rCount,err:=o.Raw("SELECT c.id AS cid,c.to_account,c.is_session_end, c.last_message,c.last_message_type,c.from_account, c.create_at AS contact_create_at,u.*, IFNULL(m.`count`,0) AS `read` FROM `contact` c LEFT JOIN `user` u ON c.from_account = u.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT to_account,from_account, COUNT(*) as `count` FROM message WHERE `read` = 1 GROUP BY to_account,from_account) m ON m.to_account = c.to_account AND m.from_account = c.from_account WHERE c.to_account = ? AND c.delete = 0 ORDER BY c.create_at DESC",admin.ID).QueryRows(&contactData)
rCount,err:=o.Raw("SELECT c.id AS cid,c.to_account,c.is_session_end, c.last_message,c.last_message_type,c.from_account, c.create_at AS contact_create_at,u.*, IFNULL(m.`count`,0) AS `read` FROM `contact` c LEFT JOIN `user` u ON c.from_account = u.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT to_account,from_account, COUNT(*) as `count` FROM message WHERE `read` = 1 GROUP BY to_account,from_account) m ON m.to_account = c.to_account AND m.from_account = c.from_account WHERE c.to_account = ? AND c.delete = 0 ORDER BY c.create_at DESC",admin.ID).QueryRows(&contactData)