# PsySH [](https://packagist.org/packages/psy/psysh) [](https://packagist.org/packages/psy/psysh) [](http://psysh.org) [](http://travis-ci.org/bobthecow/psysh) [](https://styleci.io/repos/4549925) ## About PsySH is a runtime developer console, interactive debugger and [REPL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop) for PHP. Learn more at [psysh.org](http://psysh.org/). Check out the [Interactive Debugging in PHP talk from OSCON](https://presentate.com/bobthecow/talks/php-for-pirates) on Presentate. ## Installation Download the `psysh` phar to install: ``` wget psysh.org/psysh chmod +x psysh ./psysh ``` It's even awesomer if you put it somewhere in your system path (like `/usr/local/bin` or `~/bin`)! PsySH [is available via Composer](https://packagist.org/packages/psy/psysh), so you can use it in your project as well: ``` composer require psy/psysh:@stable ./vendor/bin/psysh ``` Or you can use by checking out the the repository directly: ``` git clone https://github.com/bobthecow/psysh.git cd psysh ./bin/psysh ``` ## PsySH configuration While PsySH strives to detect the right settings automatically, you might want to configure it yourself. Just add a file to `~/.config/psysh/config.php` (or `C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\PsySH\config.php` on Windows): ```php <?php return array( // In PHP 5.4+, PsySH will default to your `cli.pager` ini setting. If this // is not set, it falls back to `less`. It is recommended that you set up // `cli.pager` in your `php.ini` with your preferred output pager. // // If you are running PHP 5.3, or if you want to use a different pager only // for Psy shell sessions, you can override it here. 'pager' => 'more', // Sets the maximum number of entries the history can contain. // If set to zero, the history size is unlimited. 'historySize' => 0, // If set to true, the history will not keep duplicate entries. // Newest entries override oldest. // This is the equivalent of the HISTCONTROL=erasedups setting in bash. 'eraseDuplicates' => false, // By default, PsySH will use a 'forking' execution loop if pcntl is // installed. This is by far the best way to use it, but you can override // the default by explicitly enabling or disabling this functionality here. 'usePcntl' => false, // PsySH uses readline if you have it installed, because interactive input // is pretty awful without it. But you can explicitly disable it if you hate // yourself or something. 'useReadline' => false, // PsySH automatically inserts semicolons at the end of input if a statement // is missing one. To disable this, set `requireSemicolons` to true. 'requireSemicolons' => true, // PsySH uses a couple of UTF-8 characters in its own output. These can be // disabled, mostly to work around code page issues. Because Windows. // // Note that this does not disable Unicode output in general, it just makes // it so PsySH won't output any itself. 'useUnicode' => false, // While PsySH respects the current `error_reporting` level, and doesn't throw // exceptions for all errors, it does log all errors regardless of level. Set // `errorLoggingLevel` to 0 to prevent logging non-thrown errors. Set it to any // valid `error_reporting` value to log only errors which match that level. 'errorLoggingLevel' => E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE, // "Default includes" will be included once at the beginning of every PsySH // session. This is a good place to add autoloaders for your favorite // libraries. 'defaultIncludes' => array( __DIR__ . '/include/bootstrap.php', ), // While PsySH ships with a bunch of great commands, it's possible to add // your own for even more awesome. Any Psy command added here will be // available in your Psy shell sessions. 'commands' => array( // The `parse` command is a command used in the development of PsySH. // Given a string of PHP code, it pretty-prints the // [PHP Parser](https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser) parse tree. It // prolly won't be super useful for most of you, but it's there if you // want to play :) new \Psy\Command\ParseCommand, ), // PsySH uses symfony/var-dumper's casters for presenting scalars, resources, // arrays and objects. You can enable additional casters, or write your own! // See http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/var_dumper/advanced.html#casters 'casters' => array( 'MyFooClass' => 'MyFooClassCaster::castMyFooObject', ), // You can disable tab completion if you want to. Not sure why you'd want to. 'tabCompletion' => false, // You can write your own tab completion matchers, too! Here are some that enable // tab completion for MongoDB database and collection names: 'tabCompletionMatchers' => array( new \Psy\TabCompletion\Matcher\MongoClientMatcher, new \Psy\TabCompletion\Matcher\MongoDatabaseMatcher, ), // If multiple versions of the same configuration or data file exist, PsySH will // use the file with highest precedence, and will silently ignore all others. With // this enabled, a warning will be emitted (but not an exception thrown) if multiple // configuration or data files are found. // // This will default to true in a future release, but is false for now. 'warnOnMultipleConfigs' => true, // By default, output contains colors if support for them is detected. To override: 'colorMode' => \Psy\Configuration::COLOR_MODE_FORCED, // force colors in output 'colorMode' => \Psy\Configuration::COLOR_MODE_DISABLED, // disable colors in output ); ``` ## Downloading the manual The PsySH `doc` command is great for documenting source code, but you'll need a little something extra for PHP core documentation. Download one of the following PHP Manual files and drop it in `~/.local/share/psysh/`, `/usr/local/share/psysh/` or `C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\PsySH\` on Windows: * **[English](http://psysh.org/manual/en/php_manual.sqlite)** * [Brazilian Portuguese](http://psysh.org/manual/pt_BR/php_manual.sqlite) * [Chinese (Simplified)](http://psysh.org/manual/zh/php_manual.sqlite) * [French](http://psysh.org/manual/fr/php_manual.sqlite) * [German](http://psysh.org/manual/de/php_manual.sqlite) * [Italian](http://psysh.org/manual/it/php_manual.sqlite) * [Japanese](http://psysh.org/manual/ja/php_manual.sqlite) * [Polish](http://psysh.org/manual/pl/php_manual.sqlite) * [Romanian](http://psysh.org/manual/ro/php_manual.sqlite) * [Russian](http://psysh.org/manual/ru/php_manual.sqlite) * [Persian](http://psysh.org/manual/fa/php_manual.sqlite) * [Spanish](http://psysh.org/manual/es/php_manual.sqlite) * [Turkish](http://psysh.org/manual/tr/php_manual.sqlite) ## As Seen On… * Cake: [`cake console`](http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/console-and-shells/repl.html) * Drupal: [`drush php`](http://drushcommands.com/drush-8x/core/core-cli/), [drush-psysh](https://github.com/grota/drush-psysh) * eZ Publish: [`ezsh`](https://github.com/lolautruche/ezsh) * Laravel: [`artisan tinker`](https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/5.0/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/TinkerCommand.php) * Lumen: [`artisan tinker`](https://github.com/vluzrmos/lumen-tinker) * Magento: [`magerun console`](https://github.com/netz98/n98-magerun/blob/develop/src/N98/Magento/Command/Developer/ConsoleCommand.php) * Pantheon CLI: [`terminus cli console`](https://github.com/pantheon-systems/terminus) * Symfony: [sf1-psysh-bootstrap](https://github.com/varas/sf1-psysh-bootstrap) * Symfony2: [`psymf`](https://github.com/navitronic/psymf), [sf2-psysh-bootstrap](https://github.com/varas/sf2-psysh-bootstrap), [symfony-repl](https://github.com/luxifer/symfony-repl), [PsyshBundle](https://github.com/theofidry/PsyshBundle) * WordPress: [`wp-cli shell`](https://github.com/wp-cli/wp-cli/blob/master/php/commands/shell.php) * Zend Framework 2: [PsyshModule](https://zfmodules.com/gianarb/zf2-psysh-module)