<?php namespace SuperClosure\Analyzer\Visitor; use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber as NumberNode; use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ as StringNode; use PhpParser\Node as AstNode; use PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract as NodeVisitor; /** * This is a visitor that resolves magic constants (e.g., __FILE__) to their * intended values within a closure's AST. * * @internal */ final class MagicConstantVisitor extends NodeVisitor { /** * @var array */ private $location; /** * @param array $location */ public function __construct(array $location) { $this->location = $location; } public function leaveNode(AstNode $node) { switch ($node->getType()) { case 'Scalar_MagicConst_Class' : return new StringNode($this->location['class']); case 'Scalar_MagicConst_Dir' : return new StringNode($this->location['directory']); case 'Scalar_MagicConst_File' : return new StringNode($this->location['file']); case 'Scalar_MagicConst_Function' : return new StringNode($this->location['function']); case 'Scalar_MagicConst_Line' : return new NumberNode($node->getAttribute('startLine')); case 'Scalar_MagicConst_Method' : return new StringNode($this->location['method']); case 'Scalar_MagicConst_Namespace' : return new StringNode($this->location['namespace']); case 'Scalar_MagicConst_Trait' : return new StringNode($this->location['trait']); } } }