Commit faa39dc5 by mushishixian


parent e2e927e2
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
_ "search_server/controller"
......@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ func main() {
flag.StringVar(&path, "config", "../conf/config.ini", "配置文件")
if err := boot.Boot(path); err != nil {
r := gin.New()
......@@ -31,10 +30,10 @@ func main() {
if err := service.Init(); err != nil {
if err := service.Run(); err != nil {
\ No newline at end of file
syntax = "proto3";
package goods;
message OTHER_ATTRS {
string gross_wegiht = 1;
message LADDER_PRICE {
int64 purchases = 1;
float price_cn = 2;
float price_us = 3;
float price_ac = 4;
message GoodsModel {
OTHER_ATTRS other_attrs = 1;
int64 pick_type = 2;
string barcode = 3;
string goods_id = 4;
int64 goods_type = 5;
int64 supplier_id = 6;
int64 brand_id = 7;
int64 class_id1 = 8;
int64 class_id2 = 9;
string goods_name = 10;
int64 status = 11;
string encoded = 12;
string encap = 13;
int64 packing = 14;
int64 goods_unit = 15;
bool goods_images = 16;
bool pdf = 17;
string goods_brief = 18;
int64 moq = 19;
int64 mpq = 20;
repeated LADDER_PRICE ladder_price = 21;
int64 update_time = 22;
string sku_name = 23;
int64 mpl = 24;
int64 stock = 25;
string attrs = 26;
string cost = 27;
string new_cost = 28;
int64 supplier_stock = 29;
int64 self_supplier_type = 30;
string cn_delivery_time = 31;
string brand_name = 32;
string supplier_name = 33;
string goods_unit_name = 34;
string packing_name = 35;
string mpq_unit_name = 36;
int64 ac_type = 37;
int64 allow_coupon = 38;
string class_id1_name = 39;
string class_id2_name = 40;
int64 is_buy = 41;
string hk_delivery_type = 42;
\ No newline at end of file
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