Commit c62ff215 by 岳巧源

add script

import pika
import toml
import logging
config_toml = "/data/golang/src/europa-erp-go/manifest/config/config.toml"
config = toml.load(config_toml)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename=log_path, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger("")
# 生产环境请修改rabbitmq连接信息
rabbit_mq_host = config["producer"]["rabbit_mq_host"]
rabbit_mq_queue = config["producer"]["rabbit_mq_queue"]
rabbit_mq_exchange = config["producer"]["rabbit_mq_exchange"]
rabbit_mq_routing_key = config["producer"]["rabbit_mq_routing_key"]
rabbit_mq_port = config["producer"]["rabbit_mq_port"]
rabbit_mq_user = config["producer"]["rabbit_mq_user"]
rabbit_mq_password = config["producer"]["rabbit_mq_password"]
class Producer:
def __init__(self, channel=None): = channel
def get_connn(self):
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(username=rabbit_mq_user, password=rabbit_mq_password)
conn = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host=rabbit_mq_host, port=rabbit_mq_port, credentials=credentials))
channel =
channel.queue_declare(queue=rabbit_mq_queue, durable=True) = channel
def push(self, message):
if not
self.get_connn()"rabbitmq重新获取连接!"), routing_key=rabbit_mq_routing_key,
\ No newline at end of file
import json
import logging
import time
import requests
import push
import pandas as pd
file_name = 'Tianyang_Inventory_Feed_RMB.xlsx'
url = ""
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename='waldom_usd.log',
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger('')
title_map = {
'Manufacturer Name', 'Part Number', 'Stock EMEA', 'Stock USA', 'Stock APAC', 'Stock CN', 'MOQ',
'Price Break Qty 1', 'Price Break Qty 2', 'Price Break Qty 3', 'Price Break Qty 4',
'Price Break Qty 5', 'Price Break Qty 6', 'Price Break Qty 7', 'Price Break Qty 8',
'Price Break Qty 9', 'Date Code'
title_arr = [
'Manufacturer Name', 'Part Number', 'Stock EMEA', 'Stock USA', 'Stock APAC', 'Stock CN', 'MOQ',
'Price Break Qty 1', 'Price Break Qty 2',
'Price Break Qty 3', 'Price Break Qty 4',
'Price Break Qty 5', 'Price Break Qty 6',
'Price Break Qty 7', 'Price Break Qty 8',
'Price Break Qty 9', 'Date Code'
ladder_map = {
'Price Break Qty 1': 'Price Break 1',
'Price Break Qty 2': 'Price Break 2',
'Price Break Qty 3': 'Price Break 3',
'Price Break Qty 4': 'Price Break 4',
'Price Break Qty 5': 'Price Break 5',
'Price Break Qty 6': 'Price Break 6',
'Price Break Qty 7': 'Price Break 7',
'Price Break Qty 8': 'Price Break 8',
'Price Break Qty 9': 'Price Break 9',
def download_file(url=""):
response = requests.get(url=url)
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
f.write(response.content)"文件 %s 下载完成" % file_name)
class HandleCSV:
def parse(self, path):
result = []
df = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name=0)
if not self.validate(df.columns.values):
logger.error("文件 %s 格式错误" % path)
return []
for i in range(len(df.index.values)):
# print(df.loc[i, title_arr[0]])
table = dict()
table['price_is_us'] = False
table['ladder_price'] = []
table['supplier_name'] = 'Waldom人民币'
table['goods_sn'] = ''
table['multiple'] = '0'
batch_sn_map = dict()
for j in range(len(title_arr)):
ladder_item_map = dict()
data = df.loc[i, title_arr[j]]
if title_arr[j] == 'Manufacturer Name':
table['brand_name'] = data
elif title_arr[j] == 'Part Number':
table['goods_name'] = data
elif title_arr[j] == 'Stock EMEA' or \
title_arr[j] == 'Stock USA' or \
title_arr[j] == 'Stock APAC' or \
title_arr[j] == 'Stock CN':
if len(str(data).strip()) > 0:
if 'stock' in table:
table['stock'] += int(data)
table['stock'] = int(data)
elif title_arr[j] == 'MOQ':
table['moq'] = str(data)
elif title_arr[j] in ladder_map:
if len(str(data).strip()) != 0 and str(data).strip() != "nan" and str(data).strip() != "NaN":
ladder_item_map['purchases'] = int(data)
ladder_item_map['price_us'] = float(0)
ladder_item_map['price_cn'] = float(df.loc[i, ladder_map[title_arr[j]]])
elif title_arr[j] == 'Date Code':
item_arr = str(data).split(sep=";")
for k in range(len(item_arr)):
item = item_arr[k]
split_item_arr = item.split(sep="|")
if len(split_item_arr) == 3:
number = split_item_arr[0].strip()
year = split_item_arr[1].strip()
if len(number) > 0 and len(year) >= 4 and number.isdigit() and str(year[len(year)-4:]).isdigit():
key = str(year[len(year)-2:]) + "+"
value = number
if key in batch_sn_map:
batch_sn_map[key] += int(value)
batch_sn_map[key] = int(value)
table['batch_sn'] = batch_sn_map
json_str = json.dumps(table, ensure_ascii=False)
return result
def validate(self, arr: list) -> bool:
size = len(title_map)
count = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
if arr[i] in title_map:
count += 1
return count == size
if __name__ == '__main__':
start = time.time()
# 首先下载所需的文件
# 处理成为json字符串数组
res = HandleCSV().parse(file_name)
# 推送mq队列
end = time.time()"spend time: " + str(end - start))
import csv
import json
import logging
import time
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename='waldom_dollar.log', format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger('')
# Tianyang_InventoryFeed title字段含义
# Manufacturer ----------------> brand_name
# 库存相加 HIJK 列
# 加一个 multiple 列
# TODO 缺少goods_sn 推送不要一次性推送 要一条一条推送
title_map = {'Part Number', 'Manufacturer', 'Stock EMEA', 'Stock USA', 'Stock APAC', 'Stock CN', 'MOQ', 'Multiplier',
'Price Break Qty 1', 'Price Break Qty 2', 'Price Break Qty 3',
'Price Break Qty 4', 'Price Break Qty 5', 'Price Break Qty 6',
'Price Break Qty 7', 'Price Break Qty 8', 'Price Break Qty 9',
'Date Code'
ladder_map = {
'Price Break Qty 1', 'Price Break Qty 2', 'Price Break Qty 3',
'Price Break Qty 4', 'Price Break Qty 5', 'Price Break Qty 6',
'Price Break Qty 7', 'Price Break Qty 8', 'Price Break Qty 9',
class HandleCSV:
def parse(self, path):
with open(path, encoding='gbk', errors='ignore') as f:
result = []
first_line = []
reader = csv.reader(f)
for index, row in enumerate(reader):
if index == 0:
first_line = row
flag = self.validate(first_line)
if not flag:
logger.error("文件 %s 格式错误" % path)
return []
json_str = self.generate_json(row, first_line)
result.append(json_str)"文件 %s 已解析" % path)
return result
# 校验excel表头符合既定格式
def validate(self, arr: list) -> bool:
size = len(title_map)
count = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
if arr[i] in title_map:
count += 1
return count == size
def generate_json(self, arr: list, title: list) ->str:
table = dict()
table['price_is_us'] = True
table['ladder_price'] = []
table['supplier_name'] = 'Waldom美金'
table['goods_sn'] = ''
batch_sn_map = dict()
for i in range(len(title)):
ladder_item_map = dict()
if title[i] in title_map:
if title[i] == 'Part Number':
table['goods_name'] = arr[i]
elif title[i] == 'Manufacturer':
table['brand_name'] = arr[i]
elif title[i] == 'Stock EMEA' or \
title[i] == 'Stock USA' or \
title[i] == 'Stock APAC' or \
title[i] == 'Stock CN':
if len(str(arr[i])) != 0:
if 'stock' not in table:
table['stock'] = int(arr[i])
table['stock'] += int(arr[i])
elif title[i] == 'MOQ':
table['moq'] = arr[i]
elif title[i] == 'Multiplier':
table['multiple'] = arr[i]
elif title[i] in ladder_map:
if len(str(arr[i]).strip()) != 0:
ladder_item_map['purchases'] = int(arr[i])
ladder_item_map['price_us'] = float(arr[i+1])
ladder_item_map['price_cn'] = float(0)
elif title[i] == 'Date Code':
items_arr = str(arr[i]).split(sep=";")
for j in range(len(items_arr)):
item = items_arr[j]
split_item_arr = item.split(sep="|")
if len(split_item_arr) == 3:
number = split_item_arr[0].strip()
year = split_item_arr[1].strip()
if len(number) > 0 and len(year) >= 4 and number.isdigit() and str(year[len(year)-4:]).isdigit():
key = str(year[len(year)-2:]) + "+"
value = number
if key in batch_sn_map:
batch_sn_map[key] += int(value)
batch_sn_map[key] = int(value)
table['batch_sn'] = batch_sn_map
return json.dumps(table, ensure_ascii=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = HandleCSV().parse('Tianyang_InventoryFeed.csv')
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