<?php namespace Maatwebsite\Excel\Parsers;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use PHPExcel_Cell;
use PHPExcel_Exception;
use PHPExcel_Shared_Date;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Collections\RowCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Collections\CellCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Collections\SheetCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Exceptions\LaravelExcelException;

 * LaravelExcel Excel Parser
 * @category   Laravel Excel
 * @version    1.0.0
 * @package    maatwebsite/excel
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Maatwebsite (http://www.maatwebsite.nl)
 * @author     Maatwebsite <info@maatwebsite.nl>
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt    LGPL
class ExcelParser {

     * If file is parsed
     * @var boolean
    public $isParsed = false;

     * Reader object
     * @var LaravelExcelReader
    protected $reader;

     * Excel object
     * @var PHPExcel
    protected $excel;

     * Worksheet object
     * @var LaravelExcelWorksheet
    protected $worksheet;

     * Row object
     * @var PHPExcel_Worksheet_Row
    protected $row;

     * Cell object
     * @var PHPExcel_Cell
    protected $cell;

     * Indices
     * @var array
    protected $indices;

     * Columns we want to fetch
     * @var array
    protected $columns = array();

     * Row counter
     * @var integer
    protected $currentRow = 1;

     * Default startrow
     * @var integer
    protected $defaultStartRow = 1;

     * Construct excel parser
     * @param LaravelExcelReader $reader
     * @return \Maatwebsite\Excel\Parsers\ExcelParser
    public function  __construct($reader)
        $this->reader = $reader;
        $this->excel = $reader->excel;

        $this->defaultStartRow = $this->currentRow = Config::get('excel.import.startRow', 1);

        // Reset

     *  Parse the file
     * @param array $columns
     * @return SheetCollection
    public function parseFile($columns = array())
        // Init new sheet collection
        $workbook = new SheetCollection();

        // Set the selected columns

        // If not parsed yet
        if ( !$this->isParsed )
            // Set worksheet count
            $this->w = 0;

            // Get selected sheets
            $iterator = $this->excel->getWorksheetIterator();

            // Loop through the worksheets
            foreach ($iterator as $this->worksheet)
                // Check if the sheet might have been selected by it's index
                if ( $this->reader->isSelectedByIndex($iterator->key()) )
                    // Parse the worksheet
                    $worksheet = $this->parseWorksheet();

                    // If multiple sheets
                    if ( $this->parseAsMultiple() )
                        // Push every sheet
                        // Ignore the sheet collection
                        $workbook = $worksheet;


        $this->isParsed = true;

        // Return itself
        return $workbook;

     * Check if we want to parse it as multiple sheets
     * @return boolean
    protected function parseAsMultiple()
        return ($this->excel->getSheetCount() > 1 && count($this->reader->getSelectedSheetIndices()) !== 1)
        || Config::get('excel.import.force_sheets_collection', false);

     * Parse the worksheet
     * @return RowCollection
    protected function parseWorksheet()
        // Set the active worksheet

        // Fetch the labels
        $this->indices = $this->reader->hasHeading() ? $this->getIndices() : array();

        // Parse the rows
        return $this->parseRows();

     *  Get the indices
     * @return array
    protected function getIndices()
        // Fetch the first row
        $this->row = $this->worksheet->getRowIterator($this->defaultStartRow)->current();

        // Set empty labels array
        $this->indices = array();

        // Loop through the cells
        foreach ($this->row->getCellIterator() as $this->cell)
            $this->indices[] = $this->getIndex($this->cell);

        // Return the labels
        return $this->indices;

     * Get index
     * @param  $cell
     * @return string
    protected function getIndex($cell)
        // Get heading type
        $config = Config::get('excel.import.heading', true);
        $config = $config === true ? 'slugged' : $config;

        // Get value
        $value = $this->getOriginalIndex($cell);

        switch ($config)
            case 'slugged':
                return $this->getSluggedIndex($value, Config::get('excel.import.to_ascii', true));
            case 'slugged_with_count':
                $index = $this->getSluggedIndex($value, Config::get('excel.import.to_ascii', true));
                    $index = $this->appendOrIncreaseStringCount($index);
                return $index;

            case 'ascii':
                return $this->getAsciiIndex($value);

            case 'hashed':
                return $this->getHashedIndex($value);

            case 'trans':
                return $this->getTranslatedIndex($value);

            case 'original':
                return $value;

     * Append or increase the count at the String like: test to test_1
     * @param string $index
     * @return string
    protected function appendOrIncreaseStringCount($index)
        do {
            if (preg_match("/(\d+)$/",$index,$matches) === 1)
                // increase +1
                $index = preg_replace_callback( "/(\d+)$/",
                    function ($matches) {
                        return ++$matches[1];
                    }, $index);
                $index .= '_1';

        } while(in_array($index,$this->indices));

        return $index;

     * Get slugged index
     * @param  string $value
     * @param bool    $ascii
     * @return string
    protected function getSluggedIndex($value, $ascii = false)
        // Get original
        $separator = $this->reader->getSeparator();

        // Convert to ascii when needed
        if ( $ascii )
            $value = $this->getAsciiIndex($value);

        // Convert all dashes/underscores into separator
        $flip = $separator == '-' ? '_' : '-';
        $value = preg_replace('![' . preg_quote($flip) . ']+!u', $separator, $value);

        // Remove all characters that are not the separator, letters, numbers, or whitespace.
        $value = preg_replace('![^' . preg_quote($separator) . '\pL\pN\s]+!u', '', mb_strtolower($value));

        // Replace all separator characters and whitespace by a single separator
        $value = preg_replace('![' . preg_quote($separator) . '\s]+!u', $separator, $value);

        return trim($value, $separator);

     * Get ASCII index
     * @param  string $value
     * @return string
    protected function getAsciiIndex($value)
        return Str::ascii($value);

     * Hahsed index
     * @param  string $value
     * @return string
    protected function getHashedIndex($value)
        return md5($value);

     * Get translated index
     * @param  string $value
     * @return string
    protected function getTranslatedIndex($value)
        return trans($value);

     * Get orignal indice
     * @param $cell
     * @return string
    protected function getOriginalIndex($cell)
        return $cell->getValue();

     *  Parse the rows
     * @return RowCollection
    protected function parseRows()
        // Set empty parsedRow array
        $parsedRows = new RowCollection();

        // set sheet title

        // Get the start row
        $startRow = $this->getStartRow();

        try {
            $rows = $this->worksheet->getRowIterator($startRow);
        } catch(PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
            $rows = [];

        // Loop through the rows inside the worksheet
        foreach ($rows as $this->row)
            // Limit the results when needed
            if ( $this->hasReachedLimit() )

            // Push the parsed cells inside the parsed rows

            // Count the rows

        // Return the parsed array
        return $parsedRows;

     * Get the startrow
     * @return integer
    protected function getStartRow()
        // Set default start row
        $startRow = $this->defaultStartRow;

        // If the reader has a heading, skip the first row
        if ( $this->reader->hasHeading() )

        // Get the amount of rows to skip
        $skip = $this->reader->getSkip();

        // If we want to skip rows, add the amount of rows
        if ( $skip > 0 )
            $startRow = $startRow + $skip;

        // Return the startrow
        return $startRow;

     * Check for the limit
     * @return boolean
    protected function hasReachedLimit()
        // Get skip
        $limit = $this->reader->getLimit();

        // If we have a limit, check if we hit this limit
        return $limit && $this->currentRow > $limit ? true : false;

     * Parse the cells of the given row
     * @return CellCollection
    protected function parseCells()
        $i = 0;
        $parsedCells = array();

        try {
            // Set the cell iterator
            $cellIterator = $this->row->getCellIterator();

            // Ignore empty cells if needed

            // Foreach cells
            foreach ($cellIterator as $this->cell)
                // Check how we need to save the parsed array
                $index = ($this->reader->hasHeading() && isset($this->indices[$i])) ? $this->indices[$i] : $this->getIndexFromColumn();

                // Check if we want to select this column
                if ( $this->cellNeedsParsing($index) )
                    // Set the value
                    $parsedCells[$index] = $this->parseCell($index);


        } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
            // silently ignore the 'No cells exist within the specified range' error, but rethrow any others
            if ($e->getMessage() != 'No cells exist within the specified range') {
                throw $e;
            // make sure that we return an empty CellCollection
            $parsedCells = array();

        // Return array with parsed cells
        return new CellCollection($parsedCells);

     * Parse a single cell
     * @param  integer $index
     * @return string
    protected function parseCell($index)
        // If the cell is a date time
        if ( $this->cellIsDate($index) )
            // Parse the date
            return $this->parseDate();

        // Check if we want calculated values or not
        elseif ( $this->reader->needsCalculation() )
            // Get calculated value
            return $this->getCalculatedValue();
            // Get real value
            return $this->getCellValue();

     * Return the cell value
     * @return string
    protected function getCellValue()
        $value = $this->cell->getValue();

        return $this->encode($value);

     * Get the calculated value
     * @return string
    protected function getCalculatedValue()
        $value = $this->cell->getCalculatedValue();

        return $this->encode($value);

     * Encode with iconv
     * @param  string $value
     * @return string
    protected function encode($value)
        // Get input and output encoding
        list($input, $output) = array_values(Config::get('excel.import.encoding', array('UTF-8', 'UTF-8')));

        // If they are the same, return the value
        if ( $input == $output )
            return $value;

        // Encode
        return iconv($input, $output, $value);

     * Parse the date
     * @return Carbon\Carbon|string
    protected function parseDate()
        // If the date needs formatting
        if ( $this->reader->needsDateFormatting() )
            // Parse the date with carbon
            return $this->parseDateAsCarbon();
            // Parse the date as a normal string
            return $this->parseDateAsString();

     * Parse and return carbon object or formatted time string
     * @return Carbon\Carbon
    protected function parseDateAsCarbon()
        // If has a date
        if ( $cellContent = $this->cell->getCalculatedValue() )
            // Convert excel time to php date object
            $date = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHPObject($this->cell->getCalculatedValue())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

            // Parse with carbon
            $date = Carbon::parse($date);

            // Format the date if wanted
            return $this->reader->getDateFormat() ? $date->format($this->reader->getDateFormat()) : $date;

        return null;

     * Return date string
     * @return string
    protected function parseDateAsString()
        //Format the date to a formatted string
        return (string) PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString(

     * Check if cell is a date
     * @param  integer $index
     * @return boolean
    protected function cellIsDate($index)
        // if is a date or if is a date column
        if ( $this->reader->getDateColumns() )
            return in_array($index, $this->reader->getDateColumns());
            return PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTime($this->cell);

     * Check if cells needs parsing
     * @return array
    protected function cellNeedsParsing($index)
        // if no columns are selected or if the column is selected
        return !$this->hasSelectedColumns() || ($this->hasSelectedColumns() && in_array($index, $this->getSelectedColumns()));

     * Get the cell index from column
     * @return integer
    protected function getIndexFromColumn()
        return PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($this->cell->getColumn());

     * Set selected columns
     * @param array $columns
    protected function setSelectedColumns($columns = array())
        // Set the columns
        $this->columns = $columns;

     * Check if we have selected columns
     * @return boolean
    protected function hasSelectedColumns()
        return !empty($this->columns);

     * Set selected columns
     * @return array
    protected function getSelectedColumns()
        // Set the columns
        return $this->columns;

     * Reset
     * @return void
    protected function reset()
        $this->indices = array();
        $this->isParsed = false;