Commit 2a68e776 by 朱继来


parent 6bc096f6
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Class OrderCountController extends Controller
* 订单数统计
public function count(Request $request)
public function count(Request $request, $type = 1, $view = 'count')
$info = $this->getPageInfo($request);
......@@ -116,19 +116,19 @@ Class OrderCountController extends Controller
$data['k1'] = time();
$data['k2'] = md5(md5($data['k1']).'fh6y5t4rr351d2c3bryi');
$resData = array("pf"=>1, "k1"=>$data['k1'], "k2"=>$data['k2']);
$resData = array("pf"=>1, "k1"=>$data['k1'], "k2"=>$data['k2'], 'type'=>$type);
$temp = json_decode(curlApi($url,$resData,"POST"), true);
$info['count'] = $temp['data'];
return view('count', $info);
return view($view, $info);
* 金额统计 -- 订单列表
public function amount(Request $request)
public function amount(Request $request, $type = 1, $view = 'amount')
$info = $this->getPageInfo($request);
......@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ Class OrderCountController extends Controller
$map['checkTime'] = $checkTime = $request->input('checkTime', '1'); // 默认选择订单付款时间
$map['checkStatus'] = $checkStatus = $request->input('checkStatus', '1'); // 默认选择查询全部
$map['order_goods_type'] = $type;
// 竞调账号
if ($info['username'] != '') {
......@@ -184,8 +185,18 @@ Class OrderCountController extends Controller
$info['time_start'] = $time_start;
$info['time_end'] = $time_end;
return view('amount', $info);
return view($view, $info);
// 自营订单统计
public function selfCount(REQUEST $request)
return $this->count($request, 2, 'self_count');
// 自营订单金额统计
public function selfAmount(REQUEST $request)
return $this->amount($request, 2, 'self_amount');
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ Route::group(['middleware' => 'web'], function () {
Route::resource('/prompt', 'PromptController@index');
Route::get('/count', 'OrderCountController@count');
Route::get('/self_count', 'OrderCountController@selfCount');
Route::get('/amount', 'OrderCountController@amount');
Route::get('/self_amount', 'OrderCountController@selfAmount');
Route::get('/self_order', 'OrderController@selfOrder');
Route::post('/ajaxSelfCancel', 'OrderController@ajaxSelfCancel');
......@@ -9,11 +9,18 @@
function searchAmount(url) {
var checkTime = $('#checkTime').val(),
time_start = $('input[name="time_start"]').val(),
time_end = $('input[name="time_end"]').val(),
checkStatus = $('#checkStatus').val(),
url = '/amount';
time_start = Date.parse(time_start) / 1000;
time_end = Date.parse(time_end) / 1000;
......@@ -21,7 +28,7 @@
url = url+'?checkTime='+checkTime+'&time_start='+time_start+'&time_end='+time_end+'&checkStatus='+checkStatus;
location.href = url;
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<li><a href="{{URL('count')}}">订单数统计</a></li>
<li><a href="{{URL('count')}}">联营订单数统计</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href="javascript:;">订单金额统计</a></li>
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<li class="active"><a href="javascript:;">订单状态概览</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href="javascript:;">联营订单状态概览</a></li>
<li><a href="{{URL('amount')}}">订单金额统计</a></li>
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<title>订单管理后台 | 订单统计金额</title>
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<li><a href="{{URL('self_count')}}">自营订单数统计</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href="javascript:;">订单金额统计</a></li>
<div class="tabs-box">
<div class="row-fluid order-amount">
<select name="checkTime" id="checkTime" style="width: 150px; margin-bottom: 0;">
<option value="1">订单付款时间</option>
<option value="2">订单创建时间</option>
<input type="text" readonly name="time_start" value="{{ !empty($time_start) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_start) : '' }}" class="Wdate" onfocus="WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'})">
<span> - </span>
<input type="text" readonly name="time_end" value="{{ !empty($time_end) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_end) : '' }}" class="Wdate" onfocus="WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'})">
<select name="checkStatus" id="checkStatus" style="width: 80px; margin-bottom: 0;">
<option value="1">全部</option>
<option value="2">已完成</option>
<option value="3">未完成</option>
<button class="btn btn-primary self-order-amount-search">搜索</button>
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<table class="table table-bordered">
<empty name="list">
@if (empty($list))
<tr><td colspan="5">没有更多数据~</td></tr>
@foreach ($list as $key => $vo)
<td>{{$key + 1}}</td>
// 全款
if ($vo['order_pay_type'] == 1) {
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $vo['pay_time']);
} else if ($vo['order_pay_type'] == 2) { // 预付款
$exp = explode(',', $vo['pay_time']);
$pay_amount = explode(',', $vo['pay_amount']);
if (count($exp) == 1) {
// 如果有两条金额记录,支付时间只有一条,则首尾款时间一致
if (count($pay_amount) == 2) {
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp[0]).' (尾款)<br>'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp[0]).' (首款)';
} else {
if ($vo['pay_type'] == 2) {
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp[0]).' (首款)';
} else {
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp[0]).' (尾款)';
} else {
if ($exp[0] < $exp[1]){
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp[1]).' (尾款)<br>'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp[0]).' (首款)';
} else {
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp[0]).' (尾款)<br>'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp[1]).' (首款)';
@if ($vo['finish_time'] != 0)
{{date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $vo['finish_time'])}}
if ($vo['currency'] == 1) {
$currency = '¥';
} else {
$currency = '$';
if ($vo['order_pay_type'] == 1) { // 全款
echo $currency.$vo['pay_amount'];
} else if ($vo['order_pay_type'] == 2) { // 预付款
$exp = explode(',', $vo['pay_amount']);
if (count($exp) == 1) {
if ($vo['pay_type'] == 2) {
echo $currency.$exp[0].' (首款)';
} else {
echo $currency.$exp[0].' (尾款)';
} else {
if ($exp[0] > $exp[1]) {
echo $currency.$exp[0].' (尾款)<br>'.$currency.$exp[1].' (首款)';
} else {
echo $currency.$exp[1].' (尾款)<br>'.$currency.$exp[0].' (首款)';
<div class="row-fluid pagination">
@if ($checkStatus == 1)
实收金额:¥{{isset($pay_count['rmb_pay']) ? $pay_count['rmb_pay'] : 0}} &nbsp; ${{isset($pay_count['usd_pay']) ? $pay_count['usd_pay'] : 0}}
已完成金额:¥{{!empty($pay_count['rmb_pay_finish']) ? $pay_count['rmb_pay_finish'] : 0}} &nbsp; ${{!empty($pay_count['usd_pay_finish']) ? $pay_count['usd_pay_finish'] : 0}}
未完成金额:¥{{!empty($pay_count['rmb_pay_unfinish']) ? $pay_count['rmb_pay_unfinish'] : 0}} &nbsp; ${{!empty($pay_count['usd_pay_unfinish']) ? $pay_count['usd_pay_unfinish'] : 0}}
@elseif ($checkStatus == 2)
实收金额:¥{{isset($pay_count['rmb_pay']) ? $pay_count['rmb_pay'] : 0}} &nbsp; ${{isset($pay_count['usd_pay']) ? $pay_count['usd_pay'] : 0}}
已完成金额:¥{{!empty($pay_count['rmb_pay_finish']) ? $pay_count['rmb_pay_finish'] : 0}} &nbsp; ${{!empty($pay_count['usd_pay_finish']) ? $pay_count['usd_pay_finish'] : 0}}
实收金额:¥{{isset($pay_count['rmb_pay']) ? $pay_count['rmb_pay'] : 0}} &nbsp; ${{isset($pay_count['usd_pay']) ? $pay_count['usd_pay'] : 0}}
未完成金额:¥{{!empty($pay_count['rmb_pay_unfinish']) ? $pay_count['rmb_pay_unfinish'] : 0}} &nbsp; ${{!empty($pay_count['usd_pay_unfinish']) ? $pay_count['usd_pay_unfinish'] : 0}}
<?php echo isset($page) ? $page : ''; ?>
var checkTime = '{{$checkTime}}';
var checkStatus = '{{$checkStatus}}';
$('#side-menu').children('li').last().attr('class', 'active');
$('#side-menu').children('li').last().children('ul').children('li').eq(2).attr('class', 'active');
\ No newline at end of file
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<li><a href="{{URL('self_amount')}}">订单金额统计</a></li>
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<div class="row-fluid">
<table class="table">
<th title = "指定时间内,新创建的订单,不考虑该订单是否有状态变化。">新创建订单数</th>
<th title = "指定时间内,客户完成了所有款项的支付,并系统对账完成的订单数量。(对应待发货状态)">已付款</th>
<th title = "指定时间内,订单完成发货,但客户还未完成收货状态的订单数量。(对应待收货状态)">待收货</th>
<th title = "指定时间内,订单已完成状态的订单数量(对应已完成状态)">已完成</th>
<th title = "指定时间内,订单已取消的订单数量(对应已取消状态) ">已取消</th>
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