Commit 64a90538 by 孙龙


parent 4327d17d
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
......@@ -34,3 +35,18 @@ func Zyh(ctx *gin.Context){
func Index(ctx *gin.Context){
zyhRequest := make(map[string]string,0);
zyhResponse := &model.ZyhResponse{}
for requestName, requstValue := range ctx.Request.Form {
if requstValue[0] != "" {
zyhRequest[requestName] = strings.TrimSpace(requstValue[0])
zyServiceImpl := service.NewZyServiceImpl()
zyhResponse = zyServiceImpl.Index(ctx,zyhRequest)
common.Output(int(zyhResponse.ErrorCode), zyhResponse.ErrorMsg, zyhResponse.Data)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
......@@ -323,3 +324,22 @@ func RemoveSliceString(s []string, i string) []string {
return b
func MapSort(mapList map[int]int) []int{
keys []int
newList []int
newList = make([]int,0)
for _,v:=range mapList{
keys = append(keys,v)
for _,k:=range keys{
newList = append(newList,mapList[k])
return newList
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ func InitRouter() *gin.Engine {
r.POST("/search/bom/recommend", controller.Recommend)
r.POST("search/ZiYing/zyh", controller.Zyh)
r.GET("search/ZiYing/zyh", controller.Zyh)
r.GET("search/ZiYing/index", controller.Index)
r.POST("search/ZiYing/index", controller.Index)
r.POST("search/mouser/GetMouserData", controller.GetMouserData)
r.GET("search/mouser/GetMouserData", controller.GetMouserData)
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func (this *ZyServiceImpl) Zyh(ctx *gin.Context, req map[string]string) (rsp *mo
need_aggs bool
_type byte
isAdmin = true
isAdmin = false
if req["need_aggs"] == "1"{
need_aggs = true
......@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ func zy(req map[string]string,_type byte,isCheck byte) (rsp *model.ZyhResponse){
return rsp
func(this *ZyServiceImpl) Index(ctx *gin.Context, req map[string]string) (rsp *model.ZyhResponse){
req2 := req
zy_orgin_search = common.CopyMapString(req)//原始搜索數據
rsp = searchZiYingGoods(req2,false,nil,nil,1)
return rsp
......@@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ func searchZiYingGoods( req map[string]string,zy bool,classList *model.ZhyClassL
if strings.Contains(k,"/") {
k_temp = strings.Split(k,"/")
if len(k_temp) == 2 {
isok := makeQuery(query,source,k_temp,&goods_temp_status,&v,&keyword,&is_sample)
isok := makeQuery(query,source,k_temp,&goods_temp_status,&v,&keyword,&is_sample,&goods_name_arr)
if !isok {
......@@ -257,8 +263,8 @@ func searchZiYingGoods( req map[string]string,zy bool,classList *model.ZhyClassL
if com_rank,ok :=req["com_rank"];ok && strings.TrimSpace(com_rank) == "1" {
source.Sort("sort",true) //asc
source.Sort("single_price",false) //desc
source.Sort("sort",false) //desc
source.Sort("single_price",true) //asc
defaultSort = false
if defaultSort {
......@@ -269,13 +275,13 @@ func searchZiYingGoods( req map[string]string,zy bool,classList *model.ZhyClassL
length := int64(10)
if offset,ok := req["offset"];ok {
if offsetInt,err:=strconv.ParseInt(offset, 10, 64); err != nil && offsetInt > 0{
if offsetInt,err:=strconv.ParseInt(offset, 10, 64); err == nil && offsetInt > 0{
length = offsetInt
page := int64(1)
if p,ok := req["p"];ok {
if pInt,err:=strconv.ParseInt(p, 10, 64); err != nil && pInt > 0{
if pInt,err:=strconv.ParseInt(p, 10, 64); err == nil && pInt > 0{
page = pInt
......@@ -470,106 +476,113 @@ func searchZiYingGoods( req map[string]string,zy bool,classList *model.ZhyClassL
referer := middleware.Context.GetHeader("Referer")
if flag <= 0 && referer != "" && php2go.Stripos(referer,"/s/?k=",0) == -1{
pagesize := length
totalPage := math.Ceil(float64(hitsTotal)/float64(pagesize))
var total int64
if totalPage > 1{
if hitsTotal > 10000 {
total = 10000
if flag <= 0 && php2go.Stripos(referer,"/s/?k=",0) == -1{
response = getPage(response,length,hitsTotal)
rsp.Data = response
return rsp
func getPage(response map[string]interface{},length int64,hitsTotal int64) map[string]interface{}{
pagesize := length
totalPage := math.Ceil(float64(hitsTotal)/float64(pagesize))
var (
total int64
offsetInt int
err error
if totalPage > 1{
if hitsTotal > 10000 {
total = 10000
total = hitsTotal
_zy_orgin_search := zy_orgin_search
p := _zy_orgin_search["p"]
if p == ""{
p = "1"
offset := _zy_orgin_search["offset"]
offsetInt, err = strconv.Atoi(offset)
if err == nil && offsetInt > 0{
offset = strconv.FormatInt(int64(offsetInt),10)
offsetInt = 10
offset = "10"
if isAdmin {
page := make(map[string]interface{},0)
page["orgin_search"] = _zy_orgin_search
page["total"] = strconv.FormatInt(total,10)
page["current_page"] = p
page["offset"] = offset
if totalPage > 1000{
page["total_page"] = "1000"
total = hitsTotal
page["total_page"] = strconv.FormatInt(int64(totalPage),10)
_zy_orgin_search := zy_orgin_search
p := _zy_orgin_search["p"]
if p == ""{
p = "1"
pageData := make(map[int]int,0)
pInt := int(1)
pInt, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil{
pInt = int(1)
offset := _zy_orgin_search["offset"]
offsetInt, err := strconv.Atoi(offset)
if err == nil && offsetInt > 0{
offset = strconv.FormatInt(int64(offsetInt),10)
offset = "10"
if isAdmin {
page := make(map[string]interface{},0)
page["orgin_search"] = _zy_orgin_search
page["total"] = strconv.FormatInt(total,10)
page["current_page"] = p
page["offset"] = offset
if totalPage > 1000{
page["total_page"] = "1000"
page["total_page"] = strconv.FormatInt(int64(totalPage),10)
pageData := make(map[int]int,0)
pInt := int(1)
pInt, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil{
pInt = int(1)
if pInt > 1000 {
pInt = 1000
if pInt > 1000 {
pInt = 1000
if pInt > 996{
for i:=pInt-10;i<=pInt;i++{
pageData[i] = i
if pInt > 996{
for i:=pInt-10;i<=pInt;i++{
pageData[i] = i
pageNum := 0
for i:=1;i<=int(totalPage);i++{
if pageNum == 10 {
pageNum := 0
for i:=1;i<=int(totalPage);i++{
if pageNum == 10 {
if pInt >6 && pInt <= 996{
if i < pInt -5 || i > pInt+5{
if pInt >6 && pInt <= 996{
if i < pInt -5 || i > pInt+5{
pageData[i] = i
pageData[i] = i
page["page_data"] = pageData
response["page"] = page
page, err := strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil{
page = int(1)
pageSize := 10
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize < 1 {
pageSize = 10
paging := common.Paginator(page, pageSize, 365)
pageHtml := makePageInfo(paging,page)
response["page"] = pageHtml
page["page_data"] = common.MapSort(pageData)
response["page"] = page
response["page"] = map[string]interface{}{"total":totalPage}
page, err := strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil || page < 1 {
page = int(1)
paging := common.Paginator(page, offsetInt, int64(hitsTotal))
pageHtml := makePageInfo(paging,page)
response["page"] = pageHtml
response["page"] = map[string]interface{}{"total":totalPage}
rsp.Data = response
return rsp
return response
func makePageInfo(paginator map[string]interface{},currentPage int) string{
pageHtml := ""
pageHtml += `<div class="pagination">`
pageHtml += fmt.Sprintf(`<a class="prev" href="/product-%d.html">«</a> `,paginator["firstpage"])
......@@ -588,7 +601,7 @@ func makePageInfo(paginator map[string]interface{},currentPage int) string{
func makeQuery(query *elastic.BoolQuery,source *elastic.SearchSource,conditions []string,goods_temp_status *int,searchValue *string,
keyword *string,is_sample *bool) bool{
keyword *string,is_sample *bool,goods_name_arr *[]string) bool{
var (
err error
......@@ -665,6 +678,7 @@ func makeQuery(query *elastic.BoolQuery,source *elastic.SearchSource,conditions
return false
//goods_name_cn 里面装的汉子
reg = regexp.MustCompile(`[\p{Han}]+`)
goods_name_cn := reg.FindAllString(*searchValue,-1)
if len(goods_name_cn) > 0 {
......@@ -672,8 +686,8 @@ func makeQuery(query *elastic.BoolQuery,source *elastic.SearchSource,conditions
goods_name_cn[k] = strings.TrimSpace(v)
//term_v 里面装的非汉子
reg = regexp.MustCompile(`[\P{Han}]+`)
term_v =reg.FindAllString(*searchValue, -1)
if len(term_v) > 0 {
......@@ -681,15 +695,15 @@ func makeQuery(query *elastic.BoolQuery,source *elastic.SearchSource,conditions
term_v[k] = strings.TrimSpace(v)
goods_name_arr := append(term_v,goods_name_cn...)
*goods_name_arr = append(*goods_name_arr,term_v...)
*goods_name_arr = append(*goods_name_arr,goods_name_cn...)
*keyword = *searchValue
for _,v:=range term_v{
if v != ""{
if len(goods_name_arr) > 0{
if len(goods_name_cn) > 0{
query.Must(elastic.NewMatchQuery("goods_name_cn",strings.Join(goods_name_cn," ")).MinimumShouldMatch("100%"))
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