<?php namespace GuzzleHttp\Promise\Tests; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\FulfilledPromise; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\EachPromise; use GuzzleHttp\Promise as P; /** * @covers GuzzleHttp\Promise\EachPromise */ class EachPromiseTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testReturnsSameInstance() { $each = new EachPromise([], ['concurrency' => 100]); $this->assertSame($each->promise(), $each->promise()); } public function testInvokesAllPromises() { $promises = [new Promise(), new Promise(), new Promise()]; $called = []; $each = new EachPromise($promises, [ 'fulfilled' => function ($value) use (&$called) { $called[] = $value; } ]); $p = $each->promise(); $promises[0]->resolve('a'); $promises[1]->resolve('c'); $promises[2]->resolve('b'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals(['a', 'c', 'b'], $called); $this->assertEquals(PromiseInterface::FULFILLED, $p->getState()); } public function testIsWaitable() { $a = $this->createSelfResolvingPromise('a'); $b = $this->createSelfResolvingPromise('b'); $called = []; $each = new EachPromise([$a, $b], [ 'fulfilled' => function ($value) use (&$called) { $called[] = $value; } ]); $p = $each->promise(); $this->assertNull($p->wait()); $this->assertEquals(PromiseInterface::FULFILLED, $p->getState()); $this->assertEquals(['a', 'b'], $called); } public function testCanResolveBeforeConsumingAll() { $called = 0; $a = $this->createSelfResolvingPromise('a'); $b = new Promise(function () { $this->fail(); }); $each = new EachPromise([$a, $b], [ 'fulfilled' => function ($value, $idx, Promise $aggregate) use (&$called) { $this->assertSame($idx, 0); $this->assertEquals('a', $value); $aggregate->resolve(null); $called++; }, 'rejected' => function (\Exception $reason) { $this->fail($reason->getMessage()); } ]); $p = $each->promise(); $p->wait(); $this->assertNull($p->wait()); $this->assertEquals(1, $called); $this->assertEquals(PromiseInterface::FULFILLED, $a->getState()); $this->assertEquals(PromiseInterface::PENDING, $b->getState()); // Resolving $b has no effect on the aggregate promise. $b->resolve('foo'); $this->assertEquals(1, $called); } public function testLimitsPendingPromises() { $pending = [new Promise(), new Promise(), new Promise(), new Promise()]; $promises = new \ArrayIterator($pending); $each = new EachPromise($promises, ['concurrency' => 2]); $p = $each->promise(); $this->assertCount(2, $this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $pending[0]->resolve('a'); $this->assertCount(2, $this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $this->assertTrue($promises->valid()); $pending[1]->resolve('b'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertCount(2, $this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $this->assertTrue($promises->valid()); $promises[2]->resolve('c'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertCount(1, $this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $this->assertEquals(PromiseInterface::PENDING, $p->getState()); $promises[3]->resolve('d'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertNull($this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $this->assertEquals(PromiseInterface::FULFILLED, $p->getState()); $this->assertFalse($promises->valid()); } public function testDynamicallyLimitsPendingPromises() { $calls = []; $pendingFn = function ($count) use (&$calls) { $calls[] = $count; return 2; }; $pending = [new Promise(), new Promise(), new Promise(), new Promise()]; $promises = new \ArrayIterator($pending); $each = new EachPromise($promises, ['concurrency' => $pendingFn]); $p = $each->promise(); $this->assertCount(2, $this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $pending[0]->resolve('a'); $this->assertCount(2, $this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $this->assertTrue($promises->valid()); $pending[1]->resolve('b'); $this->assertCount(2, $this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertTrue($promises->valid()); $promises[2]->resolve('c'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertCount(1, $this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $this->assertEquals(PromiseInterface::PENDING, $p->getState()); $promises[3]->resolve('d'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertNull($this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $this->assertEquals(PromiseInterface::FULFILLED, $p->getState()); $this->assertEquals([0, 1, 1, 1], $calls); $this->assertFalse($promises->valid()); } public function testClearsReferencesWhenResolved() { $called = false; $a = new Promise(function () use (&$a, &$called) { $a->resolve('a'); $called = true; }); $each = new EachPromise([$a], [ 'concurrency' => function () { return 1; }, 'fulfilled' => function () {}, 'rejected' => function () {} ]); $each->promise()->wait(); $this->assertNull($this->readAttribute($each, 'onFulfilled')); $this->assertNull($this->readAttribute($each, 'onRejected')); $this->assertNull($this->readAttribute($each, 'iterable')); $this->assertNull($this->readAttribute($each, 'pending')); $this->assertNull($this->readAttribute($each, 'concurrency')); $this->assertTrue($called); } public function testCanBeCancelled() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } public function testFulfillsImmediatelyWhenGivenAnEmptyIterator() { $each = new EachPromise(new \ArrayIterator([])); $result = $each->promise()->wait(); } public function testDoesNotBlowStackWithFulfilledPromises() { $pending = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $pending[] = new FulfilledPromise($i); } $values = []; $each = new EachPromise($pending, [ 'fulfilled' => function ($value) use (&$values) { $values[] = $value; } ]); $called = false; $each->promise()->then(function () use (&$called) { $called = true; }); $this->assertFalse($called); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertTrue($called); $this->assertEquals(range(0, 99), $values); } public function testDoesNotBlowStackWithRejectedPromises() { $pending = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $pending[] = new RejectedPromise($i); } $values = []; $each = new EachPromise($pending, [ 'rejected' => function ($value) use (&$values) { $values[] = $value; } ]); $called = false; $each->promise()->then( function () use (&$called) { $called = true; }, function () { $this->fail('Should not have rejected.'); } ); $this->assertFalse($called); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertTrue($called); $this->assertEquals(range(0, 99), $values); } public function testReturnsPromiseForWhatever() { $called = []; $arr = ['a', 'b']; $each = new EachPromise($arr, [ 'fulfilled' => function ($v) use (&$called) { $called[] = $v; } ]); $p = $each->promise(); $this->assertNull($p->wait()); $this->assertEquals(['a', 'b'], $called); } public function testRejectsAggregateWhenNextThrows() { $iter = function () { yield 'a'; throw new \Exception('Failure'); }; $each = new EachPromise($iter()); $p = $each->promise(); $e = null; $received = null; $p->then(null, function ($reason) use (&$e) { $e = $reason; }); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Exception', $e); $this->assertEquals('Failure', $e->getMessage()); } public function testDoesNotCallNextOnIteratorUntilNeededWhenWaiting() { $results = []; $values = [10]; $remaining = 9; $iter = function () use (&$values) { while ($value = array_pop($values)) { yield $value; } }; $each = new EachPromise($iter(), [ 'concurrency' => 1, 'fulfilled' => function ($r) use (&$results, &$values, &$remaining) { $results[] = $r; if ($remaining > 0) { $values[] = $remaining--; } } ]); $each->promise()->wait(); $this->assertEquals(range(10, 1), $results); } public function testDoesNotCallNextOnIteratorUntilNeededWhenAsync() { $firstPromise = new Promise(); $pending = [$firstPromise]; $values = [$firstPromise]; $results = []; $remaining = 9; $iter = function () use (&$values) { while ($value = array_pop($values)) { yield $value; } }; $each = new EachPromise($iter(), [ 'concurrency' => 1, 'fulfilled' => function ($r) use (&$results, &$values, &$remaining, &$pending) { $results[] = $r; if ($remaining-- > 0) { $pending[] = $values[] = new Promise(); } } ]); $i = 0; $each->promise(); while ($promise = array_pop($pending)) { $promise->resolve($i++); P\queue()->run(); } $this->assertEquals(range(0, 9), $results); } private function createSelfResolvingPromise($value) { $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p, $value) { $p->resolve($value); }); return $p; } public function testMutexPreventsGeneratorRecursion() { $results = $promises = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $p = $this->createSelfResolvingPromise($i); $pending[] = $p; $promises[] = $p; } $iter = function () use (&$promises, &$pending) { foreach ($promises as $promise) { // Resolve a promises, which will trigger the then() function, // which would cause the EachPromise to try to add more // promises to the queue. Without a lock, this would trigger // a "Cannot resume an already running generator" fatal error. if ($p = array_pop($pending)) { $p->wait(); } yield $promise; } }; $each = new EachPromise($iter(), [ 'concurrency' => 5, 'fulfilled' => function ($r) use (&$results, &$pending) { $results[] = $r; } ]); $each->promise()->wait(); $this->assertCount(20, $results); } }