function JsonFormater(opt) { this.options = $.extend({ dom: '', tabSize: 2, singleTab: " ", quoteKeys: true, imgCollapsed: "images/Collapsed.gif", imgExpanded: "images/Expanded.gif", isCollapsible: true }, opt || {}); this.isFormated = false; this.obj = { _dateObj: new Date(), _regexpObj: new RegExp() }; this.init(); } JsonFormater.prototype = { init: function () { = this.multiplyString(this.options.tabSize, this.options.singleTab); this.bindEvent(); }, doFormat: function (json) { var html; var obj; try { if(typeof json == 'object'){ obj = [json]; }else{ if (json == ""){ json = "\"\""; } obj = eval("[" + json + "]"); } html = this.ProcessObject(obj[0], 0, false, false, false); $(this.options.dom).html("<pre class='jf-CodeContainer'>" + html + "</pre>"); this.isFormated = true; } catch (e) { alert("JSON数据格式不正确:\n" + e.message); $(this.options.dom).html(""); this.isFormated = false; } }, bindEvent: function () { var that = this; $(this.options.dom).off('click','.imgToggle'); $(this.options.dom).on('click', '.imgToggle', function () { if (that.isFormated == false) { return; } that.makeContentVisible($(this).parent().next(), !$(this).data('status')); }); }, expandAll: function () { if (this.isFormated == false) { return; } var that = this; this.traverseChildren($(this.options.dom), function(element){ if(element.hasClass('jf-collapsible')){ that.makeContentVisible(element, true); } }, 0); }, collapseAll: function () { if (this.isFormated == false) { return; } var that = this; this.traverseChildren($(this.options.dom), function(element){ if(element.hasClass('jf-collapsible')){ that.makeContentVisible(element, false); } }, 0); }, collapseLevel: function(level){ if (this.isFormated == false) { return; } var that = this; this.traverseChildren($(this.options.dom), function(element, depth){ if(element.hasClass('jf-collapsible')){ if(depth >= level){ that.makeContentVisible(element, false); }else{ that.makeContentVisible(element, true); } } }, 0); }, isArray: function (obj) { return obj && typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.length === 'number' && !(obj.propertyIsEnumerable('length')); }, getRow: function (indent, data, isPropertyContent) { var tabs = ""; if (!isPropertyContent) { tabs = this.multiplyString(indent,; } if (data != null && data.length > 0 && data.charAt(data.length - 1) != "\n") { data = data + "\n"; } return tabs + data; }, formatLiteral: function (literal, quote, comma, indent, isArray, style) { if (typeof literal == 'string') { literal = literal.split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">"); } var str = "<span class='jf-" + style + "'>" + quote + literal + quote + comma + "</span>"; if (isArray) str = this.getRow(indent, str); return str; }, formatFunction: function (indent, obj) { var tabs; var i; var funcStrArray = obj.toString().split("\n"); var str = ""; tabs = this.multiplyString(indent,; for (i = 0; i < funcStrArray.length; i++) { str += ((i == 0) ? "" : tabs) + funcStrArray[i] + "\n"; } return str; }, multiplyString: function (num, str) { var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { result += str; } return result; }, traverseChildren: function (element, func, depth) { var length = element.children().length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.traverseChildren(element.children().eq(i), func, depth + 1); } func(element, depth); }, makeContentVisible : function(element, visible){ var img = element.prev().find('img'); if(visible){; img.attr('src', this.options.imgExpanded);'status', 1); }else{ element.hide(); img.attr('src', this.options.imgCollapsed);'status', 0); } }, ProcessObject: function (obj, indent, addComma, isArray, isPropertyContent) { var html = ""; var comma = (addComma) ? "<span class='jf-Comma'>,</span> " : ""; var type = typeof obj; var clpsHtml = ""; var prop; if (this.isArray(obj)) { if (obj.length == 0) { html += this.getRow(indent, "<span class='jf-ArrayBrace'>[ ]</span>" + comma, isPropertyContent); } else { clpsHtml = this.options.isCollapsible ? "<span><img class='imgToggle' data-status='1' src='" + this.options.imgExpanded + "'/></span><span class='jf-collapsible'>" : ""; html += this.getRow(indent, "<span class='jf-ArrayBrace'>[</span>" + clpsHtml, isPropertyContent); for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { html += this.ProcessObject(obj[i], indent + 1, i < (obj.length - 1), true, false); } clpsHtml = this.options.isCollapsible ? "</span>" : ""; html += this.getRow(indent, clpsHtml + "<span class='jf-ArrayBrace'>]</span>" + comma); } } else if (type == 'object') { if (obj == null) { html += this.formatLiteral("null", "", comma, indent, isArray, "Null"); } else { var numProps = 0; for (prop in obj) numProps++; if (numProps == 0) { html += this.getRow(indent, "<span class='jf-ObjectBrace'>{ }</span>" + comma, isPropertyContent); } else { clpsHtml = this.options.isCollapsible ? "<span><img class='imgToggle' data-status='1' src='" + this.options.imgExpanded + "'/></span><span class='jf-collapsible'>" : ""; html += this.getRow(indent, "<span class='jf-ObjectBrace'>{</span>" + clpsHtml, isPropertyContent); var j = 0; for (prop in obj) { var quote = this.options.quoteKeys ? "\"" : ""; html += this.getRow(indent + 1, "<span class='jf-PropertyName'>" + quote + prop + quote + "</span>: " + this.ProcessObject(obj[prop], indent + 1, ++j < numProps, false, true)); } clpsHtml = this.options.isCollapsible ? "</span>" : ""; html += this.getRow(indent, clpsHtml + "<span class='jf-ObjectBrace'>}</span>" + comma); } } } else if (type == 'number') { html += this.formatLiteral(obj, "", comma, indent, isArray, "Number"); } else if (type == 'boolean') { html += this.formatLiteral(obj, "", comma, indent, isArray, "Boolean"); }else if (type == 'undefined') { html += this.formatLiteral("undefined", "", comma, indent, isArray, "Null"); } else { html += this.formatLiteral(obj.toString().split("\\").join("\\\\").split('"').join('\\"'), "\"", comma, indent, isArray, "String"); } return html; } };