<?php /* * This file is part of the DebugBar package. * * (c) 2013 Maxime Bouroumeau-Fuseau * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace DebugBar; use DebugBar\DataCollector\AssetProvider; use DebugBar\DataCollector\Renderable; /** * Renders the debug bar using the client side javascript implementation * * Generates all the needed initialization code of controls */ class JavascriptRenderer { const INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTOR = 2; const INITIALIZE_CONTROLS = 4; const REPLACEABLE_TAG = "{--DEBUGBAR_OB_START_REPLACE_ME--}"; const RELATIVE_PATH = 'path'; const RELATIVE_URL = 'url'; protected $debugBar; protected $baseUrl; protected $basePath; protected $cssVendors = array( 'fontawesome' => 'vendor/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'highlightjs' => 'vendor/highlightjs/styles/github.css' ); protected $jsVendors = array( 'jquery' => 'vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', 'highlightjs' => 'vendor/highlightjs/highlight.pack.js' ); protected $includeVendors = true; protected $cssFiles = array('debugbar.css', 'widgets.css', 'openhandler.css'); protected $jsFiles = array('debugbar.js', 'widgets.js', 'openhandler.js'); protected $additionalAssets = array(); protected $javascriptClass = 'PhpDebugBar.DebugBar'; protected $variableName = 'phpdebugbar'; protected $enableJqueryNoConflict = true; protected $useRequireJs = false; protected $initialization; protected $controls = array(); protected $ignoredCollectors = array(); protected $ajaxHandlerClass = 'PhpDebugBar.AjaxHandler'; protected $ajaxHandlerBindToJquery = true; protected $ajaxHandlerBindToXHR = false; protected $openHandlerClass = 'PhpDebugBar.OpenHandler'; protected $openHandlerUrl; /** * @param \DebugBar\DebugBar $debugBar * @param string $baseUrl * @param string $basePath */ public function __construct(DebugBar $debugBar, $baseUrl = null, $basePath = null) { $this->debugBar = $debugBar; if ($baseUrl === null) { $baseUrl = '/vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/Resources'; } $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl; if ($basePath === null) { $basePath = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Resources'; } $this->basePath = $basePath; // bitwise operations cannot be done in class definition :( $this->initialization = self::INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTOR | self::INITIALIZE_CONTROLS; } /** * Sets options from an array * * Options: * - base_path * - base_url * - include_vendors * - javascript_class * - variable_name * - initialization * - enable_jquery_noconflict * - controls * - disable_controls * - ignore_collectors * - ajax_handler_classname * - ajax_handler_bind_to_jquery * - open_handler_classname * - open_handler_url * * @param array $options [description] */ public function setOptions(array $options) { if (array_key_exists('base_path', $options)) { $this->setBasePath($options['base_path']); } if (array_key_exists('base_url', $options)) { $this->setBaseUrl($options['base_url']); } if (array_key_exists('include_vendors', $options)) { $this->setIncludeVendors($options['include_vendors']); } if (array_key_exists('javascript_class', $options)) { $this->setJavascriptClass($options['javascript_class']); } if (array_key_exists('variable_name', $options)) { $this->setVariableName($options['variable_name']); } if (array_key_exists('initialization', $options)) { $this->setInitialization($options['initialization']); } if (array_key_exists('enable_jquery_noconflict', $options)) { $this->setEnableJqueryNoConflict($options['enable_jquery_noconflict']); } if (array_key_exists('use_requirejs', $options)) { $this->setUseRequireJs($options['use_requirejs']); } if (array_key_exists('controls', $options)) { foreach ($options['controls'] as $name => $control) { $this->addControl($name, $control); } } if (array_key_exists('disable_controls', $options)) { foreach ((array) $options['disable_controls'] as $name) { $this->disableControl($name); } } if (array_key_exists('ignore_collectors', $options)) { foreach ((array) $options['ignore_collectors'] as $name) { $this->ignoreCollector($name); } } if (array_key_exists('ajax_handler_classname', $options)) { $this->setAjaxHandlerClass($options['ajax_handler_classname']); } if (array_key_exists('ajax_handler_bind_to_jquery', $options)) { $this->setBindAjaxHandlerToJquery($options['ajax_handler_bind_to_jquery']); } if (array_key_exists('open_handler_classname', $options)) { $this->setOpenHandlerClass($options['open_handler_classname']); } if (array_key_exists('open_handler_url', $options)) { $this->setOpenHandlerUrl($options['open_handler_url']); } } /** * Sets the path which assets are relative to * * @param string $path */ public function setBasePath($path) { $this->basePath = $path; return $this; } /** * Returns the path which assets are relative to * * @return string */ public function getBasePath() { return $this->basePath; } /** * Sets the base URL from which assets will be served * * @param string $url */ public function setBaseUrl($url) { $this->baseUrl = $url; return $this; } /** * Returns the base URL from which assets will be served * * @return string */ public function getBaseUrl() { return $this->baseUrl; } /** * Whether to include vendor assets * * You can only include js or css vendors using * setIncludeVendors('css') or setIncludeVendors('js') * * @param boolean $enabled */ public function setIncludeVendors($enabled = true) { if (is_string($enabled)) { $enabled = array($enabled); } $this->includeVendors = $enabled; if (!$enabled || (is_array($enabled) && !in_array('js', $enabled))) { // no need to call jQuery.noConflict() if we do not include our own version $this->enableJqueryNoConflict = false; } return $this; } /** * Checks if vendors assets are included * * @return boolean */ public function areVendorsIncluded() { return $this->includeVendors !== false; } /** * Disable a specific vendor's assets. * * @param string $name "jquery", "fontawesome", "highlightjs" * * @return void */ public function disableVendor($name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->cssVendors)) { unset($this->cssVendors[$name]); } if (array_key_exists($name, $this->jsVendors)) { unset($this->jsVendors[$name]); } } /** * Sets the javascript class name * * @param string $className */ public function setJavascriptClass($className) { $this->javascriptClass = $className; return $this; } /** * Returns the javascript class name * * @return string */ public function getJavascriptClass() { return $this->javascriptClass; } /** * Sets the variable name of the class instance * * @param string $name */ public function setVariableName($name) { $this->variableName = $name; return $this; } /** * Returns the variable name of the class instance * * @return string */ public function getVariableName() { return $this->variableName; } /** * Sets what should be initialized * * - INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTOR: only initializes the instance * - INITIALIZE_CONTROLS: initializes the controls and data mapping * - INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTOR | INITIALIZE_CONTROLS: initialize everything (default) * * @param integer $init */ public function setInitialization($init) { $this->initialization = $init; return $this; } /** * Returns what should be initialized * * @return integer */ public function getInitialization() { return $this->initialization; } /** * Sets whether to call jQuery.noConflict() * * @param boolean $enabled */ public function setEnableJqueryNoConflict($enabled = true) { $this->enableJqueryNoConflict = $enabled; return $this; } /** * Checks if jQuery.noConflict() will be called * * @return boolean */ public function isJqueryNoConflictEnabled() { return $this->enableJqueryNoConflict; } /** * Sets whether to use RequireJS or not * * @param boolean $enabled * @return $this */ public function setUseRequireJs($enabled = true) { $this->useRequireJs = $enabled; return $this; } /** * Checks if RequireJS is used * * @return boolean */ public function isRequireJsUsed() { return $this->useRequireJs; } /** * Adds a control to initialize * * Possible options: * - icon: icon name * - tooltip: string * - widget: widget class name * - title: tab title * - map: a property name from the data to map the control to * - default: a js string, default value of the data map * * "icon" or "widget" are at least needed * * @param string $name * @param array $options */ public function addControl($name, array $options) { if (count(array_intersect(array_keys($options), array('icon', 'widget', 'tab', 'indicator'))) === 0) { throw new DebugBarException("Not enough options for control '$name'"); } $this->controls[$name] = $options; return $this; } /** * Disables a control * * @param string $name */ public function disableControl($name) { $this->controls[$name] = null; return $this; } /** * Returns the list of controls * * This does not include controls provided by collectors * * @return array */ public function getControls() { return $this->controls; } /** * Ignores widgets provided by a collector * * @param string $name */ public function ignoreCollector($name) { $this->ignoredCollectors[] = $name; return $this; } /** * Returns the list of ignored collectors * * @return array */ public function getIgnoredCollectors() { return $this->ignoredCollectors; } /** * Sets the class name of the ajax handler * * Set to false to disable * * @param string $className */ public function setAjaxHandlerClass($className) { $this->ajaxHandlerClass = $className; return $this; } /** * Returns the class name of the ajax handler * * @return string */ public function getAjaxHandlerClass() { return $this->ajaxHandlerClass; } /** * Sets whether to call bindToJquery() on the ajax handler * * @param boolean $bind */ public function setBindAjaxHandlerToJquery($bind = true) { $this->ajaxHandlerBindToJquery = $bind; return $this; } /** * Checks whether bindToJquery() will be called on the ajax handler * * @return boolean */ public function isAjaxHandlerBoundToJquery() { return $this->ajaxHandlerBindToJquery; } /** * Sets whether to call bindToXHR() on the ajax handler * * @param boolean $bind */ public function setBindAjaxHandlerToXHR($bind = true) { $this->ajaxHandlerBindToXHR = $bind; return $this; } /** * Checks whether bindToXHR() will be called on the ajax handler * * @return boolean */ public function isAjaxHandlerBoundToXHR() { return $this->ajaxHandlerBindToXHR; } /** * Sets the class name of the js open handler * * @param string $className */ public function setOpenHandlerClass($className) { $this->openHandlerClass = $className; return $this; } /** * Returns the class name of the js open handler * * @return string */ public function getOpenHandlerClass() { return $this->openHandlerClass; } /** * Sets the url of the open handler * * @param string $url */ public function setOpenHandlerUrl($url) { $this->openHandlerUrl = $url; return $this; } /** * Returns the url for the open handler * * @return string */ public function getOpenHandlerUrl() { return $this->openHandlerUrl; } /** * Add assets to render in the head * * @param array $cssFiles An array of filenames * @param array $jsFiles An array of filenames * @param string $basePath Base path of those files * @param string $baseUrl Base url of those files */ public function addAssets($cssFiles, $jsFiles, $basePath = null, $baseUrl = null) { $this->additionalAssets[] = array( 'base_path' => $basePath, 'base_url' => $baseUrl, 'css' => (array) $cssFiles, 'js' => (array) $jsFiles ); return $this; } /** * Returns the list of asset files * * @param string $type Only return css or js files * @param string $relativeTo The type of path to which filenames must be relative (path, url or null) * @return array */ public function getAssets($type = null, $relativeTo = self::RELATIVE_PATH) { $cssFiles = $this->cssFiles; $jsFiles = $this->jsFiles; if ($this->includeVendors !== false) { if ($this->includeVendors === true || in_array('css', $this->includeVendors)) { $cssFiles = array_merge($this->cssVendors, $cssFiles); } if ($this->includeVendors === true || in_array('js', $this->includeVendors)) { $jsFiles = array_merge($this->jsVendors, $jsFiles); } } if ($relativeTo) { $root = $this->getRelativeRoot($relativeTo, $this->basePath, $this->baseUrl); $cssFiles = $this->makeUriRelativeTo($cssFiles, $root); $jsFiles = $this->makeUriRelativeTo($jsFiles, $root); } $additionalAssets = $this->additionalAssets; // finds assets provided by collectors foreach ($this->debugBar->getCollectors() as $collector) { if (($collector instanceof AssetProvider) && !in_array($collector->getName(), $this->ignoredCollectors)) { $additionalAssets[] = $collector->getAssets(); } } foreach ($additionalAssets as $assets) { $basePath = isset($assets['base_path']) ? $assets['base_path'] : null; $baseUrl = isset($assets['base_url']) ? $assets['base_url'] : null; $root = $this->getRelativeRoot($relativeTo, $this->makeUriRelativeTo($basePath, $this->basePath), $this->makeUriRelativeTo($baseUrl, $this->baseUrl)); $cssFiles = array_merge($cssFiles, $this->makeUriRelativeTo((array) $assets['css'], $root)); $jsFiles = array_merge($jsFiles, $this->makeUriRelativeTo((array) $assets['js'], $root)); } return $this->filterAssetArray(array($cssFiles, $jsFiles), $type); } /** * Returns the correct base according to the type * * @param string $relativeTo * @param string $basePath * @param string $baseUrl * @return string */ protected function getRelativeRoot($relativeTo, $basePath, $baseUrl) { if ($relativeTo === self::RELATIVE_PATH) { return $basePath; } if ($relativeTo === self::RELATIVE_URL) { return $baseUrl; } return null; } /** * Makes a URI relative to another * * @param string|array $uri * @param string $root * @return string */ protected function makeUriRelativeTo($uri, $root) { if (!$root) { return $uri; } if (is_array($uri)) { $uris = array(); foreach ($uri as $u) { $uris[] = $this->makeUriRelativeTo($u, $root); } return $uris; } if (substr($uri, 0, 1) === '/' || preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z]+:\/\/|[a-zA-Z]:\/|[a-zA-Z]:\\\)/', $uri)) { return $uri; } return rtrim($root, '/') . "/$uri"; } /** * Filters a tuple of (css, js) assets according to $type * * @param array $array * @param string $type 'css', 'js' or null for both * @return array */ protected function filterAssetArray($array, $type = null) { $type = strtolower($type); if ($type === 'css') { return $array[0]; } if ($type === 'js') { return $array[1]; } return $array; } /** * Returns a tuple where the both items are Assetic AssetCollection, * the first one being css files and the second js files * * @param string $type Only return css or js collection * @return array or \Assetic\Asset\AssetCollection */ public function getAsseticCollection($type = null) { list($cssFiles, $jsFiles) = $this->getAssets(); return $this->filterAssetArray(array( $this->createAsseticCollection($cssFiles), $this->createAsseticCollection($jsFiles) ), $type); } /** * Create an Assetic AssetCollection with the given files. * Filenames will be converted to absolute path using * the base path. * * @param array $files * @return \Assetic\Asset\AssetCollection */ protected function createAsseticCollection($files) { $assets = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $assets[] = new \Assetic\Asset\FileAsset($file); } return new \Assetic\Asset\AssetCollection($assets); } /** * Write all CSS assets to standard output or in a file * * @param string $targetFilename */ public function dumpCssAssets($targetFilename = null) { $this->dumpAssets($this->getAssets('css'), $targetFilename); } /** * Write all JS assets to standard output or in a file * * @param string $targetFilename */ public function dumpJsAssets($targetFilename = null) { $this->dumpAssets($this->getAssets('js'), $targetFilename, $this->useRequireJs); } /** * Write assets to standard output or in a file * * @param array $files * @param string $targetFilename * @param bool $useRequireJs */ protected function dumpAssets($files, $targetFilename = null, $useRequireJs = false) { $content = ''; foreach ($files as $file) { $content .= file_get_contents($file) . "\n"; } if ($useRequireJs) { $content = "define('debugbar', ['jquery'], function($){\r\n" . $content . "\r\n return PhpDebugBar; \r\n});"; } if ($targetFilename !== null) { file_put_contents($targetFilename, $content); } else { echo $content; } } /** * Renders the html to include needed assets * * Only useful if Assetic is not used * * @return string */ public function renderHead() { list($cssFiles, $jsFiles) = $this->getAssets(null, self::RELATIVE_URL); $html = ''; foreach ($cssFiles as $file) { $html .= sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s">' . "\n", $file); } foreach ($jsFiles as $file) { $html .= sprintf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>' . "\n", $file); } if ($this->enableJqueryNoConflict && !$this->useRequireJs) { $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict(true);</script>' . "\n"; } return $html; } /** * Register shutdown to display the debug bar * * @param boolean $here Set position of HTML. True if is to current position or false for end file * @param boolean $initialize Whether to render the de bug bar initialization code * @param bool $renderStackedData * @param bool $head * @return string Return "{--DEBUGBAR_OB_START_REPLACE_ME--}" or return an empty string if $here == false */ public function renderOnShutdown($here = true, $initialize = true, $renderStackedData = true, $head = false) { register_shutdown_function(array($this, "replaceTagInBuffer"), $here, $initialize, $renderStackedData, $head); if (ob_get_level() === 0) { ob_start(); } return ($here) ? self::REPLACEABLE_TAG : ""; } /** * Same as renderOnShutdown() with $head = true * * @param boolean $here * @param boolean $initialize * @param boolean $renderStackedData * @return string */ public function renderOnShutdownWithHead($here = true, $initialize = true, $renderStackedData = true) { return $this->renderOnShutdown($here, $initialize, $renderStackedData, true); } /** * Is callback function for register_shutdown_function(...) * * @param boolean $here Set position of HTML. True if is to current position or false for end file * @param boolean $initialize Whether to render the de bug bar initialization code * @param bool $renderStackedData * @param bool $head */ public function replaceTagInBuffer($here = true, $initialize = true, $renderStackedData = true, $head = false) { $render = ($head ? $this->renderHead() : "") . $this->render($initialize, $renderStackedData); $current = ($here && ob_get_level() > 0) ? ob_get_clean() : self::REPLACEABLE_TAG; echo str_replace(self::REPLACEABLE_TAG, $render, $current, $count); if ($count === 0) { echo $render; } } /** * Returns the code needed to display the debug bar * * AJAX request should not render the initialization code. * * @param boolean $initialize Whether or not to render the debug bar initialization code * @param boolean $renderStackedData Whether or not to render the stacked data * @return string */ public function render($initialize = true, $renderStackedData = true) { $js = ''; if ($initialize) { $js = $this->getJsInitializationCode(); } if ($renderStackedData && $this->debugBar->hasStackedData()) { foreach ($this->debugBar->getStackedData() as $id => $data) { $js .= $this->getAddDatasetCode($id, $data, '(stacked)'); } } $suffix = !$initialize ? '(ajax)' : null; $js .= $this->getAddDatasetCode($this->debugBar->getCurrentRequestId(), $this->debugBar->getData(), $suffix); if ($this->useRequireJs){ return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nrequire(['debugbar'], function(PhpDebugBar){ $js });\n</script>\n"; } else { return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n$js\n</script>\n"; } } /** * Returns the js code needed to initialize the debug bar * * @return string */ protected function getJsInitializationCode() { $js = ''; if (($this->initialization & self::INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTOR) === self::INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTOR) { $js .= sprintf("var %s = new %s();\n", $this->variableName, $this->javascriptClass); } if (($this->initialization & self::INITIALIZE_CONTROLS) === self::INITIALIZE_CONTROLS) { $js .= $this->getJsControlsDefinitionCode($this->variableName); } if ($this->ajaxHandlerClass) { $js .= sprintf("%s.ajaxHandler = new %s(%s);\n", $this->variableName, $this->ajaxHandlerClass, $this->variableName); if ($this->ajaxHandlerBindToXHR) { $js .= sprintf("%s.ajaxHandler.bindToXHR();\n", $this->variableName); } elseif ($this->ajaxHandlerBindToJquery) { $js .= sprintf("if (jQuery) %s.ajaxHandler.bindToJquery(jQuery);\n", $this->variableName); } } if ($this->openHandlerUrl !== null) { $js .= sprintf("%s.setOpenHandler(new %s(%s));\n", $this->variableName, $this->openHandlerClass, json_encode(array("url" => $this->openHandlerUrl))); } return $js; } /** * Returns the js code needed to initialized the controls and data mapping of the debug bar * * Controls can be defined by collectors themselves or using {@see addControl()} * * @param string $varname Debug bar's variable name * @return string */ protected function getJsControlsDefinitionCode($varname) { $js = ''; $dataMap = array(); $excludedOptions = array('indicator', 'tab', 'map', 'default', 'widget', 'position'); // finds controls provided by collectors $widgets = array(); foreach ($this->debugBar->getCollectors() as $collector) { if (($collector instanceof Renderable) && !in_array($collector->getName(), $this->ignoredCollectors)) { if ($w = $collector->getWidgets()) { $widgets = array_merge($widgets, $w); } } } $controls = array_merge($widgets, $this->controls); foreach (array_filter($controls) as $name => $options) { $opts = array_diff_key($options, array_flip($excludedOptions)); if (isset($options['tab']) || isset($options['widget'])) { if (!isset($opts['title'])) { $opts['title'] = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $name)); } $js .= sprintf("%s.addTab(\"%s\", new %s({%s%s}));\n", $varname, $name, isset($options['tab']) ? $options['tab'] : 'PhpDebugBar.DebugBar.Tab', substr(json_encode($opts, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT), 1, -1), isset($options['widget']) ? sprintf('%s"widget": new %s()', count($opts) ? ', ' : '', $options['widget']) : '' ); } elseif (isset($options['indicator']) || isset($options['icon'])) { $js .= sprintf("%s.addIndicator(\"%s\", new %s(%s), \"%s\");\n", $varname, $name, isset($options['indicator']) ? $options['indicator'] : 'PhpDebugBar.DebugBar.Indicator', json_encode($opts, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT), isset($options['position']) ? $options['position'] : 'right' ); } if (isset($options['map']) && isset($options['default'])) { $dataMap[$name] = array($options['map'], $options['default']); } } // creates the data mapping object $mapJson = array(); foreach ($dataMap as $name => $values) { $mapJson[] = sprintf('"%s": ["%s", %s]', $name, $values[0], $values[1]); } $js .= sprintf("%s.setDataMap({\n%s\n});\n", $varname, implode(",\n", $mapJson)); // activate state restoration $js .= sprintf("%s.restoreState();\n", $varname); return $js; } /** * Returns the js code needed to add a dataset * * @param string $requestId * @param array $data * @param mixed $suffix * @return string */ protected function getAddDatasetCode($requestId, $data, $suffix = null) { $js = sprintf("%s.addDataSet(%s, \"%s\"%s);\n", $this->variableName, json_encode($data), $requestId, $suffix ? ", " . json_encode($suffix) : '' ); return $js; } }