# Contribution Guide### Bug fixes**ALL** bug fixes should be made to appropriate branch (e.g. `1.1` for 1.1.* bug fixes). Bug fixes should never be sent to the `master` branch.### Pull RequestsEvery pull request should pass the unit tests. If you include new functionality, make sure you include a test. Pull requests will be evaluated and possibly added to the next stable release.### Feature RequestsIf you have an idea for a new feature you would like to see added to Laravel Excel, you may create an issue on GitHub with `[Request]` in the title. The feature request will then be reviewed by @Maatwebsite.### Coding GuidelinesLaravel, and therefore Maatwebsite's Laravel Excel follows the [PSR-0](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md) and [PSR-1](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-1-basic-coding-standard.md) coding standards. In addition to these standards, below is a list of other coding standards that should be followed:- Namespace declarations should be on the same line as `<?php`.- Class opening `{` should be on the same line as the class name.- Function and control structure opening `{` should be on a separate line.- Interface and Trait names are suffixed with `Interface` (`FooInterface`) and `Trait` (`FooTrait`) respectively.