Commit acfa40db by LJM


parent b4d96310
\ No newline at end of file
const URL_API="/";//ajax域名
const PUBLICXK="{{$public}}";//资源文件文件目录 js公用变量
const SO_URL="{{$so_url}}";//资源文件文件目录 js公用变量
const URL_API = "/";//ajax域名
const PUBLICXK = "{{$public}}";//资源文件文件目录 js公用变量
const SO_URL = "{{$so_url}}";//资源文件文件目录 js公用变量
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It is SEMOUR ELECTRONICS’ (SEMOUR) policy to comply fully with all relevant laws and regulations administered by the countries in which SEMOUR conducts global trade. Under no circumstances will SEMOUR sell or ship product contrary to applicable export control laws and trade regulations.
<br/><br/>In view of the particularity of the goods SEMOUR sells, we make a special statement as follows:
<br/><br/>SEMOUR’s distributors, resellers, customers, and end-users are responsible for compliance with U.S. export control and import laws and regulations when exporting, re-exporting, importing, or otherwise transferring any SEMOUR products or technology, including products derived from or based on such technology (collectively, “SEMOUR’s Products”). These laws impose restrictions on the shipment or transfer of SEMOUR’s Products to certain countries and persons, and/or on the ultimate end-uses of such products. It is your responsibility to be aware of applicable export control and import restrictions and comply with them. SEMOUR assumes no responsibility or liability for your failure to comply. Failure to comply with U.S. and non-U.S. export control laws and trade regulations can result in civil and criminal penalties to individuals and businesses. If your behaviour cause losses to SEMOUR, we will claim compensation from you.
<br/><br/>By purchasing, selling, using, or otherwise transferring SEMOUR’s Products you agree to comply with all applicable export and reexport control laws and regulations, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”), the International Traffic in Arms Regulations administered by the U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defence Trade Controls, and trade sanctions administered by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”). Specifically, you agree that you will not, directly or indirectly, without any required government authorization, sell, export, reexport, transfer, divert, or otherwise dispose of any SEMOUR’s Products to:
<br/><br/>1.any country or territory that is not authorized to receive the SEMOUR’s Products based on their applicable licensing jurisdiction and export control classification;
<br/><br/>2.any country or territory that is a designated state sponsor of terrorism or subject to comprehensive U.S. trade sanctions (currently, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Russia, Ukraine and any country added subsequently);
<br/><br/>3.any person or entity on a U.S. Government list of prohibited persons, including but not limited to the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List, and Foreign Sanctions Evaders List, administered by OFAC; and the Denied Persons List, Entity List, and Unverified List, administered by BIS;
<br/><br/>4.any person or entity with knowledge or reason to know that SEMOUR’s Products will be used for a prohibited end use, including activities related to the research, development, design, manufacture, construction, operation or maintenance of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons;
<br/><br/>5.any “MILITARY END USER” or any person or entity with knowledge or reason to know that SEMOUR’s Products will be used for a “military end use,” as defined and subject to the license requirements in Section 744.21 of the EAR; or
<br/><br/>6.any military-intelligence end user, as defined and subject to the license requirements in Section 744.22 of the EAR.
<br/><br/><br/>Important announcement: SEMOUR reserves the right to terminate the Service and this agreement without prior notice in case the Client is in breach of any of the terms hereof.
It is SEMOUR ELECTRONICS’ (SEMOUR) policy to comply fully with all relevant laws and regulations administered by the countries in which SEMOUR conducts global trade. Under no circumstances will SEMOUR sell or ship product contrary to applicable export control laws and trade regulations.
<br/><br/>In view of the particularity of the goods SEMOUR sells, we make a special statement as follows:
<br/><br/>SEMOUR’s distributors, resellers, customers, and end-users are responsible for compliance with U.S. export control and import laws and regulations when exporting, re-exporting, importing, or otherwise transferring any SEMOUR products or technology, including products derived from or based on such technology (collectively, “SEMOUR’s Products”). These laws impose restrictions on the shipment or transfer of SEMOUR’s Products to certain countries and persons, and/or on the ultimate end-uses of such products. It is your responsibility to be aware of applicable export control and import restrictions and comply with them. SEMOUR assumes no responsibility or liability for your failure to comply. Failure to comply with U.S. and non-U.S. export control laws and trade regulations can result in civil and criminal penalties to individuals and businesses. If your behaviour cause losses to SEMOUR, we will claim compensation from you.
<br/><br/>By purchasing, selling, using, or otherwise transferring SEMOUR’s Products you agree to comply with all applicable export and reexport control laws and regulations, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”), the International Traffic in Arms Regulations administered by the U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defence Trade Controls, and trade sanctions administered by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”). Specifically, you agree that you will not, directly or indirectly, without any required government authorization, sell, export, reexport, transfer, divert, or otherwise dispose of any SEMOUR’s Products to:
<br/><br/>1.any country or territory that is not authorized to receive the SEMOUR’s Products based on their applicable licensing jurisdiction and export control classification;
<br/><br/>2.any country or territory that is a designated state sponsor of terrorism or subject to comprehensive U.S. trade sanctions (including Entity List, Specially Designated National or any other sanction list, currently include Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria,Russia, Ukraine and any country added subsequently);
<br/><br/>3.any person or entity on a U.S. Government list of prohibited persons, including but not limited to the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List, and Foreign Sanctions Evaders List, administered by OFAC; and the Denied Persons List, Entity List, and Unverified List, administered by BIS;
<br/><br/>4.any person or entity with knowledge or reason to know that SEMOUR’s Products will be used for a prohibited end use, including activities related to the research, development, design, manufacture, construction, operation or maintenance of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons;
<br/><br/>5.any “MILITARY END USER” or any person or entity with knowledge or reason to know that SEMOUR’s Products will be used for a “military end use,” as defined and subject to the license requirements in Section 744.21 of the EAR; or
<br/><br/>6.any military-intelligence end user, as defined and subject to the license requirements in Section 744.22 of the EAR.
<br/><br/>Important announcement: SEMOUR reserves the right to terminate the Service and this agreement without prior notice in case the Client is in breach of any of the terms hereof.
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