Commit aa926084 by larosa

new line

parent cbed968a
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def migrate_from_lie_scm_order():
insert_sql = "insert into lie_shipping_intermediate_data (" + item_str + ") " + "values (" + value_str + ")"
#判断 goods_name + warehouse_receipt_sn 还有shipment_number的组合是否出现过
if len(str(purchase_item_id)) != 0 and len(str(warehouse_receipt_sn)) != 0: #这两个字段不为空值
sql5 = "select id from lie_shipping_intermediate_data where purchase_item_id = " + "'" +str(purchase_item_id) + "'" + " and " + "warehouse_receipt_sn = " + "'" + str(warehouse_receipt_sn) + "'"
sql5 = "select id from lie_shipping_intermediate_data where purchase_item_id = " + "'" +str(purchase_item_id) + "'" + " and " + "warehouse_receipt_sn = " + "'" + str(warehouse_receipt_sn) + "'" + " and " + "source_type = " + "2"
result5 = cursor.fetchall()
if len(result5) != 0:
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ def migrate_from_stock_in_item():
insert_sql = "insert into lie_shipping_intermediate_data (" + item_str + ") " + "values (" + value_str + ")"
#判断 goods_name + warehouse_receipt_sn 还有shipment_number的组合是否出现过
if len(str(purchase_item_id)) != 0 and len(str(warehouse_receipt_sn)) != 0: #这两个字段不为空值
sql5 = "select id from lie_shipping_intermediate_data where purchase_item_id = " + "'" +str(purchase_item_id) + "'" + " and " + "warehouse_receipt_sn = " + "'" + str(warehouse_receipt_sn) + "'"
sql5 = "select id from lie_shipping_intermediate_data where purchase_item_id = " + "'" +str(purchase_item_id) + "'" + " and " + "warehouse_receipt_sn = " + "'" + str(warehouse_receipt_sn) + "'" + " and " + "source_type = " + "2"
result5 = cursor.fetchall()
if len(result5) != 0:
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