Commit cb137960 by 朱继来

Merge branch 'zjl_change_addr_20200410'

parents 4d0a2987 b13aac81
......@@ -1370,14 +1370,9 @@ Class OrderController extends Controller
$update_url = Config('website.api_domain').'order/updateOrderAddress';
$update = json_decode(curlApi($update_url, $data, 'POST'), true);
$res = json_decode(curlApi($update_url, $data, 'POST'), true);
if ($update['err_code'] == 0) {
return array('errcode'=>0,'errmsg'=>'操作成功');
} else {
errorLog(Error::E_UPDATE_FAILED, '操作失败');
return array('errcode'=>-1,'errmsg'=>'操作失败');
return ['errcode' => $res['err_code'], 'errmsg' => $res['err_msg']];
$info = $this->orderDetail($request, $id);
......@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@
changeInvoice:function() {
var order_id = $('input[name=order_id]').val();
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