Commit 31953f80 by mushishixian


parent a93db6e8
Showing with 1 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class LogService
if ($key == 'extra_fee') {
$oldFee = json_decode($oldSupplier['extra_fee'], true);
$newFee = json_decode($newSupplier['extra_fee'], true);
if (empty($oldFee) || empty($newFee)) {
if (empty($oldFee['cn']) ||empty($oldFee['hk']) || empty($newFee['cn']) || empty($newFee['hk'])) {
$content = '采购附加费修改';
} else {
$content = "采购附加费由 [商品总价不满" . $oldFee['cn']['max'] . "元,收取" . $oldFee['cn']['price'] . "元;商品总价不满" .
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