Commit c8399857 by 杨树贤


parent acacf9fb
......@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ type DiscountRatio struct {
type PriceRatio struct {
Ratio float64 `json:"ratio"`
RatioUsd float64 `json:"ratio_usd"`
Ratio float64 `json:"ratio"`
RatioUsd float64 `json:"ratio_usd"`
Purchases int64 `json:"purchases,omitempty"`
type PriceActivity struct {
......@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ import (
_ "go_sku_server/pkg/mongo"
......@@ -211,10 +209,8 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
if len(ladderPrice) > 0 {
if ladderPrice[0].PriceCostUs == 0 && ladderPrice[0].PriceCostCn == 0 {
generatedLadderPrice, priceRatio := priceService.GenerateLadderPrice(sku)
ladderPrice = generatedLadderPrice
sku.PriceRatio = priceRatio
sku.PriceRatioSort = -1
sku = priceService.GenerateLadderPrice(sku)
ladderPrice = sku.LadderPrice
data = make([]model.LadderPrice, len(ladderPrice))
......@@ -259,154 +255,14 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
redisCon := gredis.Conn("default_r")
defer redisCon.Close()
sku = priceService.GetDiscountRatio(sku)
sku, priceRatioList := priceService.GetPriceRatio(sku)
isDefaultPriceRatio := false
priceRatioCache, _ := redis.String(redisCon.Do("HGET", "magic_cube_price_rule_channel", sku.SupplierId))
checkNullRation := gjson.Get(priceRatioCache, "ladder_price").String()
if priceRatioCache == "" || checkNullRation == "{}" {
isDefaultPriceRatio = true
priceRatioCache, _ = redis.String(redisCon.Do("GET", "magic_cube_price_rule_channel_default"))
var priceRatioSort int
var priceRatioList []model.PriceRatio
foundRatio := false
if isDefaultPriceRatio {
} else {
priceRatioSortMap := gjson.Get(priceRatioCache, "ladder_price").Map()
var sortNumbers []int
for sortNumberString, _ := range priceRatioSortMap {
sortNumber, _ := strconv.Atoi(sortNumberString)
sortNumbers = append(sortNumbers, sortNumber)
sortNumbers = sorter.IntSliceSortDesc(sortNumbers)
for _, sortNumber := range sortNumbers {
priceRatioSort = sortNumber
priceRatioList = nil
sortString := strconv.Itoa(sortNumber)
priceRatioArr := gjson.Get(priceRatioCache, "ladder_price."+sortString).Array()
for _, value := range priceRatioArr {
var priceRatio model.PriceRatio
priceRatio.Ratio = gjson.Get(value.String(), "ratio").Float()
priceRatio.RatioUsd = gjson.Get(value.String(), "ratio_usd").Float()
priceRatioList = append(priceRatioList, priceRatio)
var hasSpecialCheck = false
goodsNames := gjson.Get(priceRatioCache, "goods_name."+sortString).String()
if goodsNames != "" {
hasSpecialCheck = true
goodsNameList := strings.Split(goodsNames, "@€@")
if php2go.InArray(sku.GoodsName, goodsNameList) {
foundRatio = true
brandIds := gjson.Get(priceRatioCache, "brand."+sortString).String()
if brandIds != "" {
hasSpecialCheck = true
standardBrandIdList := strings.Split(brandIds, ",")
standardBrandId := strconv.Itoa(sku.StandardBrand.StandardBrandId)
if php2go.InArray(standardBrandId, standardBrandIdList) {
foundRatio = true
eccns := gjson.Get(priceRatioCache, "eccn."+sortString).String()
if eccns != "" {
hasSpecialCheck = true
eccnList := strings.Split(eccns, ",")
for _, eccn := range eccnList {
if strings.Replace(eccn, "%", "", 10) == "" {
if strings.Contains(eccn, "%") {
hasPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(eccn, "%")
hasSuffix := strings.HasSuffix(eccn, "%")
if hasPrefix && hasSuffix {
eccn = strings.Replace(eccn, "%", "", 10)
if strings.Contains(sku.Eccn, eccn) {
foundRatio = true
break outerLoop
if hasPrefix && !hasSuffix {
eccn = strings.Replace(eccn, "%", "", 10)
if strings.HasSuffix(sku.Eccn, eccn) {
foundRatio = true
break outerLoop
if !hasPrefix && hasSuffix {
eccn = strings.Replace(eccn, "%", "", 10)
if strings.HasPrefix(sku.Eccn, eccn) {
foundRatio = true
break outerLoop
} else {
if sku.Eccn == eccn {
foundRatio = true
break outerLoop
if hasSpecialCheck {
foundRatio = true
if !foundRatio {
priceRatioCache, _ = redis.String(redisCon.Do("GET", "magic_cube_price_rule_channel_default"))
priceRatioArr := gjson.Get(priceRatioCache, "ladder_price").Array()
priceRatioList = nil
for _, value := range priceRatioArr {
var priceRatio model.PriceRatio
priceRatio.Ratio = gjson.Get(value.String(), "ratio").Float()
priceRatio.RatioUsd = gjson.Get(value.String(), "ratio_usd").Float()
priceRatioList = append(priceRatioList, priceRatio)
priceRatioSort = -1
sku.PriceRatio = priceRatioList
sku.PriceRatioSort = priceRatioSort
/** 这里是供应商系数,先保留这块逻辑 **/
ratio, _ := redis.String(redisCon.Do("HGET", "pool_supplier_ratio", sku.SupplierId))
if ratio == "" {
logger.Select("sku_query").Error("系数获取异常,供应商:" + c.ToString(sku.SupplierId))
......@@ -456,6 +312,7 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
if !hasCoefficient {
coefficient = defaultCoefficient
// 为何是固定的1.13,关税基本不会变,有变的话跟产品沟通手动修改即可
......@@ -473,7 +330,7 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
data[key].Purchases = price.Purchases
//这里去取对应的售价利润阶梯的时候,是往下匹配的,比如 阶梯价是 1,2,3 售价组利润是 1,2,3,4,5,那么123对应的是售价组利润的345
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