Commit a6e9a965 by 朱继来


parent 1a8a0a33
Showing with 6 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -914,9 +914,14 @@ Class AddOrderController extends Controller
foreach ($excel as $k => $v) {
$res = $BrandBlackListModel->setBlackList($request, $v[0], $v[1]);
if ($res[0] == 0) continue;
if ($res[0] == 0) {
errorLog(0, '导入成功,品牌名:'.$v[0].',公司名:'.$v[1].',操作人ID:'.$request->user->userId);
$err[] = '第'.($k+1).'行导入失败,原因:'.$res[1];
errorLog(Error::E_IMPORT_TEMP_ERR, '第'.($k+1).'行导入失败,原因:'.$res[1].',操作人ID:'.$request->user->userId);
if (!empty($err)) return ['errcode' => 3, 'errmsg' => '请检查导入表格,'.implode('; ', $err)];
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