<?php /* * This file is part of Psy Shell. * * (c) 2012-2015 Justin Hileman * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Psy\CodeCleaner; use PhpParser\Node; use PhpParser\Node\Expr; use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch; use PhpParser\Node\Expr\New_ as NewExpr; use PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_ as ClassStmt; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_ as InterfaceStmt; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Trait_ as TraitStmt; use Psy\Exception\FatalErrorException; /** * Validate that classes exist. * * This pass throws a FatalErrorException rather than letting PHP run * headfirst into a real fatal error and die. */ class ValidClassNamePass extends NamespaceAwarePass { const CLASS_TYPE = 'class'; const INTERFACE_TYPE = 'interface'; const TRAIT_TYPE = 'trait'; protected $checkTraits; public function __construct() { $this->checkTraits = function_exists('trait_exists'); } /** * Validate class, interface and trait statements, and `new` expressions. * * @throws FatalErrorException if a class, interface or trait is referenced which does not exist. * @throws FatalErrorException if a class extends something that is not a class. * @throws FatalErrorException if a class implements something that is not an interface. * @throws FatalErrorException if an interface extends something that is not an interface. * @throws FatalErrorException if a class, interface or trait redefines an existing class, interface or trait name. * * @param Node $node */ public function leaveNode(Node $node) { if ($node instanceof ClassStmt) { $this->validateClassStatement($node); } elseif ($node instanceof InterfaceStmt) { $this->validateInterfaceStatement($node); } elseif ($node instanceof TraitStmt) { $this->validateTraitStatement($node); } elseif ($node instanceof NewExpr) { $this->validateNewExpression($node); } elseif ($node instanceof ClassConstFetch) { $this->validateClassConstFetchExpression($node); } elseif ($node instanceof StaticCall) { $this->validateStaticCallExpression($node); } } /** * Validate a class definition statement. * * @param ClassStmt $stmt */ protected function validateClassStatement(ClassStmt $stmt) { $this->ensureCanDefine($stmt); if (isset($stmt->extends)) { $this->ensureClassExists($this->getFullyQualifiedName($stmt->extends), $stmt); } $this->ensureInterfacesExist($stmt->implements, $stmt); } /** * Validate an interface definition statement. * * @param InterfaceStmt $stmt */ protected function validateInterfaceStatement(InterfaceStmt $stmt) { $this->ensureCanDefine($stmt); $this->ensureInterfacesExist($stmt->extends, $stmt); } /** * Validate a trait definition statement. * * @param TraitStmt $stmt */ protected function validateTraitStatement(TraitStmt $stmt) { $this->ensureCanDefine($stmt); } /** * Validate a `new` expression. * * @param NewExpr $stmt */ protected function validateNewExpression(NewExpr $stmt) { // if class name is an expression or an anonymous class, give it a pass for now if (!$stmt->class instanceof Expr && !$stmt->class instanceof ClassStmt) { $this->ensureClassExists($this->getFullyQualifiedName($stmt->class), $stmt); } } /** * Validate a class constant fetch expression's class. * * @param ClassConstFetch $stmt */ protected function validateClassConstFetchExpression(ClassConstFetch $stmt) { // there is no need to check exists for ::class const for php 5.5 or newer if (strtolower($stmt->name) === 'class' && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5', '>=')) { return; } // if class name is an expression, give it a pass for now if (!$stmt->class instanceof Expr) { $this->ensureClassOrInterfaceExists($this->getFullyQualifiedName($stmt->class), $stmt); } } /** * Validate a class constant fetch expression's class. * * @param StaticCall $stmt */ protected function validateStaticCallExpression(StaticCall $stmt) { // if class name is an expression, give it a pass for now if (!$stmt->class instanceof Expr) { $this->ensureMethodExists($this->getFullyQualifiedName($stmt->class), $stmt->name, $stmt); } } /** * Ensure that no class, interface or trait name collides with a new definition. * * @throws FatalErrorException * * @param Stmt $stmt */ protected function ensureCanDefine(Stmt $stmt) { $name = $this->getFullyQualifiedName($stmt->name); // check for name collisions $errorType = null; if ($this->classExists($name)) { $errorType = self::CLASS_TYPE; } elseif ($this->interfaceExists($name)) { $errorType = self::INTERFACE_TYPE; } elseif ($this->traitExists($name)) { $errorType = self::TRAIT_TYPE; } if ($errorType !== null) { throw $this->createError(sprintf('%s named %s already exists', ucfirst($errorType), $name), $stmt); } // Store creation for the rest of this code snippet so we can find local // issue too $this->currentScope[strtolower($name)] = $this->getScopeType($stmt); } /** * Ensure that a referenced class exists. * * @throws FatalErrorException * * @param string $name * @param Stmt $stmt */ protected function ensureClassExists($name, $stmt) { if (!$this->classExists($name)) { throw $this->createError(sprintf('Class \'%s\' not found', $name), $stmt); } } /** * Ensure that a referenced class _or interface_ exists. * * @throws FatalErrorException * * @param string $name * @param Stmt $stmt */ protected function ensureClassOrInterfaceExists($name, $stmt) { if (!$this->classExists($name) && !$this->interfaceExists($name)) { throw $this->createError(sprintf('Class \'%s\' not found', $name), $stmt); } } /** * Ensure that a statically called method exists. * * @throws FatalErrorException * * @param string $class * @param string $name * @param Stmt $stmt */ protected function ensureMethodExists($class, $name, $stmt) { $this->ensureClassExists($class, $stmt); // if method name is an expression, give it a pass for now if ($name instanceof Expr) { return; } if (!method_exists($class, $name) && !method_exists($class, '__callStatic')) { throw $this->createError(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s()', $class, $name), $stmt); } } /** * Ensure that a referenced interface exists. * * @throws FatalErrorException * * @param $interfaces * @param Stmt $stmt */ protected function ensureInterfacesExist($interfaces, $stmt) { foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { /** @var string $name */ $name = $this->getFullyQualifiedName($interface); if (!$this->interfaceExists($name)) { throw $this->createError(sprintf('Interface \'%s\' not found', $name), $stmt); } } } /** * Get a symbol type key for storing in the scope name cache. * * @param Stmt $stmt * * @return string */ protected function getScopeType(Stmt $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof ClassStmt) { return self::CLASS_TYPE; } elseif ($stmt instanceof InterfaceStmt) { return self::INTERFACE_TYPE; } elseif ($stmt instanceof TraitStmt) { return self::TRAIT_TYPE; } } /** * Check whether a class exists, or has been defined in the current code snippet. * * Gives `self`, `static` and `parent` a free pass. * * @param string $name * * @return bool */ protected function classExists($name) { // Give `self`, `static` and `parent` a pass. This will actually let // some errors through, since we're not checking whether the keyword is // being used in a class scope. if (in_array(strtolower($name), array('self', 'static', 'parent'))) { return true; } return class_exists($name) || $this->findInScope($name) === self::CLASS_TYPE; } /** * Check whether an interface exists, or has been defined in the current code snippet. * * @param string $name * * @return bool */ protected function interfaceExists($name) { return interface_exists($name) || $this->findInScope($name) === self::INTERFACE_TYPE; } /** * Check whether a trait exists, or has been defined in the current code snippet. * * @param string $name * * @return bool */ protected function traitExists($name) { return $this->checkTraits && (trait_exists($name) || $this->findInScope($name) === self::TRAIT_TYPE); } /** * Find a symbol in the current code snippet scope. * * @param string $name * * @return string|null */ protected function findInScope($name) { $name = strtolower($name); if (isset($this->currentScope[$name])) { return $this->currentScope[$name]; } } /** * Error creation factory. * * @param string $msg * @param Stmt $stmt * * @return FatalErrorException */ protected function createError($msg, $stmt) { return new FatalErrorException($msg, 0, 1, null, $stmt->getLine()); } }