<?php /* * This file is part of the Carbon package. * * (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ return array( 'year' => ':count leto|:count leti|:count leta|:count let', 'y' => ':count leto|:count leti|:count leta|:count let', 'month' => ':count mesec|:count meseca|:count mesece|:count mesecev', 'm' => ':count mesec|:count meseca|:count mesece|:count mesecev', 'week' => ':count teden|:count tedna|:count tedne|:count tednov', 'w' => ':count teden|:count tedna|:count tedne|:count tednov', 'day' => ':count dan|:count dni|:count dni|:count dni', 'd' => ':count dan|:count dni|:count dni|:count dni', 'hour' => ':count uro|:count uri|:count ure|:count ur', 'h' => ':count uro|:count uri|:count ure|:count ur', 'minute' => ':count minuto|:count minuti|:count minute|:count minut', 'min' => ':count minuto|:count minuti|:count minute|:count minut', 'second' => ':count sekundo|:count sekundi|:count sekunde|:count sekund', 's' => ':count sekundo|:count sekundi|:count sekunde|:count sekund', 'year_ago' => ':count letom|:count leti|:count leti|:count leti', 'month_ago' => ':count mesecem|:count meseci|:count meseci|:count meseci', 'week_ago' => ':count tednom|:count tednoma|:count tedni|:count tedni', 'day_ago' => ':count dnem|:count dnevoma|:count dnevi|:count dnevi', 'hour_ago' => ':count uro|:count urama|:count urami|:count urami', 'minute_ago' => ':count minuto|:count minutama|:count minutami|:count minutami', 'second_ago' => ':count sekundo|:count sekundama|:count sekundami|:count sekundami', 'ago' => 'pred :time', 'from_now' => 'čez :time', 'after' => 'čez :time', 'before' => 'pred :time', 'diff_now' => 'ravnokar', 'diff_yesterday' => 'včeraj', 'diff_tomorrow' => 'jutri', 'diff_before_yesterday' => 'predvčerajšnjim', 'diff_after_tomorrow' => 'pojutrišnjem', );