dict):
host = conf["mysql"]["host"]
port = conf["mysql"]["port"]
user = conf["mysql"]["user"]
password = conf["mysql"]["password"]
database = conf["mysql"]["database"]
db = pymysql.connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=database)
cursor = db.cursor()
select_sql = "select id, unit, input_type from lie_shop_attr where platform = 1 and unit != ''"
db_result = cursor.fetchall()
for i in range(len(db_result)):
id = db_result[i][0]
unit = db_result[i][1]
input_type = db_result[i][2]
if input_type != 10:
update_sql = "update lie_shop_attr set default_unit = %s where id = %s"
cursor.execute(query=update_sql, args=(unit, id,))
print(update_sql % (unit, id))
input_type 为10的单位单独处理。
end = str(unit).find(",")
default_unit = unit[2:end-1]
update_sql = "update lie_shop_attr set default_unit = %s where id = %s"
cursor.execute(query=update_sql, args=(default_unit, id,))
print(update_sql % (default_unit, id))
......@@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ alter table lie_shop_push_sku_log modify column push_status tinyint(1) default 0
alter table lie_shop_push_sku_log modify column init_status tinyint(1) default 0 not null comment '库存、时效初始化状态 -1:失败 1:成功';
alter table lie_shop_push_sku_log change audit_failed_msg error_msg varchar(512) default '' not null comment '异常信息';
select resp_body_msg from lie_shop_push_sku_log where apply_id = '' limit 1;
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......@@ -378,3 +378,5 @@
=====update audit status, apply_id: 5634aa7cd560488aba29ea9608beb9d6===========>
=====update audit status, apply_id: b1b31900dca84316b3b9bb4bb579c174===========>
=====update audit status, apply_id: 7b160b83aa5944c3b15a6655eb404be5===========>
.\gf_windows_amd64.exe gen dao -l "mysql:liexin_data_distribution:liexin_data_distribution#zsyM@tcp(" -t "lie_shop_push_sku_log" -r "lie_"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -378,5 +378,4 @@ def get_vc_goods_info(ware_id: str):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# mysqldump -u DsbuUx -h bigdata2.ichunt.db -p liexin_data_distribution lie_shop_class > /data/tmp/lie_shop_class.sql
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\ No newline at end of file
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