<?php namespace GuzzleHttp\Promise\Tests; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\CancellationException; use GuzzleHttp\Promise as P; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException; /** * @covers GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise */ class PromiseTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @expectedException \LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessage The promise is already fulfilled */ public function testCannotResolveNonPendingPromise() { $p = new Promise(); $p->resolve('foo'); $p->resolve('bar'); $this->assertEquals('foo', $p->wait()); } public function testCanResolveWithSameValue() { $p = new Promise(); $p->resolve('foo'); $p->resolve('foo'); } /** * @expectedException \LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessage Cannot change a fulfilled promise to rejected */ public function testCannotRejectNonPendingPromise() { $p = new Promise(); $p->resolve('foo'); $p->reject('bar'); $this->assertEquals('foo', $p->wait()); } public function testCanRejectWithSameValue() { $p = new Promise(); $p->reject('foo'); $p->reject('foo'); } /** * @expectedException \LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessage Cannot change a fulfilled promise to rejected */ public function testCannotRejectResolveWithSameValue() { $p = new Promise(); $p->resolve('foo'); $p->reject('foo'); } public function testInvokesWaitFunction() { $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p) { $p->resolve('10'); }); $this->assertEquals('10', $p->wait()); } /** * @expectedException \GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException */ public function testRejectsAndThrowsWhenWaitFailsToResolve() { $p = new Promise(function () {}); $p->wait(); } /** * @expectedException \GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException * @expectedExceptionMessage The promise was rejected with reason: foo */ public function testThrowsWhenUnwrapIsRejectedWithNonException() { $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p) { $p->reject('foo'); }); $p->wait(); } /** * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException * @expectedExceptionMessage foo */ public function testThrowsWhenUnwrapIsRejectedWithException() { $e = new \UnexpectedValueException('foo'); $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p, $e) { $p->reject($e); }); $p->wait(); } public function testDoesNotUnwrapExceptionsWhenDisabled() { $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p) { $p->reject('foo'); }); $this->assertEquals('pending', $p->getState()); $p->wait(false); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p->getState()); } public function testRejectsSelfWhenWaitThrows() { $e = new \UnexpectedValueException('foo'); $p = new Promise(function () use ($e) { throw $e; }); try { $p->wait(); $this->fail(); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p->getState()); } } public function testWaitsOnNestedPromises() { $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p) { $p->resolve('_'); }); $p2 = new Promise(function () use (&$p2) { $p2->resolve('foo'); }); $p3 = $p->then(function () use ($p2) { return $p2; }); $this->assertSame('foo', $p3->wait()); } /** * @expectedException \GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException */ public function testThrowsWhenWaitingOnPromiseWithNoWaitFunction() { $p = new Promise(); $p->wait(); } public function testThrowsWaitExceptionAfterPromiseIsResolved() { $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p) { $p->reject('Foo!'); throw new \Exception('Bar?'); }); try { $p->wait(); $this->fail(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('Bar?', $e->getMessage()); } } public function testGetsActualWaitValueFromThen() { $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p) { $p->reject('Foo!'); }); $p2 = $p->then(null, function ($reason) { return new RejectedPromise([$reason]); }); try { $p2->wait(); $this->fail('Should have thrown'); } catch (RejectionException $e) { $this->assertEquals(['Foo!'], $e->getReason()); } } public function testWaitBehaviorIsBasedOnLastPromiseInChain() { $p3 = new Promise(function () use (&$p3) { $p3->resolve('Whoop'); }); $p2 = new Promise(function () use (&$p2, $p3) { $p2->reject($p3); }); $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p, $p2) { $p->reject($p2); }); $this->assertEquals('Whoop', $p->wait()); } public function testWaitsOnAPromiseChainEvenWhenNotUnwrapped() { $p2 = new Promise(function () use (&$p2) { $p2->reject('Fail'); }); $p = new Promise(function () use ($p2, &$p) { $p->resolve($p2); }); $p->wait(false); $this->assertSame(Promise::REJECTED, $p2->getState()); } public function testCannotCancelNonPending() { $p = new Promise(); $p->resolve('foo'); $p->cancel(); $this->assertEquals('fulfilled', $p->getState()); } /** * @expectedException \GuzzleHttp\Promise\CancellationException */ public function testCancelsPromiseWhenNoCancelFunction() { $p = new Promise(); $p->cancel(); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p->getState()); $p->wait(); } public function testCancelsPromiseWithCancelFunction() { $called = false; $p = new Promise(null, function () use (&$called) { $called = true; }); $p->cancel(); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p->getState()); $this->assertTrue($called); } public function testCancelsUppermostPendingPromise() { $called = false; $p1 = new Promise(null, function () use (&$called) { $called = true; }); $p2 = $p1->then(function () {}); $p3 = $p2->then(function () {}); $p4 = $p3->then(function () {}); $p3->cancel(); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p1->getState()); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p2->getState()); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p3->getState()); $this->assertEquals('pending', $p4->getState()); $this->assertTrue($called); try { $p3->wait(); $this->fail(); } catch (CancellationException $e) { $this->assertContains('cancelled', $e->getMessage()); } try { $p4->wait(); $this->fail(); } catch (CancellationException $e) { $this->assertContains('cancelled', $e->getMessage()); } $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p4->getState()); } public function testCancelsChildPromises() { $called1 = $called2 = $called3 = false; $p1 = new Promise(null, function () use (&$called1) { $called1 = true; }); $p2 = new Promise(null, function () use (&$called2) { $called2 = true; }); $p3 = new Promise(null, function () use (&$called3) { $called3 = true; }); $p4 = $p2->then(function () use ($p3) { return $p3; }); $p5 = $p4->then(function () { $this->fail(); }); $p4->cancel(); $this->assertEquals('pending', $p1->getState()); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p2->getState()); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p4->getState()); $this->assertEquals('pending', $p5->getState()); $this->assertFalse($called1); $this->assertTrue($called2); $this->assertFalse($called3); } public function testRejectsPromiseWhenCancelFails() { $called = false; $p = new Promise(null, function () use (&$called) { $called = true; throw new \Exception('e'); }); $p->cancel(); $this->assertEquals('rejected', $p->getState()); $this->assertTrue($called); try { $p->wait(); $this->fail(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('e', $e->getMessage()); } } public function testCreatesPromiseWhenFulfilledAfterThen() { $p = new Promise(); $carry = null; $p2 = $p->then(function ($v) use (&$carry) { $carry = $v; }); $this->assertNotSame($p, $p2); $p->resolve('foo'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $carry); } public function testCreatesPromiseWhenFulfilledBeforeThen() { $p = new Promise(); $p->resolve('foo'); $carry = null; $p2 = $p->then(function ($v) use (&$carry) { $carry = $v; }); $this->assertNotSame($p, $p2); $this->assertNull($carry); \GuzzleHttp\Promise\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $carry); } public function testCreatesPromiseWhenFulfilledWithNoCallback() { $p = new Promise(); $p->resolve('foo'); $p2 = $p->then(); $this->assertNotSame($p, $p2); $this->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\Promise\FulfilledPromise', $p2); } public function testCreatesPromiseWhenRejectedAfterThen() { $p = new Promise(); $carry = null; $p2 = $p->then(null, function ($v) use (&$carry) { $carry = $v; }); $this->assertNotSame($p, $p2); $p->reject('foo'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $carry); } public function testCreatesPromiseWhenRejectedBeforeThen() { $p = new Promise(); $p->reject('foo'); $carry = null; $p2 = $p->then(null, function ($v) use (&$carry) { $carry = $v; }); $this->assertNotSame($p, $p2); $this->assertNull($carry); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $carry); } public function testCreatesPromiseWhenRejectedWithNoCallback() { $p = new Promise(); $p->reject('foo'); $p2 = $p->then(); $this->assertNotSame($p, $p2); $this->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise', $p2); } public function testInvokesWaitFnsForThens() { $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p) { $p->resolve('a'); }); $p2 = $p ->then(function ($v) { return $v . '-1-'; }) ->then(function ($v) { return $v . '2'; }); $this->assertEquals('a-1-2', $p2->wait()); } public function testStacksThenWaitFunctions() { $p1 = new Promise(function () use (&$p1) { $p1->resolve('a'); }); $p2 = new Promise(function () use (&$p2) { $p2->resolve('b'); }); $p3 = new Promise(function () use (&$p3) { $p3->resolve('c'); }); $p4 = $p1 ->then(function () use ($p2) { return $p2; }) ->then(function () use ($p3) { return $p3; }); $this->assertEquals('c', $p4->wait()); } public function testForwardsFulfilledDownChainBetweenGaps() { $p = new Promise(); $r = $r2 = null; $p->then(null, null) ->then(function ($v) use (&$r) { $r = $v; return $v . '2'; }) ->then(function ($v) use (&$r2) { $r2 = $v; }); $p->resolve('foo'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $r); $this->assertEquals('foo2', $r2); } public function testForwardsRejectedPromisesDownChainBetweenGaps() { $p = new Promise(); $r = $r2 = null; $p->then(null, null) ->then(null, function ($v) use (&$r) { $r = $v; return $v . '2'; }) ->then(function ($v) use (&$r2) { $r2 = $v; }); $p->reject('foo'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $r); $this->assertEquals('foo2', $r2); } public function testForwardsThrownPromisesDownChainBetweenGaps() { $e = new \Exception(); $p = new Promise(); $r = $r2 = null; $p->then(null, null) ->then(null, function ($v) use (&$r, $e) { $r = $v; throw $e; }) ->then( null, function ($v) use (&$r2) { $r2 = $v; } ); $p->reject('foo'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $r); $this->assertSame($e, $r2); } public function testForwardsReturnedRejectedPromisesDownChainBetweenGaps() { $p = new Promise(); $rejected = new RejectedPromise('bar'); $r = $r2 = null; $p->then(null, null) ->then(null, function ($v) use (&$r, $rejected) { $r = $v; return $rejected; }) ->then( null, function ($v) use (&$r2) { $r2 = $v; } ); $p->reject('foo'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $r); $this->assertEquals('bar', $r2); try { $p->wait(); } catch (RejectionException $e) { $this->assertEquals('foo', $e->getReason()); } } public function testForwardsHandlersToNextPromise() { $p = new Promise(); $p2 = new Promise(); $resolved = null; $p ->then(function ($v) use ($p2) { return $p2; }) ->then(function ($value) use (&$resolved) { $resolved = $value; }); $p->resolve('a'); $p2->resolve('b'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals('b', $resolved); } public function testRemovesReferenceFromChildWhenParentWaitedUpon() { $r = null; $p = new Promise(function () use (&$p) { $p->resolve('a'); }); $p2 = new Promise(function () use (&$p2) { $p2->resolve('b'); }); $pb = $p->then( function ($v) use ($p2, &$r) { $r = $v; return $p2; }) ->then(function ($v) { return $v . '.'; }); $this->assertEquals('a', $p->wait()); $this->assertEquals('b', $p2->wait()); $this->assertEquals('b.', $pb->wait()); $this->assertEquals('a', $r); } public function testForwardsHandlersWhenFulfilledPromiseIsReturned() { $res = []; $p = new Promise(); $p2 = new Promise(); $p2->resolve('foo'); $p2->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'A:' . $v; }); // $res is A:foo $p ->then(function () use ($p2, &$res) { $res[] = 'B'; return $p2; }) ->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'C:' . $v; }); $p->resolve('a'); $p->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'D:' . $v; }); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals(['A:foo', 'B', 'D:a', 'C:foo'], $res); } public function testForwardsHandlersWhenRejectedPromiseIsReturned() { $res = []; $p = new Promise(); $p2 = new Promise(); $p2->reject('foo'); $p2->then(null, function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'A:' . $v; }); $p->then(null, function () use ($p2, &$res) { $res[] = 'B'; return $p2; }) ->then(null, function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'C:' . $v; }); $p->reject('a'); $p->then(null, function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'D:' . $v; }); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals(['A:foo', 'B', 'D:a', 'C:foo'], $res); } public function testDoesNotForwardRejectedPromise() { $res = []; $p = new Promise(); $p2 = new Promise(); $p2->cancel(); $p2->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = "B:$v"; return $v; }); $p->then(function ($v) use ($p2, &$res) { $res[] = "B:$v"; return $p2; }) ->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'C:' . $v; }); $p->resolve('a'); $p->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'D:' . $v; }); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals(['B:a', 'D:a'], $res); } public function testRecursivelyForwardsWhenOnlyThennable() { $res = []; $p = new Promise(); $p2 = new Thennable(); $p2->resolve('foo'); $p2->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'A:' . $v; }); $p->then(function () use ($p2, &$res) { $res[] = 'B'; return $p2; }) ->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'C:' . $v; }); $p->resolve('a'); $p->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'D:' . $v; }); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals(['A:foo', 'B', 'D:a', 'C:foo'], $res); } public function testRecursivelyForwardsWhenNotInstanceOfPromise() { $res = []; $p = new Promise(); $p2 = new NotPromiseInstance(); $p2->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'A:' . $v; }); $p->then(function () use ($p2, &$res) { $res[] = 'B'; return $p2; }) ->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'C:' . $v; }); $p->resolve('a'); $p->then(function ($v) use (&$res) { $res[] = 'D:' . $v; }); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals(['B', 'D:a'], $res); $p2->resolve('foo'); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals(['B', 'D:a', 'A:foo', 'C:foo'], $res); } /** * @expectedException \LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessage Cannot fulfill or reject a promise with itself */ public function testCannotResolveWithSelf() { $p = new Promise(); $p->resolve($p); } /** * @expectedException \LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessage Cannot fulfill or reject a promise with itself */ public function testCannotRejectWithSelf() { $p = new Promise(); $p->reject($p); } public function testDoesNotBlowStackWhenWaitingOnNestedThens() { $inner = new Promise(function () use (&$inner) { $inner->resolve(0); }); $prev = $inner; for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++) { $prev = $prev->then(function ($i) { return $i + 1; }); } $parent = new Promise(function () use (&$parent, $prev) { $parent->resolve($prev); }); $this->assertEquals(99, $parent->wait()); } public function testOtherwiseIsSugarForRejections() { $p = new Promise(); $p->reject('foo'); $p->otherwise(function ($v) use (&$c) { $c = $v; }); P\queue()->run(); $this->assertEquals($c, 'foo'); } }