<?php /* * This file is part of the PHP_TokenStream package. * * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /** * Tests for the PHP_Token_INTERFACE class. * * @package PHP_TokenStream * @subpackage Tests * @author Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * @author Laurent Laville <pear@laurent-laville.org> * @copyright Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause The BSD 3-Clause License * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-token-stream/ * @since Class available since Release 1.0.0 */ class PHP_Token_InterfaceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $class; protected $interfaces; protected function setUp() { $ts = new PHP_Token_Stream(TEST_FILES_PATH . 'source4.php'); $i = 0; foreach ($ts as $token) { if ($token instanceof PHP_Token_CLASS) { $this->class = $token; } elseif ($token instanceof PHP_Token_INTERFACE) { $this->interfaces[$i] = $token; $i++; } } } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::getName */ public function testGetName() { $this->assertEquals( 'iTemplate', $this->interfaces[0]->getName() ); } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::getParent */ public function testGetParentNotExists() { $this->assertFalse( $this->interfaces[0]->getParent() ); } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::hasParent */ public function testHasParentNotExists() { $this->assertFalse( $this->interfaces[0]->hasParent() ); } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::getParent */ public function testGetParentExists() { $this->assertEquals( 'a', $this->interfaces[2]->getParent() ); } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::hasParent */ public function testHasParentExists() { $this->assertTrue( $this->interfaces[2]->hasParent() ); } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::getInterfaces */ public function testGetInterfacesExists() { $this->assertEquals( array('b'), $this->class->getInterfaces() ); } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::hasInterfaces */ public function testHasInterfacesExists() { $this->assertTrue( $this->class->hasInterfaces() ); } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::getPackage */ public function testGetPackageNamespace() { $tokenStream = new PHP_Token_Stream(TEST_FILES_PATH . 'classInNamespace.php'); foreach($tokenStream as $token) { if($token instanceOf PHP_Token_INTERFACE) { $package = $token->getPackage(); $this->assertSame('Foo\\Bar', $package['namespace']); } } } public function provideFilesWithClassesWithinMultipleNamespaces() { return array( array(TEST_FILES_PATH . 'multipleNamespacesWithOneClassUsingBraces.php'), array(TEST_FILES_PATH . 'multipleNamespacesWithOneClassUsingNonBraceSyntax.php'), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideFilesWithClassesWithinMultipleNamespaces * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::getPackage */ public function testGetPackageNamespaceForFileWithMultipleNamespaces($filepath) { $tokenStream = new PHP_Token_Stream($filepath); $firstClassFound = false; foreach($tokenStream as $token) { if($firstClassFound === false && $token instanceOf PHP_Token_INTERFACE) { $package = $token->getPackage(); $this->assertSame('TestClassInBar', $token->getName()); $this->assertSame('Foo\\Bar', $package['namespace']); $firstClassFound = true; continue; } // Secound class if($token instanceOf PHP_Token_INTERFACE) { $package = $token->getPackage(); $this->assertSame('TestClassInBaz', $token->getName()); $this->assertSame('Foo\\Baz', $package['namespace']); return; } } $this->fail("Seachring for 2 classes failed"); } public function testGetPackageNamespaceIsEmptyForInterfacesThatAreNotWithinNamespaces() { foreach($this->interfaces as $token) { $package = $token->getPackage(); $this->assertSame("", $package['namespace']); } } /** * @covers PHP_Token_INTERFACE::getPackage */ public function testGetPackageNamespaceWhenExtentingFromNamespaceClass() { $tokenStream = new PHP_Token_Stream(TEST_FILES_PATH . 'classExtendsNamespacedClass.php'); $firstClassFound = false; foreach($tokenStream as $token) { if($firstClassFound === false && $token instanceOf PHP_Token_INTERFACE) { $package = $token->getPackage(); $this->assertSame('Baz', $token->getName()); $this->assertSame('Foo\\Bar', $package['namespace']); $firstClassFound = true; continue; } if($token instanceOf PHP_Token_INTERFACE) { $package = $token->getPackage(); $this->assertSame('Extender', $token->getName()); $this->assertSame('Other\\Space', $package['namespace']); return; } } $this->fail("Searching for 2 classes failed"); } }