<?php /* * This file is part of sebastian/diff. * * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\Diff\LCS; /** * Memory-efficient implementation of longest common subsequence calculation. */ class MemoryEfficientImplementation implements LongestCommonSubsequence { /** * Calculates the longest common subsequence of two arrays. * * @param array $from * @param array $to * * @return array */ public function calculate(array $from, array $to) { $cFrom = \count($from); $cTo = \count($to); if ($cFrom === 0) { return array(); } if ($cFrom === 1) { if (\in_array($from[0], $to, true)) { return array($from[0]); } return array(); } $i = (int) ($cFrom / 2); $fromStart = \array_slice($from, 0, $i); $fromEnd = \array_slice($from, $i); $llB = $this->length($fromStart, $to); $llE = $this->length(\array_reverse($fromEnd), \array_reverse($to)); $jMax = 0; $max = 0; for ($j = 0; $j <= $cTo; $j++) { $m = $llB[$j] + $llE[$cTo - $j]; if ($m >= $max) { $max = $m; $jMax = $j; } } $toStart = \array_slice($to, 0, $jMax); $toEnd = \array_slice($to, $jMax); return \array_merge( $this->calculate($fromStart, $toStart), $this->calculate($fromEnd, $toEnd) ); } /** * @param array $from * @param array $to * * @return array */ private function length(array $from, array $to) { $current = \array_fill(0, \count($to) + 1, 0); $cFrom = \count($from); $cTo = \count($to); for ($i = 0; $i < $cFrom; $i++) { $prev = $current; for ($j = 0; $j < $cTo; $j++) { if ($from[$i] === $to[$j]) { $current[$j + 1] = $prev[$j] + 1; } else { $current[$j + 1] = \max($current[$j], $prev[$j + 1]); } } } return $current; } }