Commit 19b5ff3b by mushishixian


parent a86b8559
The file could not be displayed because it is too large.
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import (
func GetBomItems(bomId int) (bomItems []model.BomItem) {
tableEnd := strconv.FormatInt(int64(bomId), 10)
bomIdStr := strconv.FormatInt(int64(bomId), 10)
tableEnd := string(bomIdStr[len(bomIdStr)-1])
model.Db.Table("lie_bom_item_"+tableEnd).Where("bom_id = ?", bomId).Find(&bomItems)
return bomItems
......@@ -2,10 +2,30 @@ package logic
import (
func GetBomMatchings(bomId int) (bomMatchings []model.BomItem) {
model.Db.Where("bom_id = ?", bomId).Find(&bomMatchings)
return bomMatchings
func BatchSaveMatchings(bomId int, matchingList []model.BomItemMatching) (err error) {
bomIdStr := strconv.FormatInt(int64(bomId), 10)
tableEnd := string(bomIdStr[len(bomIdStr)-1])
tableName := "lie_bom_item_matching_" + tableEnd
for _, matching := range matchingList {
var match model.BomItemMatching
model.Db.Table(tableName).Where("bom_item_id = ?", matching.BomItemID).First(&match)
if match.BomItemID != 0 {
matching.UpdateTime = int(time.Now().Unix())
if err = model.Db.Table(tableName).Model(&match).Updates(matching).Error; err != nil {
} else {
if err = model.Db.Table(tableName).Create(&matching).Error; err != nil {
return nil
......@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ type GoodsMap struct {
func UpdateGoodsData(goodsMapList []GoodsMap) () {
var goodsIds []string
var (
goodsIds []string
bomId int
for _, goodsMap := range goodsMapList {
goodsIds = append(goodsIds, goodsMap.GoodsId)
......@@ -38,16 +41,17 @@ func UpdateGoodsData(goodsMapList []GoodsMap) () {
if err := resp.ToJSON(&responseData); err != nil {
bomMatchingList := map[string]model.BomItemMatching{}
var bomMatchingList []model.BomItemMatching
for _, goodsMap := range goodsMapList {
for _, goods := range responseData.Data {
if goodsMap.GoodsId == goods.GoodsID {
bomId = goodsMap.BomId
bomMatching := model.BomItemMatching{
BomID: goodsMap.BomId,
BomItemID: goodsMap.BomItemId,
GoodsID: goods.GoodsID,
GoodsType: goods.AcType,
GoodsType: goods.GoodsType,
SupplierID: goods.SupplierID,
SupplierName: goods.SupplierName,
CnDelivery: goods.CnDeliveryTime,
......@@ -68,12 +72,23 @@ func UpdateGoodsData(goodsMapList []GoodsMap) () {
bomMatching.LadderPrice = string(ladderPriceStr)
bomMatching.CnPrice = 0
bomMatching.HkPrice = 0
if len(goods.LadderPrice) > 0 {
for _, price := range goods.LadderPrice {
if goodsMap.Number <= price.Purchases {
bomMatching.CnPrice = price.PriceCn
bomMatching.HkPrice = price.PriceUs
bomMatchingList[bomMatching.GoodsID] = bomMatching
bomMatchingList = append(bomMatchingList, bomMatching)
err = BatchSaveMatchings(bomId, bomMatchingList)
if err != nil {
......@@ -71,9 +71,13 @@ func SearchGoods(bomId int, bomItems []model.BomItem) {
if err != nil {
//for _, bom := range bomItems {
// for _, goodsMap := range goodsMapList {
// }
//todo : 先删除第一次已经精确匹配的bom
goodsMapList, err = getUpdateGoodsData(bomId, bomItems, client, true)
if err != nil {
......@@ -111,6 +115,7 @@ func getUpdateGoodsData(bomId int, bomItems []model.BomItem, client *es.Client,
var goodsMap GoodsMap
goodsMap.GoodsId = strconv.FormatInt(int64(goods.GoodsID), 10)
goodsMap.Number = bomItems[key].Number
goodsMap.GoodsName = goods.GoodsName
goodsMap.BomItemId = bomItems[key].BomItemID
goodsMap.BomId = bomId
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package model
type BomItemMatching struct {
// MatchingID 匹配ID
MatchingID int `json:"matching_id"`
MatchingID int `json:"matching_id" gorm:"primary_key"`
// BomID bom主表Id(为了方便逆向查找bom_item表)
BomID int `json:"bom_id"`
// BomItemID bom详情ID
......@@ -41,3 +41,7 @@ type BomItemMatching struct {
// LadderPrice 阶梯价
LadderPrice string `json:"ladder_price"`
func (BomItemMatching) TableName() string {
return "bom_item_matching"
\ No newline at end of file
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