Commit 5bdd5344 by LJM


parent 689b0854
Showing with 9 additions and 9 deletions
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
<text class="iconfont icon-a-juxing21"></text>
<text class="text">查不到当前数据</text>
<view class="fix-btn row verCenter" v-if="list.length > 1">
<view class="fix-btn row verCenter" v-if="list.length > 0">
<view class="btn1 row rowCenter verCenter" @click="allChnage()">
<text class="check-box-icon" :class="{ curr: filter_list.length > 0 && filter_list.length == filter_id.length }"></text>
<text class="text">{{ filter_id.length == 0 ? '全选' : filter_id.length }}</text>
const API_BASE_USER = ''; //用户系统
const API_BASE_PUR = ''; //采购系统
const API_BASE = ''; //WMS系统
const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
// const API_BASE_USER = ''; //用户系统
// const API_BASE_PUR = ''; //采购系统
// const API_BASE = ''; //WMS系统
// const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
// const API_BASE_USER = ''; //用户系统
// const API_BASE_PUR = ''; //采购系统
// const API_BASE = ''; //WMS系统
// const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
const API_BASE_USER = ''; //用户系统
const API_BASE_PUR = ''; //采购系统
const API_BASE = ''; //WMS系统
const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
const API = {
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