<?php /* * This file is part of Psy Shell. * * (c) 2012-2015 Justin Hileman * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Psy\Test\CodeCleaner; use Psy\CodeCleaner\LeavePsyshAlonePass; class LeavePsyshAlonePassTest extends CodeCleanerTestCase { public function setUp() { $this->setPass(new LeavePsyshAlonePass()); } public function testPassesInlineHtmlThroughJustFine() { $inline = $this->parse('not php at all!', ''); $this->traverse($inline); } /** * @dataProvider validStatements */ public function testProcessStatementPasses($code) { $stmts = $this->parse($code); $this->traverse($stmts); } public function validStatements() { return array( array('array_merge()'), array('__psysh__()'), array('$this'), array('$psysh'), array('$__psysh'), array('$banana'), ); } /** * @dataProvider invalidStatements * @expectedException \Psy\Exception\RuntimeException */ public function testProcessStatementFails($code) { $stmts = $this->parse($code); $this->traverse($stmts); } public function invalidStatements() { return array( array('$__psysh__'), array('var_dump($__psysh__)'), array('$__psysh__ = "your mom"'), array('$__psysh__->fakeFunctionCall()'), ); } }