Commit bc9d17b6 by Joneq


parent b7d67be7
...@@ -56,13 +56,11 @@ func main() { ...@@ -56,13 +56,11 @@ func main() {
for _,v :=range companyData{ for _,v :=range companyData{
insertScoreMsg.ComCreditsId = stringTurnInt64(v["id"]) insertScoreMsg.ComCreditsId = stringTurnInt64(v["id"])
getCompanyRunInfo(c) getCompanyRunInfo(c)
CompanyInfo() CompanyInfo()
AddScore() AddScore()
HistoryBussiness() HistoryBussiness()
//PersonalCredit() EnterPriseCredit()
} }
//赋值完关闭通道 //赋值完关闭通道
package main package main
p_currentScore float64
p_totalScore [11]float64
//个人征信(30分) //个人征信(30分)
func PersonalCredit() { func PersonalCredit() {
Age() Age()
...@@ -13,61 +19,248 @@ func PersonalCredit() { ...@@ -13,61 +19,248 @@ func PersonalCredit() {
NumberOfCreditInquiryInThePastTwoMonths() NumberOfCreditInquiryInThePastTwoMonths()
TotalCreditCardLimit() TotalCreditCardLimit()
MaximumAmountOfSingleCreditCard() MaximumAmountOfSingleCreditCard()
sumScore float64 = 0
joinNum float64 = 0
for i :=0;i < len(totalScore) ; i++ {
if totalScore[i] != 0 {
joinNum += 1
sumScore += totalScore[i] * 0.5
sumScore = sumScore / joinNum
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = sumScore,sumScore,sumScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//年龄(1分) //年龄(1分)
func Age() { func Age() {
age := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["age"])
if age > 30 && age <50 {
p_currentScore = 1
} else {
p_currentScore = 0
p_totalScore[0]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//婚姻状况(1分) //婚姻状况(1分)
func MaritalStatus() { func MaritalStatus() {
marital_status := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["marital_status"])
if marital_status == 1 {
p_currentScore = 1
} else {
p_currentScore = 0
p_totalScore[1]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//违约账户比(2分) //违约账户比(2分)
func DefaultAccountRatio() { func DefaultAccountRatio() {
account_ratio := stringTurnFloat64(companySoreFields["account_ratio"])
if account_ratio < 20 {
p_currentScore = 2
} else {
p_currentScore = 0
p_totalScore[2]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//对外担保(5分) //对外担保(5分)
func ExternalGuarantee() { func ExternalGuarantee() {
guaranty := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["guaranty"])
if guaranty == 1 {
p_currentScore = 0
} else {
p_currentScore = 5
p_totalScore[3]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//近2年内30天内逾期次数(3分) //近2年内30天内逾期次数(3分)
func SumBeOverdueMonthTwoYesar() { func SumBeOverdueMonthTwoYesar() {
two_years_th_days_overdue_times := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["two_years_th_days_overdue_times"])
if two_years_th_days_overdue_times < 1 {
p_currentScore = 3
} else {
p_currentScore = 0
p_totalScore[4]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//近2年内最大逾期金额(3分) //近2年内最大逾期金额(3分)two_years_max_overdue_amount
func MaxBeOverdueTwoYears() { func MaxBeOverdueTwoYears() {
two_years_max_overdue_amount := stringTurnFloat64(companySoreFields["two_years_max_overdue_amount"])
if two_years_max_overdue_amount >= 10000 {
p_currentScore = 0
} else if two_years_max_overdue_amount >= 5000 && two_years_max_overdue_amount < 10000 {
p_currentScore = 1
}else if two_years_max_overdue_amount >= 2000 && two_years_max_overdue_amount < 5000 {
p_currentScore = 2
}else if two_years_max_overdue_amount >= 0 && two_years_max_overdue_amount < 2000 {
p_currentScore = 3
p_totalScore[5]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//是否存在当前逾期(3分) //是否存在当前逾期(3分)
func IsBeOverdue() { func IsBeOverdue() {
is_exist_now_overdue := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["is_exist_now_overdue"])
if is_exist_now_overdue == 1 {
p_currentScore = 0
} else {
p_currentScore = 3
p_totalScore[6]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//有无房贷(1分) //有无房贷(1分)
func IsMortgage() { func IsMortgage() {
presence_of_mortgage := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["presence_of_mortgage"])
if presence_of_mortgage == 1 {
p_currentScore = 0
} else {
p_currentScore = 1
p_totalScore[7]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//近两个月征信查询次数(5分) //近两个月征信查询次数(5分)
func NumberOfCreditInquiryInThePastTwoMonths() { func NumberOfCreditInquiryInThePastTwoMonths() {
two_months_credit_view_nums := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["two_months_credit_view_nums"])
if two_months_credit_view_nums == 0 {
p_currentScore = 5
} else if two_months_credit_view_nums == 1 {
p_currentScore = 3
}else if two_months_credit_view_nums == 2 {
p_currentScore = 2
}else if two_months_credit_view_nums == 3 {
p_currentScore = 1
}else if two_months_credit_view_nums >= 4 {
p_currentScore = 0
p_currentScore = 0
p_totalScore[8]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//信用卡总额度(3分) //信用卡总额度(3分)
func TotalCreditCardLimit() { func TotalCreditCardLimit() {
credit_card_total := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["credit_card_total"])
if credit_card_total >= 200000 {
p_currentScore = 3
} else {
p_currentScore = 0
p_totalScore[9]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
//单张信用卡最高额度(3分) //单张信用卡最高额度(3分)
func MaximumAmountOfSingleCreditCard() { func MaximumAmountOfSingleCreditCard() {
maximum_credit_card_limit := stringTurnInt64(companySoreFields["maximum_credit_card_limit"])
if maximum_credit_card_limit >= 100000 {
p_currentScore = 3
} else {
p_currentScore = 0
p_totalScore[10]= p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.FinalScore ,insertScoreMsg.TotalScore,insertScoreMsg.CurrentScore = p_currentScore,p_currentScore,p_currentScore
insertScoreMsg.Weight = 50
} }
...@@ -2,24 +2,47 @@ package dao ...@@ -2,24 +2,47 @@ package dao
import ( import (
"context" "context"
"" ""
"kaopu-server/internal/model" "kaopu-server/internal/model"
"time" "time"
) )
//增加记录 //增加或者修改记录
func (d *dao) InsertScores(ctx context.Context,score model.Scores) (insertId int64,err error) { func (d *dao) InsertScores(ctx context.Context,score model.Scores) (insertId int64,err error) {
insertSql := "INSERT INTO `lie_scores` (`type`, `project_pid`, `project_id`, `total_score`, `current_score`, `weight`, `final_score`, `com_credits_id`, `create_time`)VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" var(
exitId int
execSql string
affectNum int64
err = d.db.QueryRow(ctx,"select id from lie_scores where `type` = ? and project_pid = ? and project_id = ? and com_credits_id = ? limit 0,1", score.Type,score.ProjectPid,score.ProjectId,score.ComCreditsId).Scan(&exitId)
if err != nil {
fmt.Print("save list fail")
row,err := d.db.Exec(ctx,insertSql,score.Type,score.ProjectPid,score.ProjectId,score.TotalScore,score.CurrentScore,score.Weight,score.FinalScore,score.ComCreditsId,time.Now().Unix()) if exitId == 0 {
execSql = "INSERT INTO `lie_scores` (`type`, `project_pid`, `project_id`, `total_score`, `current_score`, `weight`, `final_score`, `com_credits_id`, `create_time`)VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
row,err := d.db.Exec(ctx,execSql,score.Type,score.ProjectPid,score.ProjectId,score.TotalScore,score.CurrentScore,score.Weight,score.FinalScore,score.ComCreditsId,time.Now().Unix())
if err != nil {
log.Error("db.DemoExec.Exec(%s) error(%v)", execSql, err)
affectNum,_ = row.LastInsertId()
execSql = "update `lie_scores` set `type` = ?, `project_pid` = ?, `project_id` = ?, `total_score` = ?, `current_score` = ?, `weight` = ?, `final_score` = ?, `com_credits_id` = ?, `update_time` = ? where `type` = ? and project_pid = ? and project_id = ? and com_credits_id = ?"
row,err := d.db.Exec(ctx,execSql,score.Type,score.ProjectPid,score.ProjectId,score.TotalScore,score.CurrentScore,score.Weight,score.FinalScore,score.ComCreditsId,time.Now().Unix(),score.Type,score.ProjectPid,score.ProjectId,score.ComCreditsId)
if err != nil {
log.Error("db.DemoExec.Exec(%s) error(%v)", execSql, err)
affectNum,_ = row.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
log.Error("db.DemoExec.Exec(%s) error(%v)", insertSql, err)
} }
insertId = affectNum
defer d.db.Close() defer d.db.Close()
return return
} }
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