
namespace PhpParser;

use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;

class NodeTraverserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testNonModifying() {
        $str1Node = new String_('Foo');
        $str2Node = new String_('Bar');
        $echoNode = new Node\Stmt\Echo_(array($str1Node, $str2Node));
        $stmts    = array($echoNode);

        $visitor = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');


        $traverser = new NodeTraverser;

        $this->assertEquals($stmts, $traverser->traverse($stmts));

    public function testModifying() {
        $str1Node  = new String_('Foo');
        $str2Node  = new String_('Bar');
        $printNode = new Expr\Print_($str1Node);

        // first visitor changes the node, second verifies the change
        $visitor1 = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');
        $visitor2 = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');

        // replace empty statements with string1 node

        // replace string1 node with print node

        // replace string1 node with string2 node

        // replace string2 node with string1 node again

        // replace print node with string1 node again

        // replace string1 node with empty statements again

        $traverser = new NodeTraverser;

        // as all operations are reversed we end where we start
        $this->assertEquals(array(), $traverser->traverse(array()));

    public function testRemove() {
        $str1Node = new String_('Foo');
        $str2Node = new String_('Bar');

        $visitor = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');

        // remove the string1 node, leave the string2 node

        $traverser = new NodeTraverser;

        $this->assertEquals(array($str2Node), $traverser->traverse(array($str1Node, $str2Node)));

    public function testMerge() {
        $strStart  = new String_('Start');
        $strMiddle = new String_('End');
        $strEnd    = new String_('Middle');
        $strR1     = new String_('Replacement 1');
        $strR2     = new String_('Replacement 2');

        $visitor = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');

        // replace strMiddle with strR1 and strR2 by merge
                ->will($this->returnValue(array($strR1, $strR2)));

        $traverser = new NodeTraverser;

            array($strStart, $strR1, $strR2, $strEnd),
            $traverser->traverse(array($strStart, $strMiddle, $strEnd))

    public function testDeepArray() {
        $strNode = new String_('Foo');
        $stmts = array(array(array($strNode)));

        $visitor = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');

        $traverser = new NodeTraverser;

        $this->assertEquals($stmts, $traverser->traverse($stmts));

    public function testDontTraverseChildren() {
        $strNode = new String_('str');
        $printNode = new Expr\Print_($strNode);
        $varNode = new Expr\Variable('foo');
        $mulNode = new Expr\BinaryOp\Mul($varNode, $varNode);
        $negNode = new Expr\UnaryMinus($mulNode);
        $stmts = array($printNode, $negNode);

        $visitor1 = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');
        $visitor2 = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');







        $traverser = new NodeTraverser;

        $this->assertEquals($stmts, $traverser->traverse($stmts));

    public function testRemovingVisitor() {
        $visitor1 = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');
        $visitor2 = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');
        $visitor3 = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');

        $traverser = new NodeTraverser;

        $preExpected = array($visitor1, $visitor2, $visitor3);
        $this->assertAttributeSame($preExpected, 'visitors', $traverser, 'The appropriate visitors have not been added');


        $postExpected = array(0 => $visitor1, 2 => $visitor3);
        $this->assertAttributeSame($postExpected, 'visitors', $traverser, 'The appropriate visitors are not present after removal');

    public function testCloneNodes() {
        $stmts = array(new Node\Stmt\Echo_(array(new String_('Foo'), new String_('Bar'))));

        $traverser = new NodeTraverser(true);

        $this->assertNotSame($stmts, $traverser->traverse($stmts));

    public function testNoCloneNodesByDefault() {
        $stmts = array(new Node\Stmt\Echo_(array(new String_('Foo'), new String_('Bar'))));

        $traverser = new NodeTraverser;

        $this->assertSame($stmts, $traverser->traverse($stmts));

     * @expectedException \LogicException
     * @expectedExceptionMessage leaveNode() may only return an array if the parent structure is an array
    public function testReplaceByArrayOnlyAllowedIfParentIsArray() {
        $stmts = array(new Node\Expr\UnaryMinus(new Node\Scalar\LNumber(42)));

        $visitor = $this->getMock('PhpParser\NodeVisitor');
        $visitor->method('leaveNode')->willReturn(array(new Node\Scalar\DNumber(42.0)));

        $traverser = new NodeTraverser();