Commit 77e2a838 by mushishixian


parent 9d0b9c9e
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ require ( v2.0.0-20190816093944-a6b53ec6cb22 v2.4.0 // indirect v1.2.0 // indirect v1.0.1
package model
type Activity struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
SupplierIds string `json:"supplier_ids"`
SupplierIdList []string
SupplierType int `json:"supplier_type"`
UserScope int `json:"user_scope"`
CanAdminOrder interface{} `json:"can_admin_order"`
SignText string `json:"sign_text"`
BrandIds string `json:"brand_ids"`
BrandIdList []string
ClassIds string `json:"class_ids"`
ClassIdList []string
Canals string `json:"canals"`
CanalList []string
Ratio float64 `json:"ratio"`
RatioUs float64 `json:"ratio_us"`
StartTime int `json:"start_time"`
EndTime int `json:"end_time"`
AddTime int `json:"add_time"`
UpdateTime int `json:"update_time"`
Status int `json:"status"`
AllowCoupon int `json:"allow_coupon"`
ActivityName string `json:"activity_name"`
ShowName string `json:"show_name"`
Sign string `json:"sign"`
ActivityType int `json:"activity_type"`
GoodsScope int `json:"goods_scope"`
ExcludeBrandIds string `json:"exclude_brand_ids"`
ExcludeBrandIdList []string
ExcludeSkuIds string `json:"exclude_sku_ids"`
ExcludeSkuIdList []string
SkuIds string `json:"sku_ids"`
SkuIdList []string
AdminId int `json:"admin_id"`
AdminName string `json:"admin_name"`
ActivityId int `json:"activity_id"`
ItemList []ActivityItem `json:"item_list"`
EntireSupplierActivity bool `json:"entire_supplier_activity"`
Id int64 `json:"id"`
SupplierIds string `json:"supplier_ids"`
SupplierIdList []string
SupplierType int `json:"supplier_type"`
UserScope int `json:"user_scope"`
CanAdminOrder interface{} `json:"can_admin_order"`
SignText string `json:"sign_text"`
BrandIds string `json:"brand_ids"`
BrandIdList []string
ClassIds string `json:"class_ids"`
ClassIdList []string
Canals string `json:"canals"`
CanalList []string
Ratio float64 `json:"ratio"`
RatioUs float64 `json:"ratio_us"`
StartTime int `json:"start_time"`
EndTime int `json:"end_time"`
AddTime int `json:"add_time"`
UpdateTime int `json:"update_time"`
Status int `json:"status"`
AllowCoupon int `json:"allow_coupon"`
ActivityName string `json:"activity_name"`
ShowName string `json:"show_name"`
Sign string `json:"sign"`
ActivityType int `json:"activity_type"`
GoodsScope int `json:"goods_scope"`
ExcludeBrandIds string `json:"exclude_brand_ids"`
ExcludeBrandIdList []string
ExcludeSkuIds string `json:"exclude_sku_ids"`
ExcludeSkuIdList []string
SkuIds string `json:"sku_ids"`
SkuIdList []string
AdminId int `json:"admin_id"`
AdminName string `json:"admin_name"`
ActivityId int `json:"activity_id"`
ItemList []ActivityItem `json:"item_list"`
EntireSupplierActivity bool `json:"entire_supplier_activity"`
StandardBrandIds string `json:"standard_brand_ids"`
StandardBrandIdList []string
ExcludeStandardBrandIds string `json:"exclude_standard_brand_ids"`
ExcludeStandardBrandIdList []string
type ActivityItem struct {
......@@ -54,9 +58,10 @@ type ActivityItem struct {
type ActivityCheckData struct {
SupplierId int
BrandId int
GoodsId string
Canal string
ClassId int
SupplierId int
BrandId int
StandardBrandId int
GoodsId string
Canal string
ClassId int
......@@ -21,21 +21,8 @@ func (as *ActivityService) GetActivityData(checkData model.ActivityCheckData) (p
supplierId := checkData.SupplierId
redisCon := gredis.Conn("default_r")
defer redisCon.Close()
activityStr, _ := redis.String(redisCon.Do("hget", "lie_gift_activity", supplierId))
if activityStr != "" {
var activities []model.Activity
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(activityStr), &activities)
if err != nil {
if len(activities) != 0 {
giftActivity = as.GetGiftActivity(checkData, activities)
activityStr, _ = redis.String(redisCon.Do("hget", "lie_price_activity", supplierId))
activityStr, _ := redis.String(redisCon.Do("hget", "lie_price_activity", supplierId))
if activityStr != "" {
var activities []model.Activity
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(activityStr), &activities)
......@@ -135,7 +122,7 @@ func (as *ActivityService) GetPriceActivity(checkData model.ActivityCheckData, a
if as.CheckExcludeSku(checkData.GoodsId, activity) || as.CheckExcludeBrand(checkData.BrandId, activity) {
if as.CheckExcludeSku(checkData.GoodsId, activity) || as.CheckExcludeStandardBrand(checkData.StandardBrandId, activity) {
......@@ -145,7 +132,7 @@ func (as *ActivityService) GetPriceActivity(checkData model.ActivityCheckData, a
if activity.BrandIds != "" {
if as.CheckBrand(checkData.BrandId, activity) {
if as.CheckStandardBrand(checkData.StandardBrandId, activity) {
hasActivity = true
goto INFO
......@@ -165,7 +152,7 @@ func (as *ActivityService) GetPriceActivity(checkData model.ActivityCheckData, a
if activity.BrandIds != "" {
if as.CheckBrand(checkData.BrandId, activity) {
if as.CheckStandardBrand(checkData.StandardBrandId, activity) {
hasActivity = true
goto INFO
......@@ -175,8 +162,9 @@ func (as *ActivityService) GetPriceActivity(checkData model.ActivityCheckData, a
} else {
if as.CheckBrand(checkData.BrandId, activity) {
if as.CheckStandardBrand(checkData.StandardBrandId, activity) {
hasActivity = true
goto INFO
......@@ -226,6 +214,21 @@ func (as *ActivityService) CheckExcludeBrand(brandId int, activity model.Activit
return false
func (as *ActivityService) CheckExcludeStandardBrand(standardBrandId int, activity model.Activity) bool {
if standardBrandId == 0 {
return false
activity.ExcludeStandardBrandIdList = strings.Split(activity.ExcludeStandardBrandIds, ",")
standardBrandIdStr := gconv.String(standardBrandId)
if php2go.InArray(standardBrandIdStr, activity.ExcludeStandardBrandIdList) {
return true
return false
func (as *ActivityService) CheckExcludeSku(skuId string, activity model.Activity) bool {
if skuId == "" {
......@@ -270,6 +273,21 @@ func (as *ActivityService) CheckBrand(brandId int, activity model.Activity) bool
return false
func (as *ActivityService) CheckStandardBrand(standardBrandId int, activity model.Activity) bool {
if standardBrandId == 0 {
return false
activity.StandardBrandIdList = strings.Split(activity.StandardBrandIds, ",")
standardBrandIdStr := gconv.String(standardBrandId)
if php2go.InArray(standardBrandIdStr, activity.StandardBrandIdList) {
return true
return false
func (as *ActivityService) CheckCanal(canal string, activity model.Activity) bool {
if canal == "" {
......@@ -205,11 +205,12 @@ func (ls *LyService) LyGoodsDetail(ctx *gin.Context, goodsIds []string, ch chan
func (ls *LyService) GetActivity(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
checkData := model.ActivityCheckData{
SupplierId: int(sku.SupplierId),
BrandId: int(sku.BrandId),
GoodsId: sku.GoodsId,
Canal: sku.Canal,
ClassId: sku.ClassID2,
SupplierId: int(sku.SupplierId),
BrandId: int(sku.BrandId),
StandardBrandId: int(sku.StandardBrand.StandardBrandId),
GoodsId: sku.GoodsId,
Canal: sku.Canal,
ClassId: sku.ClassID2,
var activityService ActivityService
priceActivity, giftActivity := activityService.GetActivityData(checkData)
......@@ -278,10 +278,11 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
cnDiscountRatio += 1
usDiscountRatio += 1
cnDiscountRatio = common.MyRound(cnDiscountRatio+1, 3)
usDiscountRatio = common.MyRound(usDiscountRatio+1, 3)
sku.DiscountRatio.Ratio = cnDiscountRatio
sku.DiscountRatio.RatioUsd = usDiscountRatio
fmt.Println("折扣系数 : ", cnDiscountRatio, usDiscountRatio)
......@@ -362,6 +363,7 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
sku.PriceRatio = priceRatioList
sku.PriceRatioSort = priceRatioSort
fmt.Println("售价组系数 : ", priceRatioList)
ratio, _ := redis.String(redisCon.Do("HGET", "pool_supplier_ratio", sku.SupplierId))
......@@ -414,6 +416,8 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
coefficient = defaultCoefficient
fmt.Println("供应商系数 : ", coefficient)
// 为何是固定的1.13,关税基本不会变,有变的话跟产品沟通手动修改即可
......@@ -448,7 +452,6 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
data[key].PriceCn = common.MyRound(priceCn, 4)
data[key].PriceCostCn = common.MyRound(priceCostCn, 4)
......@@ -461,7 +464,6 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
if (sku.GoodsType == 1 || sku.GoodsType == 2) && sku.AcType > 1 && sku.Ratio > 0 {
priceAc := common.MyRound(data[key].PriceCn*(sku.Ratio/100), 4)
......@@ -51,10 +51,11 @@ func (qs *ZiyingService) ActivityPrice(ctx *gin.Context, SkuInfo string) *ordere
func (qs *ZiyingService) GetActivity(skuInfo string) (priceActivity model.PriceActivity, giftActivity model.GiftActivity) {
checkData := model.ActivityCheckData{
SupplierId: 10000,
BrandId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "brand_id").Int()),
GoodsId: gjson.Get(skuInfo, "goods_id").String(),
ClassId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "class_id2").Int()),
SupplierId: 10000,
BrandId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "brand_id").Int()),
StandardBrandId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "standard_brand.standard_brand_id").Int()),
GoodsId: gjson.Get(skuInfo, "goods_id").String(),
ClassId: int(gjson.Get(skuInfo, "class_id2").Int()),
var activityService ActivityService
priceActivity, giftActivity = activityService.GetActivityData(checkData)
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