# Chunk importer

When dealing with big files, it's better to import the data in big chunks. You can enable this with `filter('chunk')`;
To import it into chunks you can use `chunk($size, $callback)` instead of the normal `get()`. The first parameter is the size of the chunk. The second parameter is a closure which will return the results.

    Excel::filter('chunk')->load('file.csv')->chunk(250, function($results)
            foreach($results as $row)
                // do stuff

## ExcelFile class example:

When working with ExcelFile injections (in the constructor or as method injection), you can enable the chunk filter inside the ExcelFile class

    class UserListImport extends \Maatwebsite\Excel\Files\ExcelFile {

        public function getFile()
            return 'file.csv';

        public function getFilters()
            return [


Injected ExcelFile example:

    public function importUserList(UserListImport $import)
        $import->chunk(250, function($results)
            // do stuff
            // or return true if you want to stop importing.