Commit 2e4c79f2 by mushishixian

Merge branch 'ysx-魔方活动判断优化-20220808' into dev

parents b95c98e1 b6fc36a2
......@@ -155,8 +155,12 @@ func (as *ActivityService) GetPriceActivity(checkData model.ActivityCheckData, a
} else if checkData.SupplierId == 10000 {
if len(activity.BrandIdList) == 0 && len(activity.ClassIdList) == 0 {
if activity.BrandIds == "" && activity.ClassIds == "" {
hasActivity = true
goto INFO
if as.CheckClass(checkData.ClassId, activity) {
package service
import (
func (qs *ZiyingService) skuLockNum(c *redis.Conn, goodsId string) int64 {
reply, err := redis.Values((*c).Do("hvals", "Self_StockLock"+goodsId))
if err != nil {
return 0
var albums []int64
if err := redis.ScanSlice(reply, &albums); err != nil {
return 0
if len(albums) == 0 {
return 0
} else {
var all int64 = 0
for _, n := range albums {
all = all + n
return all
func (qs *ZiyingService) ActivityPrice(ctx *gin.Context, SkuInfo string) *orderedmap.OrderedMap {
data := qs.HDActivityPrice(SkuInfo)
if data != nil {
return data
return nil
func (qs *ZiyingService) GetActivity(skuInfo string) (priceActivity model.PriceActivity, giftActivity model.GiftActivity) {
checkData := model.ActivityCheckData{
SupplierId: 10000,
BrandId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "brand_id").Int()),
ClassId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "class_id2").Int()),
var activityService ActivityService
priceActivity, giftActivity = activityService.GetActivityData(checkData)
ac_type说明: 0 没有活动
活动名称 ac_type 类型
自营系数 6 自营
折扣(系数)活动 10 自营/联营
func (qs *ZiyingService) HDActivityPrice(SkuInfo string) *orderedmap.OrderedMap {
priceActivity, giftActivity := qs.GetActivity(SkuInfo)
ladderPriceArr := gjson.Get(SkuInfo, "ladder_price").Array()
A := orderedmap.New()
if priceActivity.HasActivity && len(ladderPriceArr) > 0 {
ratio := priceActivity.Ratio
ladderType := make([]model.LadderPrice, 0)
for _, v := range ladderPriceArr {
priceCn := v.Get("price_cn").Float()
priceAc := php2go.Round(priceCn*ratio/100*10000) / 10000
ladderType = append(ladderType, model.LadderPrice{
Purchases: v.Get("purchases").Int(),
PriceUs: v.Get("price_us").Float(),
PriceCn: priceCn,
PriceAc: priceAc,
A.Set("activity_info", priceActivity)
A.Set("ladder_price", ladderType)
A.Set("ratio", ratio)
A.Set("ac_type", 10)
if giftActivity.HasActivity {
A.Set("has_gift_activity", 1)
A.Set("gift_activity", giftActivity)
var allowCoupon int
if priceActivity.HasActivity && priceActivity.AllowCoupon == 2 {
allowCoupon = 2
A.Set("allow_coupon", allowCoupon)
if giftActivity.HasActivity && giftActivity.AllowCoupon == 2 {
allowCoupon = 2
A.Set("allow_coupon", allowCoupon)
return A
func (qs *ZiyingService) HDGoodsLimit(SkuID string, Stock string, c *redis.Conn) *orderedmap.OrderedMap {
GoodsLimit, _ := redis.String((*c).Do("get", "Self_GoodsLimit_"+SkuID))
if GoodsLimit == "" {
return nil
start_time := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "start_time").Int()
end_time := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "end_time").Int()
buy_stock := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "buy_stock").Float()
ac_stock := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "ac_stock").Float()
schedule := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "schedule").Float()
allow_coupon := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "allow_coupon").Int()
if start_time < php2go.Time() && end_time > php2go.Time() {
buy := buy_stock / ac_stock * 100
schedule := common.MyRound(buy+schedule, 2)
if schedule < 100 {
A := orderedmap.New()
ladder_price_arr := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "ac_price").Array()
ladderType := make([]model.LadderPrice, 0)
for _, v := range ladder_price_arr {
ladderType = append(ladderType, model.LadderPrice{
Purchases: v.Get("purchases").Int(),
PriceCn: v.Get("price_cn").Float(),
PriceAc: v.Get("price_ac").Float(),
now_stock := ac_stock * ((100 - schedule) / 100)
A.Set("ac_type", 1)
A.Set("ac_id", gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "id").Int())
A.Set("ladder_price", ladderType)
A.Set("ac_stock", ac_stock)
A.Set("stock", now_stock)
A.Set("schedule", schedule)
A.Set("activity_end_time", end_time)
if allow_coupon > 0 {
A.Set("allow_coupon", allow_coupon)
} else {
A.Set("allow_coupon", 1)
if now_stock > common.MyFloat64(Stock) || now_stock == 0 {
return nil
return A
return nil
package service
import (
func (qs *ZiyingService) skuLockNum(c *redis.Conn, goodsId string) int64 {
reply, err := redis.Values((*c).Do("hvals", "Self_StockLock"+goodsId))
if err != nil {
return 0
var albums []int64
if err := redis.ScanSlice(reply, &albums); err != nil {
return 0
if len(albums) == 0 {
return 0
} else {
var all int64 = 0
for _, n := range albums {
all = all + n
return all
func (qs *ZiyingService) ActivityPrice(ctx *gin.Context, SkuInfo string) *orderedmap.OrderedMap {
data := qs.HDActivityPrice(SkuInfo)
if data != nil {
return data
return nil
func (qs *ZiyingService) GetActivity(skuInfo string) (priceActivity model.PriceActivity, giftActivity model.GiftActivity) {
checkData := model.ActivityCheckData{
SupplierId: 10000,
BrandId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "brand_id").Int()),
GoodsId: gjson.Get(skuInfo, "goods_id").String(),
ClassId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "class_id2").Int()),
var activityService ActivityService
priceActivity, giftActivity = activityService.GetActivityData(checkData)
ac_type说明: 0 没有活动
活动名称 ac_type 类型
自营系数 6 自营
折扣(系数)活动 10 自营/联营
func (qs *ZiyingService) HDActivityPrice(SkuInfo string) *orderedmap.OrderedMap {
priceActivity, giftActivity := qs.GetActivity(SkuInfo)
ladderPriceArr := gjson.Get(SkuInfo, "ladder_price").Array()
A := orderedmap.New()
if priceActivity.HasActivity && len(ladderPriceArr) > 0 {
ratio := priceActivity.Ratio
ladderType := make([]model.LadderPrice, 0)
for _, v := range ladderPriceArr {
priceCn := v.Get("price_cn").Float()
priceAc := php2go.Round(priceCn*ratio/100*10000) / 10000
ladderType = append(ladderType, model.LadderPrice{
Purchases: v.Get("purchases").Int(),
PriceUs: v.Get("price_us").Float(),
PriceCn: priceCn,
PriceAc: priceAc,
A.Set("activity_info", priceActivity)
A.Set("ladder_price", ladderType)
A.Set("ratio", ratio)
A.Set("ac_type", 10)
if giftActivity.HasActivity {
A.Set("has_gift_activity", 1)
A.Set("gift_activity", giftActivity)
var allowCoupon int
if priceActivity.HasActivity && priceActivity.AllowCoupon == 2 {
allowCoupon = 2
A.Set("allow_coupon", allowCoupon)
if giftActivity.HasActivity && giftActivity.AllowCoupon == 2 {
allowCoupon = 2
A.Set("allow_coupon", allowCoupon)
return A
func (qs *ZiyingService) HDGoodsLimit(SkuID string, Stock string, c *redis.Conn) *orderedmap.OrderedMap {
GoodsLimit, _ := redis.String((*c).Do("get", "Self_GoodsLimit_"+SkuID))
if GoodsLimit == "" {
return nil
start_time := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "start_time").Int()
end_time := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "end_time").Int()
buy_stock := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "buy_stock").Float()
ac_stock := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "ac_stock").Float()
schedule := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "schedule").Float()
allow_coupon := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "allow_coupon").Int()
if start_time < php2go.Time() && end_time > php2go.Time() {
buy := buy_stock / ac_stock * 100
schedule := common.MyRound(buy+schedule, 2)
if schedule < 100 {
A := orderedmap.New()
ladder_price_arr := gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "ac_price").Array()
ladderType := make([]model.LadderPrice, 0)
for _, v := range ladder_price_arr {
ladderType = append(ladderType, model.LadderPrice{
Purchases: v.Get("purchases").Int(),
PriceCn: v.Get("price_cn").Float(),
PriceAc: v.Get("price_ac").Float(),
now_stock := ac_stock * ((100 - schedule) / 100)
A.Set("ac_type", 1)
A.Set("ac_id", gjson.Get(GoodsLimit, "id").Int())
A.Set("ladder_price", ladderType)
A.Set("ac_stock", ac_stock)
A.Set("stock", now_stock)
A.Set("schedule", schedule)
A.Set("activity_end_time", end_time)
if allow_coupon > 0 {
A.Set("allow_coupon", allow_coupon)
} else {
A.Set("allow_coupon", 1)
if now_stock > common.MyFloat64(Stock) || now_stock == 0 {
return nil
return A
return nil
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