#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* * This file is part of the Predis package. * * (c) Daniele Alessandri <suppakilla@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This script can be used to automatically glue all the .php files of Predis // into a single monolithic script file that can be used without an autoloader, // just like the other previous versions of the library. // // Much of its complexity is due to the fact that we cannot simply join PHP // files, but namespaces and classes definitions must follow a precise order // when dealing with subclassing and inheritance. // // The current implementation is pretty naïve, but it should do for now. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class CommandLine { public static function getOptions() { $parameters = array( 's:' => 'source:', 'o:' => 'output:', 'e:' => 'exclude:', 'E:' => 'exclude-classes:', ); $getops = getopt(implode(array_keys($parameters)), $parameters); $options = array( 'source' => __DIR__ . "/../src", 'output' => PredisFile::NS_ROOT . '.php', 'exclude' => array(), ); foreach ($getops as $option => $value) { switch ($option) { case 's': case 'source': $options['source'] = $value; break; case 'o': case 'output': $options['output'] = $value; break; case 'E': case 'exclude-classes': $options['exclude'] = @file($value, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES) ?: $value; break; case 'e': case 'exclude': $options['exclude'] = is_array($value) ? $value : array($value); break; } } return $options; } } class PredisFile { const NS_ROOT = 'Predis'; private $namespaces; public function __construct() { $this->namespaces = array(); } public static function from($libraryPath, array $exclude = array()) { $predisFile = new PredisFile(); $libIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($libraryPath); foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($libIterator) as $classFile) { if (!$classFile->isFile()) { continue; } $namespace = self::NS_ROOT.strtr(str_replace($libraryPath, '', $classFile->getPath()), '/', '\\'); if (in_array(sprintf('%s\\%s', $namespace, $classFile->getBasename('.php')), $exclude)) { continue; } $phpNamespace = $predisFile->getNamespace($namespace); if ($phpNamespace === false) { $phpNamespace = new PhpNamespace($namespace); $predisFile->addNamespace($phpNamespace); } $phpClass = new PhpClass($phpNamespace, $classFile); } return $predisFile; } public function addNamespace(PhpNamespace $namespace) { if (isset($this->namespaces[(string)$namespace])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Duplicated namespace"); } $this->namespaces[(string)$namespace] = $namespace; } public function getNamespaces() { return $this->namespaces; } public function getNamespace($namespace) { if (!isset($this->namespaces[$namespace])) { return false; } return $this->namespaces[$namespace]; } public function getClassByFQN($classFqn) { if (($nsLastPos = strrpos($classFqn, '\\')) !== false) { $namespace = $this->getNamespace(substr($classFqn, 0, $nsLastPos)); if ($namespace === false) { return null; } $className = substr($classFqn, $nsLastPos + 1); return $namespace->getClass($className); } return null; } private function calculateDependencyScores(&$classes, $fqn) { if (!isset($classes[$fqn])) { $classes[$fqn] = 0; } $classes[$fqn] += 1; if (($phpClass = $this->getClassByFQN($fqn)) === null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot found the class $fqn which is required by other subclasses. Are you missing a file?" ); } foreach ($phpClass->getDependencies() as $fqn) { $this->calculateDependencyScores($classes, $fqn); } } private function getDependencyScores() { $classes = array(); foreach ($this->getNamespaces() as $phpNamespace) { foreach ($phpNamespace->getClasses() as $phpClass) { $this->calculateDependencyScores($classes, $phpClass->getFQN()); } } return $classes; } private function getOrderedNamespaces($dependencyScores) { $namespaces = array_fill_keys(array_unique( array_map( function ($fqn) { return PhpNamespace::extractName($fqn); }, array_keys($dependencyScores) ) ), 0); foreach ($dependencyScores as $classFqn => $score) { $namespaces[PhpNamespace::extractName($classFqn)] += $score; } arsort($namespaces); return array_keys($namespaces); } private function getOrderedClasses(PhpNamespace $phpNamespace, $classes) { $nsClassesFQNs = array_map(function ($cl) { return $cl->getFQN(); }, $phpNamespace->getClasses()); $nsOrderedClasses = array(); foreach ($nsClassesFQNs as $nsClassFQN) { $nsOrderedClasses[$nsClassFQN] = $classes[$nsClassFQN]; } arsort($nsOrderedClasses); return array_keys($nsOrderedClasses); } public function getPhpCode() { $buffer = array("<?php\n\n", PhpClass::LICENSE_HEADER, "\n\n"); $classes = $this->getDependencyScores(); $namespaces = $this->getOrderedNamespaces($classes); foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) { $phpNamespace = $this->getNamespace($namespace); // generate namespace directive $buffer[] = $phpNamespace->getPhpCode(); $buffer[] = "\n"; // generate use directives $useDirectives = $phpNamespace->getUseDirectives(); if (count($useDirectives) > 0) { $buffer[] = $useDirectives->getPhpCode(); $buffer[] = "\n"; } // generate classes bodies $nsClasses = $this->getOrderedClasses($phpNamespace, $classes); foreach ($nsClasses as $classFQN) { $buffer[] = $this->getClassByFQN($classFQN)->getPhpCode(); $buffer[] = "\n\n"; } $buffer[] = "/* " . str_repeat("-", 75) . " */"; $buffer[] = "\n\n"; } return implode($buffer); } public function saveTo($outputFile) { // TODO: add more sanity checks if ($outputFile === null || $outputFile === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('You must specify a valid output file'); } file_put_contents($outputFile, $this->getPhpCode()); } } class PhpNamespace implements IteratorAggregate { private $namespace; private $classes; public function __construct($namespace) { $this->namespace = $namespace; $this->classes = array(); $this->useDirectives = new PhpUseDirectives($this); } public static function extractName($fqn) { $nsSepLast = strrpos($fqn, '\\'); if ($nsSepLast === false) { return $fqn; } $ns = substr($fqn, 0, $nsSepLast); return $ns !== '' ? $ns : null; } public function addClass(PhpClass $class) { $this->classes[$class->getName()] = $class; } public function getClass($className) { if (isset($this->classes[$className])) { return $this->classes[$className]; } } public function getClasses() { return array_values($this->classes); } public function getIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->getClasses()); } public function getUseDirectives() { return $this->useDirectives; } public function getPhpCode() { return "namespace $this->namespace;\n"; } public function __toString() { return $this->namespace; } } class PhpUseDirectives implements Countable, IteratorAggregate { private $use; private $aliases; private $reverseAliases; private $namespace; public function __construct(PhpNamespace $namespace) { $this->namespace = $namespace; $this->use = array(); $this->aliases = array(); $this->reverseAliases = array(); } public function add($use, $as = null) { if (in_array($use, $this->use)) { return; } $rename = null; $this->use[] = $use; $aliasedClassName = $as ?: PhpClass::extractName($use); if (isset($this->aliases[$aliasedClassName])) { $parentNs = $this->getParentNamespace(); if ($parentNs && false !== $pos = strrpos($parentNs, '\\')) { $parentNs = substr($parentNs, $pos); } $newAlias = "{$parentNs}_{$aliasedClassName}"; $rename = (object) array( 'namespace' => $this->namespace, 'from' => $aliasedClassName, 'to' => $newAlias, ); $this->aliases[$newAlias] = $use; $as = $newAlias; } else { $this->aliases[$aliasedClassName] = $use; } if ($as !== null) { $this->reverseAliases[$use] = $as; } return $rename; } public function getList() { return $this->use; } public function getIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->getList()); } public function getPhpCode() { $reverseAliases = $this->reverseAliases; $reducer = function ($str, $use) use ($reverseAliases) { if (isset($reverseAliases[$use])) { return $str .= "use $use as {$reverseAliases[$use]};\n"; } else { return $str .= "use $use;\n"; } }; return array_reduce($this->getList(), $reducer, ''); } public function getNamespace() { return $this->namespace; } public function getParentNamespace() { if (false !== $pos = strrpos($this->namespace, '\\')) { return substr($this->namespace, 0, $pos); } return ''; } public function getFQN($className) { if (($nsSepFirst = strpos($className, '\\')) === false) { if (isset($this->aliases[$className])) { return $this->aliases[$className]; } return (string)$this->getNamespace() . "\\$className"; } if ($nsSepFirst != 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Partially qualified names are not supported"); } return $className; } public function count() { return count($this->use); } } class PhpClass { const LICENSE_HEADER = <<<LICENSE /* * This file is part of the Predis package. * * (c) Daniele Alessandri <suppakilla@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ LICENSE; private $namespace; private $file; private $body; private $implements; private $extends; private $name; public function __construct(PhpNamespace $namespace, SplFileInfo $classFile) { $this->namespace = $namespace; $this->file = $classFile; $this->implements = array(); $this->extends = array(); $this->extractData(); $namespace->addClass($this); } public static function extractName($fqn) { $nsSepLast = strrpos($fqn, '\\'); if ($nsSepLast === false) { return $fqn; } return substr($fqn, $nsSepLast + 1); } private function extractData() { $renames = array(); $useDirectives = $this->getNamespace()->getUseDirectives(); $useExtractor = function ($m) use ($useDirectives, &$renames) { array_shift($m); if (isset($m[1])) { $m[1] = str_replace(" as ", '', $m[1]); } if ($rename = call_user_func_array(array($useDirectives, 'add'), $m)) { $renames[] = $rename; } }; $classBuffer = stream_get_contents(fopen($this->getFile()->getPathname(), 'r')); $classBuffer = str_replace(self::LICENSE_HEADER, '', $classBuffer); $classBuffer = preg_replace('/<\?php\s?\\n\s?/', '', $classBuffer); $classBuffer = preg_replace('/\s?\?>\n?/ms', '', $classBuffer); $classBuffer = preg_replace('/namespace\s+[\w\d_\\\\]+;\s?/', '', $classBuffer); $classBuffer = preg_replace_callback('/use\s+([\w\d_\\\\]+)(\s+as\s+.*)?;\s?\n?/', $useExtractor, $classBuffer); foreach ($renames as $rename) { $classBuffer = str_replace($rename->from, $rename->to, $classBuffer); } $this->body = trim($classBuffer); $this->extractHierarchy(); } private function extractHierarchy() { $implements = array(); $extends = array(); $extractor = function ($iterator, $callback) { $className = ''; $iterator->seek($iterator->key() + 1); while ($iterator->valid()) { $token = $iterator->current(); if (is_string($token)) { if (preg_match('/\s?,\s?/', $token)) { $callback(trim($className)); $className = ''; } else if ($token == '{') { $callback(trim($className)); return; } } switch ($token[0]) { case T_NS_SEPARATOR: $className .= '\\'; break; case T_STRING: $className .= $token[1]; break; case T_IMPLEMENTS: case T_EXTENDS: $callback(trim($className)); $iterator->seek($iterator->key() - 1); return; } $iterator->next(); } }; $tokens = token_get_all("<?php\n" . trim($this->getPhpCode())); $iterator = new ArrayIterator($tokens); while ($iterator->valid()) { $token = $iterator->current(); if (is_string($token)) { $iterator->next(); continue; } switch ($token[0]) { case T_CLASS: case T_INTERFACE: $iterator->seek($iterator->key() + 2); $tk = $iterator->current(); $this->name = $tk[1]; break; case T_IMPLEMENTS: $extractor($iterator, function ($fqn) use (&$implements) { $implements[] = $fqn; }); break; case T_EXTENDS: $extractor($iterator, function ($fqn) use (&$extends) { $extends[] = $fqn; }); break; } $iterator->next(); } $this->implements = $this->guessFQN($implements); $this->extends = $this->guessFQN($extends); } public function guessFQN($classes) { $useDirectives = $this->getNamespace()->getUseDirectives(); return array_map(array($useDirectives, 'getFQN'), $classes); } public function getImplementedInterfaces($all = false) { if ($all) { return $this->implements; } return array_filter( $this->implements, function ($cn) { return strpos($cn, 'Predis\\') === 0; } ); } public function getExtendedClasses($all = false) { if ($all) { return $this->extemds; } return array_filter( $this->extends, function ($cn) { return strpos($cn, 'Predis\\') === 0; } ); } public function getDependencies($all = false) { return array_merge( $this->getImplementedInterfaces($all), $this->getExtendedClasses($all) ); } public function getNamespace() { return $this->namespace; } public function getFile() { return $this->file; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getFQN() { return (string)$this->getNamespace() . '\\' . $this->name; } public function getPhpCode() { return $this->body; } public function __toString() { return "class " . $this->getName() . '{ ... }'; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $options = CommandLine::getOptions(); $predisFile = PredisFile::from($options['source'], $options['exclude']); $predisFile->saveTo($options['output']);